was like SEX
Is this the pic related funny vidya comic in existence?
>Women humor
wait a second. What's that in the backgro- OH NOOOOO DX
>it's another lol thread that isn't actually a lol thread but just a collection of the same exact non-vidya comics everyone posts anyways
Fuck this shit.
I guessed it was made by a mexican from the thumbnaill. That culture is so fucking sexual.
Based Yotsuba poster
What exactly is a "lol" thread supposed to be then? Making fun of Dobson? Political boomer comics?
That's a """""man""""", actually. It's the same person who drew this classic.
What else is there to do in Mexico? They need to breed like rabbits or the cartel will kill them all off.
I remember playing Yas Forumsidya pictionary and only one user got Civilization when I drew Kramer.
But yeah, this is peak video game humor.
There's literally no excuse to drink onions. If you need milk replacement get almond milk.
it really is a perfect example of reddit humor
a good joke would just be a bunch of random letters in the background with N I G to the side
but nooo they had to add a swastica and kkk because do you get the joke yet???
you type like an incel
>It's a Yanda episode
Comics that make fun of the nuances in videogames. That's really all there is to it, but that concept has been completely skewed beyond recognition ever since dumbasses started posting comics with controversial themes to them and lol threads have never been the same since.
Almond milk is great until you try oat milk.