Best outfit is unlocked for completing the final DLC when there is nothing left to do in the game

>best outfit is unlocked for completing the final DLC when there is nothing left to do in the game

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Bumping for Cyborg Spider-Man

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The best looking suit is the canon default suit

All I wanted was to use the simple classic suit but the color and fabric looked like shit.

isn't it open world game? those are bound to have at least 3 zillion things to collect and shit after finishing game

What about the Spider-Verse suit?

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That's always an issue in games. Same shit in RPGs/JRPGs where the optional insanely difficult boss gives you some kind of reward. But then if it doesn't give a reward people feel like the hardest challenge in the game was one of the least rewarding to complete. It's a game design problem that is not as bad when it's something that's just fun (like an optional costume for Spiderman) but even that you feel stupid continuing to play a game you already completed fully just to look as your now pointless reward. I think the best rewards are ones that aren't good or used during normal gameplay, like modes that are for fun, over powered NG+ modes, cheat menus, that sort of thing. Let the player just do the shit they've always wanted while playing through it but you couldn't let them do for game design reasons.

It was only just a handful of challenges, the only thing really left to do in the game is stop petty crimes. At least Bam Ham had leaderboards and way more challenges.

Spider-verse suit is awesome and looks great in action. My only criticism with it is that the cartoonish proportions was a little bit jarring when interacting with the regular looking people.

Pretty sure NG+ was a last minute add-on once they realized people were getting the Platinum in a matter of days. NG+ even has the opening tutorials

Haven't played the DLCs but
>1.Vintage Comic Book Suit
>2.Scarlet Spider Suit
>3.tie between Spider-Punk and Noir

DLC suits weren't that great. Pic related and Iron Spider were my favorite new ones but it bugs me that they can't emote so I just went back to the Last Stand suit in between story missions

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The best outfit is the Raimi one, which unlocks the gay pride flag burning mini game.

Spider-Man PS4 is probably one of the best examples of a game I adored playing the first time, but would never ever replay again.

I burned out after S6 were introduced. There’s not enough going on in this game to keep me interested for more than like 6 hours

how did sony let them get away with it?

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too orange. I had to use the homecoming suit just to get that crimson red

It already became a slog halfway. Game sure is pretty but the combat needs a complete overhaul for the sequel, shit is boring

I don't particularly like Spiderman. Is this game still worth getting?

>they can't emote

That's how masks work.

If you see it cheap sure, its a solid 6'5 game (on a non gaming journo scale)

>Play with Raimi suit
>talk to Miles
>His body ragdolls to the floor and stops speaking
>can't progress any further


>you have to beat RE3 to unlock costumes
>you have to beat RE4 to unlock costumes
>you have to beat RE5 to unlock costumes
This is nothing new, unlocked stuff like this after you've already done everything has been going on since the 90's. Before OP was even born.

Some masks have eye and mouth/jaw movement, homie.

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I hope you aren't implying that ugly turd is the best outfit

>daily lonely sonygher thread

rent free

Bagman costume is funny and looks great but also makes me wish he had a normal F4 themed mask variation

Nobody remembers deathlok

>Using any suit besides Raimi

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>22 posters
Stay mad

I wanted to like this game buy the combat feels like pillows