Plebfilter games
One of my favourite games. Just read the notes, bro.
I didn't follow the story but completed the game with like 180 deaths. Skillz
Were people really confused by this story? I swear, nothing short of just screaming short caveman sentences at the top of your lungs works for storytelling anymore. Modern people are so freaking stupid goddamn.
People are stupid and don't like to think while playing video games. Evil Within had a good story and told it well. Just had to pay attention. It's a shame they took the "story confusing" critism to heart and dumbed down the sequel.
>open world ruins another series
2nd game was so fucking bad
this game had stellar pacing
TEW's story never mattered anyway. It's merely a vehicle for the gameplay like all of Mikami's other games. TEW2 ended up being an even more absurd story for trying so hard.
I mean Japanese stories are for the mentally retarded.
Story isn't the problem. In fact the story is pretty good.
It's the out of place stealth gameplay that sucks ass.
The story is fine, it's everything else that's dogshit
I really wish the stealth wasnt there, make it more like resident evil 4.
So is this game any good? I'm scared I'm not gonna like it. I just want something as fun as RE4 bros. It seems people either love or hate this game.
>make it more like resident evil 4
why would you want it to be more like a bad game?
you forgot the heckin' x-erino babytalk to round off your shitpost
It's legitimately a masterpiece and the people who didn't like it are legitimately lowclass plebs. You need a strong stomach to make it past the beginning of the game, though. There are some truly disgusting/grotesque things going on in the game.
Low effort bait.
Try again.
It's mediocre I never had as much fun with it as I did with RE4
Some good art direction but that's the only thing I can say it does well
amazing game
Story and setting/concept is good but it's nowhere near as fun a RE4 thanks to their efforts in trying to differentiate it by adding stealth mechanics that honestly don't belong in a survivor horror game or an action game. Just ends up feeling like it doesn't know what it wants to be.
I didn't enjoy the sequel as much. Liked the linear playthrough of 1 first, it fits the game.
And the never did anything with Ruvik in the sequel.
Gunplay is awful. Whoever though putting the camera so fucking close to the hand was retarded. Should have just made it first person if they wanted that.
gay reddit word.
First game is a bona fide masterpiece. I don't get the complaints about the stealth, if I was in a survival horror situation with limited resources I'd fucking sneak around too.
i love how punishing it is with ammo
The thing you gotta understand about it is that the game is fundamentally unfair.
RE4 is hard at points, but always fair. Leon is given some really powerful tools, like an AoE kick with i-frames. Guns can get absurdly powerful. And enemies will be polite. They will tell you when they're sneaking up behind you, for example. There are challenges, but the player is always given fair warning and clearly shown the tools they need to overcome those challenges.
TEW is designed to fuck you over. The use of matches is never properly explained in-game, a lot of people think that it works like Crimson Heads in REmake, which it doesn't. There are traps everywhere, and some of them are underwater and cannot be seen. Enemies are merciless, they do not stand politely and allow you to headshot them. You will be locked in a room with an enemy with an instant-kill move that is also nearly-immune to gunfire. And then another boss with an instant-kill grab that runs faster than you do. The game is fundamentally not fair to the player. It is designed to fuck you up. But when you get good, you will be rewarded. Shock and freeze bolts, matches, bottles, stealth kills... when used properly these can all be game-breaking. It's fun as fuck once you learn all the little tricks, like shooting bombs to kill enemies instead of defusing them. And the game is absolute kino, despite also being janky as fuck.
It's not for everyone, and it's not very similar to RE4, but if you put the time into it then you will be rewarded.
Tfw had no problem with ammo
Me neither. Once you actually learn the mechanics stealth is just a waste of time.
I had so much fucking ammo and trap parts at the end of the game, it felt so good.
I just went nuts with the basic crossbow bolt since it dealt so much goddamn damage.
It was especially great for dealing with those keeper cunts (guys with the safe heads and giant hammers). I feel bad for anyone that actually used up ammo on those bastards.
The witch bitch who you had to burn was awful to fight. Just trial and error. The second game had much better segments, even if they weren't as scary.