Lets talk about horror games

and post recommendations

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>horror game thread
>it's always ps2 japanese jank

these are the good ones tho

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what else is there?

As much as I LOVE Resident Evil, it's an action game. I think it always has been honestly, at the very least since Resident Evil 3. I wish big publishers would make games of this quality and production value that are actually horror games. Hell Capcom owns Clock Tower, why not reboot that? It would be about at risky as a totally new IP but I think they could make it work if they did something like Haunting Ground
I can't even explain why but that's just where all the best ones are. No two systems combined compare to the sum of good horror games on PS2
Unless you count PC but I don't need to explain why that's cheating

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I am too much of a bitch for horror games.
The only ones I was able to play trough completition were dead space games, the suffering, condemned and fear 2. Mostly because they are more action than horror.

I tried playing alien isolation and I couldn't get past the first alien envounter after it stabbed me in the back.

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theres no horror games besides siren after the ps3

>Metacritic 57/100

>i need people to tell me whats good and whats bad
you need to be 18 years or older to post on this website

Fantastic along witth the first game (which is on PS4 under PS2 classics) and Rebirth on the PS3, if you wrap your head around sightjacking mechanism and isoteric mission structures.

2 is Criminally overlooked because of JP and EU only release. Not sure how it emulates. If you have a PS2, free mcboot and can SMB network share the iso it'll play great. FMVs stutter if you try to run off a HDD or USB.

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I really envy you. I almost only watched horror movies in middle school so it's hard for me to be scared anymore.
PS3 Siren fucking SUCKED

Amnesia ruined the horror genre.

>PS3 Siren fucking SUCKED
its the only siren i played it, i enjoyed it
what was the problem with it?

Interesting game, not really pure horror but more atmosphere.

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I get startle pretty easily, sometimes I jump even in non horror games.

>i need to be a contrarian
you need to be 18 years or older to post here

yeah, I sure love all the western PT clones made in unity on steam, the pinnacle of horror games

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Fuck nintendo for not officially localising, thankfully there's an unofficial translation patch.

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Little Nightmares is the only game that can even comes close to the atmosphere of the sixth gen horror games.

is this any good?

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Really weird JRPG horror game. Hiroki Kikuta's (Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana composer)'s first game as producer. Interesting references to the real life emigre manuscripts, medieval documents written in an unknown language with really weird diagrams of unknown plants.
Shadow Hearts 1, 2 and to the New World are sequels, which are less horror, but still some themes. 2 aka Covenant is a massively underrated JRPG, oine of the best that came out on PS2.

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somebody said yesterday it was a good resident evil clone
>didn't played it much as a kid myself even when i got it at release

What are some good PS3 horror games? besides Siren and obvious ones like shitty western SH

Meant to say the emigre manuscripts in game are a reference to the real life voynich manuscripts, which is another rabbithole to go down.

Dead Space 1. 2 is fantastic but more action orientated. 3 is good but EA fucked the desgin with monetisation bullshit, but has a really interesting multiplayer different experiences system. Dante's Inferno from same developers is also great.

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Interesting Wii game with Tibetan folklore influences.

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You guys should play Yomawari and Yomawari 2.
They're not exceptionally scary but they have the most accurate and well made nocturnal atmosphere I've seen in a game.
The sound design, color schemes and locations are wonderfully made and there are many moments of great tension despite the cute looks of the games.

Yeah but you don't need to be a faggot.

Year Walk, Swedish folklore inspired horror game on iOS and Steam.

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Devotion and Detention from Red Candle games in Taiwan. Detention is set during the 1960s Taiwan White Terror period, where people got disappeared. Devotion deals with other interesting social themes in Taiwan, but don't want to spoil. Unfortunately banned from sale at the moment because it made fun of Chinese Communist Party leader Winnie the Pooh.

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This game was wank and I was glad when it was over.

Soul Sacrifice and Soul Sacrifice Delta for Vita. A MonHun knockoff with horror/dark fantasy theme.

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So riddle me this.
I've never actually played Fatal frame from the start to finish.
Should I start with the remake of 2? Think my wii is somewhere in the closet.

Dementium: The Ward and Dementium 2 on the DS. Kinda scholocky Silent Hill esque FPS.

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