Does anyone else here agree that griefing is the most fun thing you can do on a game? It's just raw...

Does anyone else here agree that griefing is the most fun thing you can do on a game? It's just raw, undiluted joyous fun in a way that playing by the rules never could be. I think you have to be a connoisseur to understand and appreciate this simple truth.

For me it started 17 years ago on CoD 1.1, the retail release had no anti-cheat, and I've been aimbotting, team killing, wallhacking, blocking, ramming, duplicating, spamming, griefing, scripting etc etc ever since. FPS games, racing games, RPGs, RTSs, all wonderful griefing opportunities. CoD, CSS, CSGO, BF3, Guild Wars, WoW, Forza. Those are just the highlights, any game with voice chat or text chat will do. Just countless hours of griefing. My favourite griefing times were on BF3, I'm pretty sure they patched the game because of me and my friends. On the flip side some games I have been so good at that it becomes akin to griefing, though when you can stomp any player you come across it's satisfying but it isn't... *fun*. when you're bending the rules, and they know it, it's just wonderful.

What are you guys griefing on lately?

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That's what I'm here for ;)

griefing is a lost art, zoomers decided that such behavior is "toxic" now.

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I don't really give a fuck about making strangers mad. Never understood the appeal. I'd rather be fucking around with my friends in a multiplayers game.

trolling old tf2 and gmod servers with friends was the most fun i've ever had in games, and even now just the act of making everyone confused or angry is funnier than actually playing the game because the gameplay itself nowadays keeps getting worse.

Incels get mad when they cant get what they want, so they destroy those who have what they dont to make themselves feel better
>but its for trolling!
Yeah, maybe if you're trolling with someone. Doing it by yourself is sad

It was fun when I was a kid.

Not anymore.

my favourite part about playing video games is enjoying them with others. Griefing is mean and since I derive enjoyment when others have fun, griefing would ruin my own fun.

Griefing on hardcore search and destroy was funny as fuck

It's fun to ruin someone else's fun. Except if it's a child, then I feel bad.

holy shit fucking faggot alert

what happened to you Yas Forums

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To latch onto OP's post, something is definitely lost with mainstream gaming now compared to what it was.
It's so 'streamlined' that part of the fun is gone. Breaking games is fun: but it's simply not allowed anymore. Follow the rules, follow the 'meta', games worrying about being political correct even in a fantasy universe. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want my dog to be caught with those gamers rise up idiots, or gamers in general mostly, but the fun is being taken away slowly but surely. A good (and original preferably) griefing/ trolling can be so good it has the victim laughing.

You were never funny

Yas Forums used to be about a lot more than mean spergs, hold your tongue you fresh outta diapers punk bitch.

me and my friend trolled on Fistful of Frags for a while and it was a lot more fun than just playing the game. just talking over-the-top shit and being obnoxious as fuck to the players with mics was a lot of fun. but the community is really small so i think we are done.

I'm not into it. I only enjoy it when people I know in real life are suffering. The pain of some random retard on the internet doesn't sustain me.

but if you spend most of your gaming time cheating you probably just want to larp as a gud player

We grew up

Yas Forums was actually good at video games many years ago so we never used cheats unlike redditards
get the fuck out you skillless cunt

Based Psycho

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Nah. After having sex and interacting with actual humans I cringe at the memories of me wasting hours to ruin a game because of petty reasons.

I consider it a form of meta pvp, it really is a lost art due to this generations colddling. Thought police get out of my vidya.

Most reactions to griefing aren't funny. Griefing consists of 99% being a huge faggot and 1% actually getting a funny reaction. Griefers are autists who will spend hours fucking up random people's games for a small chance of something entertaining happening.

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The satisfaction of being called a cheater while not cheating because you are good at the game is far better than cheating.

Get good you fucking casual.

>getting butthurt because people kick you for cheating
Is there anything more pathetic?

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I remember watching this episode as a kid laughing at the guy. Now I realize that I am him. Hair and all.


>have all my alts in classic as different classes
>level them all up enough to get access to buffs
>cycle through them all in a major city buffing the shit out of a single guy preparing to raid
>push his expensive flask/elixir/world buffs off the bar because of the buff limit

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Is there anything more pathetic?
ur reply

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Join Baka

I generally just leave people alone, but if some turd tries griefing me, then I come back and fuck them twice as hard, or like if I see some shit doing it to someone else then I light their ass up. I dont play online games anymore, GTA online was the last online game I played. I would download mod menus for giving myself cash and wouldnt bother anyone until some little fag on his brand new Oppressor mk2 comes playing games. I'd let them go if they just killed me once but if the fucker starts spawn camping me then its on. It was fun locking them in cages and spamming orbital strikes until they rage quit or putting them in infinite loading screens.

Get cancer and die