Holy fuck CDPR devs are cocky

Holy fuck CDPR devs are cocky

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When you have released two master pieces without fucking the consumer in the assr ight after each other, you're allowed to be.

Why wouldn't they be? They are normies choice at the moment.

they're still riding the Witcher 3 high. We'll see if it works out for Cyberpunk.

I know it's anecdote but the poles I usually encounter online are very deluded and arrogant. They think they are some hit shit.

>master pieces
more like master pisses

>two master pieces back to back
You mean Witcher + Witcher 2?
Or Witcher 3 + Witch Adventure, the iOS Game?
Or Witcher 3+ Gwent?

>two master pieces
>right after each other
oh, you're counting withcer 2...

Witcher 3 was pretty bad. There are several classes of differences between Witcher 3 sword combat and Sekiro sword combat. They don't have much to be proud of except that they spent a lot of time making huge detailed world, but Ubisoft makes that with every game

The only Polish dude I know who I met in Yas Forums was an excellent person. Incredibly kind and considerate and very pleasant to be around.

why is witcher 3 considered one of the best games ever made when its combat is Mediocre at best?

>as soon as Cyberpunk is out

Yeah would be nice if you retards could follow a deadline and actually release it.

Why are you comparing games in completely different genres and that were released 4 years apart from each other? You compare Bloodborne to Witcher 3 and we all know how that turned out sales/awards wise. Sit down little guy.

10. Dragon Quest XI
9. Dragon's Dogma
8. Dragon Age: Origins
7. Skyrim
6. Disco Elysium
5. Persona 5 Royal
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
3. Mass Effect 2
2. New Vegas
1. Witcher 3

Their list if you're interested. Listed it as the video went along hence it's from worst to best.

It's actually not anymore, and this picture is already outdated

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better sales and video game awards don't mean a better game.Bloodborne is a far better game than witcher 3.

because combat isnt what made the game good in many peoles opinion

All I'm getting from this list is how lackluster RPGs have been since the early 2000s.

>dew dew dew dew dude we're in the future but everything is shitty

dqxi, dragon's dogma and p5r are the only rpgs on that list. the rest are missing the "g" part.

> Not even Reddit has Shitcher 3 anymore
Jesus it fell off hard

Combat is the most crucial thing when it comes to video games.

People from one country who spend most of their time interacting with people internationally tend to be arrogant, politically active, and from already cosmopolitan urban areas.

funny, that sounds like the average american you see on this forum

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>Dragon's Dogma
Feels like half of a very good game
>Dragon Age Origins
I swear it's an inside joke to say this is a good game
>Persona 5 Royal
If you have the patience
>Mass Effect 2
>Wild Guy

The combat was fun to me, and it wasn't the main sell of the game.

it is when your game is about a mutant who hunts monsters for a living


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>why is Planescape is considered one of the best games ever made when its combat is Bad at best?
>Why SH2 is considered one of the best games ever made when its combat is Bad at best?
Are you one of these people who autisticly rate every aspect of the game and then post average score?

Thats literally your subjective opinion. Some people think the story is crucial, or the world is crucial, or the mechanics are crucial, its all opinion.

So CP2077 is RPG after all...

>Why yes, I suck small Japanese cock whenever I get the chance, how did you know?
JRPGs are fucking garbage lmao

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Fuck off, as if you wouldn't be as well.

Imagine being some Slav shit with nothing but a prayer and a dream. It's you, Boris, your half decent coder Jakub and a bottle of Vodka against EA, Bioware and 2,000 of their best paid Californian feminists.

Yet with hard work, EU subsidies and actual knowledge of your subject matter you turn a mediocre Netherwind Nights clone into one of the strongest WRPG brands on the planet.

I'd be cocky too.

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You have to leave

thread theme

>I swear it's an inside joke to say this is a good game
I'll bite; what do you think makes it a bad game?
Yeah, that one is weird unless they're counting mods, but then that's just cheating.

if witcher 3 can't be one of the bests because of the combat than why are all the old janky games that Yas Forums loves to suck off and brag about allowed to be considered masterpieces

They just think their new work is going to shit all over their old work. Seems confident to me, only time will tell though.

