Why does this game suffer from so many bad design choices...

why does this game suffer from so many bad design choices? is it so hard to make grab attacks not the teleport the player character after ten years of making these games?

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It's a huge ogre, why don't you just jump away from the grab?

>he just arrived at the chained giant and made a frustration thread about it

defense force has arrived. ogre is killed easily with fire like the game tells you. please come defend this game with issues dark souls 2 has.

Sekiro is my favourite action game of all time. I will even make a bold claim that it is the greatest action game of all time (DMCfags need to accept this)

Git gud. You're playing a masterpiece and you're too dull to see it.

i too enjoy games where bosses teleport you into their grab while rotating in place to match your dodge

Tengu is the final boss
Genichiro kills Kuro

who even grabs you besides the Ape
I don't remember any grab attacks

>snake eyes

i already know so nice try

I finished this game months ago, yet his thread immediately remember that cannon wielding guy.

>snake eyes
Parry the grab

It has good and bad design choices because they made an effort to try new things and innovate. Grabs were one of the bad design decisions in my opinion.

ill do that while im poisoned fighting other enemies or fighting the boss on a slope which inherently, but ill keep this in mind when i can use it

this answer makes sense, i wish the stealth wasnt so bare bones

>start an argument about a game
>complain when someone argues back
Fucking retard

just for old times sake

Attached: goty.webm (640x360, 1.35M)

>ask a question
>starting an arguement

the jank grab boxes are objectively bad

While it looks silly that the ogre changes direction like that, the player would've been hit by that grab regardless of the "teleport".

or put a hitbox on parts of the body that deal less damage so they dont teleport

Not even once did I get hit by a grab attack that wasn't due to myself being retarded. In fact I was impressed with the hitboxes in general, sometimes shouting out in surprise because I was sure I would be hit but a last minute animation barely saved my hide.

I love Sekiro but some of the grabs are fucking ridiculous, that can't be argued. You don't have to think every aspect of a game is perfect to like the game.

it is necessary because From has a fan base of shit eaters. if they start making good games, then they lose their fan base that expects retarded gameplay non-stop.

no, this is good game design. Theres something that you COULD have possibly done, so this cannot possibly be bad game design. I am a niggerfaggot that will eat semen so long as the semen is considered "hardcore".

never get tired of posting this bad boy.

git gud it’s GOTY for a reason

you only need to fight 2 enemies on your way to her...

you can almost taste the tears

Attached: 1574361929349.png (329x352, 125.71K)

Grab always have janky interaction with character model in every action game and fighting game. Many games try to give an illusion by zooming the camera in or change camera angle when the grab connects.

Attached: 6849FF96-0167-441B-97FF-9AB3013F16C2.jpg (1024x803, 139.84K)

I beat lady butterfly yesterday and found her easier than the spear mini boss guy. I imagined she would be way tougher. Kino fight though

You fought her incredibly late. She's supposed to be the second boss

he was clearly talking about monk dude, not seven ashina spears

I fucking love this game and I have beaten it twice, but I gotta admit, the grab is too hard, and mikiri is too easy, I wish they would fix that.

good luck with the rest of the game


FromSoft has gotten away with not fixing known issues with their games that have existed since Demon's Souls. AI still have wonky pathing, their weapons still pass through walls and attacks still connect when they shouldn't

There is not a single encounter in the game where grabs aren't manageable other than ogre.

yeah the timing for mikiri is way too forgiving