No one:

no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on 4channel: SOIJAK(500).JPG LOL I QUOTE YOU
[everyone disliked that]
sneed poster: sneed
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: *slaps roof of car* luke, did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: *is retarded*
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: *flies past in a spaceship* ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards: i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: *kills all area 51 guards*
area 51:wait thats illegal
Everyone liked that
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
4channeler: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

Attached: yjux610yiul41.jpg (622x701, 69.48K)

'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

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Pewdiepie please get the fuck off Yas Forums you really shouldn't be here.

>doom guy is in love

I liked the part where Big Chungus formed a loving romance with Brie Larson.

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You know you are an oldfag when you find shit like this funny.
Newfags are too uptight and think everything is "trying too hard" and can't even appreciate some retarded shitposting

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>doesn't say he's about to end this man's whole career
That wasn't very cash money of you

>Samuel Hayden: yOu CaN't JuSt ShOoT a HoLe InTo ThE sUrFaCe Of MaRs!
>Me: WARNING: BFG 10,000 is firing

DAE le gem? derpina le monkey cheese

>trannies are ok
>pedophiles aren't
Honestly, I believe that pedos are better than trannies. Pedos live in constant fear of their secrets becoming public, and as a result they bottle it all up. Additionally, if they ever try to fuck a kid they go to jail and assaulted by their inmates daily. Trannies on the other hand, always flaunt their degeneracy thinking it makes them superior to others, and if they indoctrinate children you aren't allowed to say anything without being called "transphobic"

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>popular thing happens
>people stopped memeing about it nonstop
>somebody from Yas Forums is still seething
Why the fuck does this keep happening? It was just cute fanart, too. It's like you enjoy being a faggot or something

What the hell is a map

What the fuck man? One is hurting themselves, maybe a few kids they drag in, the other is hurting OTHERS exclusively.

A pedo

t. pedophile

Minor Attracted Person

Hating on what a lot of people enjoy= being intellectual, different than the masses


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If Pedos actually hurt kids then they are obviously worse, but I'd rather have some greasy loser jack off to a drawing of a fictional child than some creep trying to give some kid some hormone pills



>>popular thing happens
>>people stopped memeing about it nonstop
>>somebody from Yas Forums is still seething
>Why the fuck does this keep happening? It was just cute fanart, too. It's like you enjoy being a faggot or something

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Jerking off to loli shit isn't pedophilia.

If a trans is cutting off their own dick and not giving medical advice to people like they have a PhD in the field, then they're not different than a pedophile who keeps to themselves and castrates their own sexual organs to keep from wanting to diddle kiddies.

Yes it is, you nonce. Neck yourself

ok pedo

Then why do people get arrested for it?

They don't? Unless you're a fucking psychopath who refers to real life children as lolis.

Now that's a sentiment I can get behind.

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>some creep trying to give some kid some hormone pills
>source: my ass