Comfy switch thread

Comfy switch thread

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fellow tweak reportin in

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I think your chicken tenders are moldy


my nintendo switch collects dust

Mystery Dungeon or Animal Crossing? Also, is it safe to use eshop yet? I wanna grab south park.

Most ideal way to play Final Fantasy VII imo. The graphics may be a bit outdated but they contain plenty of soul and look great on a smaller screen.

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cringe, reminds me of that redditard eating cereal and smoking weed while watching rick and morty

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And can someone tell my why most of the potheads are such brainlets?

What strain is that? Looks medium. I only use my switch for Ring Fit. What game is worth playing if you aren't the Animal Crossing crowd.

>use my switch for Ring Fit
>not the Animal Crossing crowd

if you blaze a bunch before your brain is fully formed, you stunt your brain growth

my switch screen is popping out of the console what the fuck

>haha i make same thread over and over with same image

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I had a threesome with two tweaker whores a few years ago. It really wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Potheads are like bitches, always seeking attention

>Hurr durr I smoek weed e'ryday lmfao
>You don't smoke weed? LOOOOSER BRO

>you like doing pushups and squats
>thus you like animal crossing
I can't go to the gym and my weights are limited. Probably the best way to keep an organized workout to supplement whatever you are doing for your main workouts.


lol u mad?

thats not true


i bet you feel so smug about this post. nice job retard

lol u too dumb for a comeback bro ?

You could google it right now and see that its true or could stay in denial like a faggot

Imagine actually getting upset over pictures of weed because you're a friendless loser who was never invited to smoke pot and hang out

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ya he mad lol

>tfw no weed


ya he too dumb for an actual comeback lol

Uhh children shouldnt be doing drugs. Reporting to cpa.

too busy decorating my house in ac


Imagine actually getting upset over pictures of cunny because you're a friendless loser who was never invited to lick loli cunny and hang out

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>making excuses now
np, we already knew youre too dumb bro


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its absolutely true you underage pothead lobotomite

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>Implying I have a problem with cute and funny posters

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>black mold on his tile floor
>no bedsheets
oh no no no


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