>gameplay being important in a game is subjective

Imagine caring about cyberpunk at this point

>Yas Forums is one person

hey if they would have made the release date they declared, they could have been on that list
better luck next time, pollacks

>Divinity:Original Sin 2 is not at second place
>Disco Elysium is not at third place
>no Kingmaker
>no Tyranny
>weeb garbage on the list
Shit list. Do these people even play RPGs?

Not true.
For Honor has better combat than Bloodborne, The Witcher, Sekiro, Nioh, and basically any other 3D melee combat game but nobody gives a fuck about the game, not even you. It's other non-combat elements that attract you to those games.

Okay but what did Witcher 3 do better than other games?

I absolutely hated Mass Effect 1, should I still give 2 a chance?

I have never played a Zelda game

So Planescape and SH2 are bad games for you, lil zoom?

What did you hate about ME1? 2 is a very different game.

>n-not a hivemind i swear




This week. Wait until next week and it will be a survival horror. Cyberpunk 2077 is genrefluid and it's beautiful and valid.

FACT: gameplay is more crucial than story, world, or gimmick mechanics

Whats wrong with the tweet exactly? How the game turns out aside, this is just good marketing. Hes taking the opportunity to hype the game up. "Yeah that game was good, but our next game will blow you out of the water!" is what youre supposed to be saying and its why Cyberpunk will sell well. What would you like him to say "our next game will be shit! Yas Forums was right just like with Tortanic!"?

>10. Dragon Quest XI
is this game actually good? seems like the most banal shit boring jrpg stereotype ever made

>Not a single strategy game

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ME2 is a shooter with rpg elements, combat is a bit outdated since at its core it's just a thrid person cover shooter.
The history gets very retarded too.

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and there comes the soulfags to cope

But it's true. There is more depth, more moves, better cancelling mechanics, more hit states, etc. Make an argument or don't.

Gotta love at how Femshep is recognized as the canon shep now.

>wow over 100 awards
>must be a good fucking game

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>mass effect 3
>top ten modern rpg

I don't need to see the rest of the list, I already know it's shit.

>Persona 5: Railroad is more of an RPG than New Vegas

It's the worse combat system ever created, even Todd had a word on it and said it was completely shit

>I swear it's an inside joke to say this is a good game
pls explained i liked it

>Why of course I don't have an argument, how could you tell?

Man, Femshep looks like she was designed by a tumblrina, why do people like her again?

Anyone who unironically has Tetris or Doom on their list should be kicked in the dick

Let me guess, somebody made a post on Reddit and you decided to repost this here.

For honor doesn't even have a proper campaign.while its combat is more polished its in no way better and more enjoyable than something like sekiro.

TW3 was terrible and cyberpunk isn't an rpg.

Thank Gorion they didn't list the dullest RPG of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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>mfw the Witcher and Souls games are some of my all time favorites

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>Some people think the story is crucial or the world is crucial
These people are irrelevant, the only thing that matters is gameplay
>mechanics are crucial
Same thing as combat and gameplay.

someone post nu-female v

Probably not. 1 has some short comings like driving that buggy to explore planets gets old pretty damn quick. The combat is more refined and classes are more unique in the second game, but the game is still at it's core the same as ME1 : Walking around from NPC to NPC completing quests.

Witcher 3 is fucking trash. Why would I play a game where you can have sex.

Someone got bodied, huh? The combat is literally Souls/Nioh combat with much more depth and balance.

Mordhau has better combat that for honor


You don't remember how Femshep was going to be a blonde, Samus looking type until actual, literal Tumblr lost their shit over how she looked like a bimbo?

Of course we should be glad this happened in 2012 and not three years later when she would absolutely be a nigger instead

>The only Polish dude I know who I met in Yas Forums was an excellent person. Incredibly kind and considerate and very pleasant to be around.

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what is the nature of a "modern" rpg? the post-kotor streamline?

I like this. maybe their cockiness will motivate other western dev studios to GIT GUD.

More to gameplay than just combat aspie.


>No argument.
>"""Expert testimony""" is a guy that never made a game with good combat

>Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
-King James Version of the Bible, Book of Proverbs, 16:18
This is gonna be tortanic 2 screencap this.

games should be focused on gameplay.if you want a cinematic story go watch a fucking movie you cunt.