Fake gamers have invaded Yas Forums and are on this board right as we speak. Fake gamers do not belong here

Fake gamers have invaded Yas Forums and are on this board right as we speak. Fake gamers do not belong here.

Attached: fake gamers should die.jpg (1920x812, 881.29K)

>real gamers
>modern weeb trash
lol no

>Niche Ching Chong shit good

Right here are two examples of fake gamers. They came here from tumblr/reddit and are trying to force their terrible opinions onto others. These two people probably bought and liked Bioshock infinite, think about that for a second. Don't say I didn't warn you when this place has even more fake gamers like these guys.

Is this bait or are you this delusional
Japanese shit is unironically fucking overrated faggot shit

ok donald cuck

I haven't heard of a single game on the right

You are the one baiting. Western games are dogshit.

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While we’re on the subject, can we remove the people who act like their opinion is the only correct opinion to have?
I’m very tired of every single post being argument and that argument being “ that game sucks. It’s shit.”

Litterly soul vs soulless, go back to china with your body pillow incel

Yes, so much soul...

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How does it feel losing 2 elections to donald cuck? Does it infuriate you that you hate donald cuck because he acts like an SJW and a woman because it's like a mirror reflecting into your face?

are people who support 76 real or fake gamers?

Fake, but at the same time based for making people seethe. If they unironically like the game they are retarded, but if they ironically like it that's okay.

fuck your gookshit

Attached: jap crap.jpg (1056x617, 69.92K)

Fake Gamer:
>Everything Nintendo
>Turn based JRPG trash
>8 hours long movies for 60$
>Sports games
>Fortnite,mobas and hero shooters
>"series 4th/5th game is the best one and I havent played anything before that"
>Untermensch under 25
Normal people that are welcome here:
>everything else

>No true scottsman
2009 up in this bitch

I'm all for weeb shit but these are cherry-picked examples that aren't even in the same category.

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Dark Souls is a WRPG.


Attached: 1564469843657.png (1880x2166, 489.73K)

> Real games
> All JRPGs/Weeb shit


> everything nintendo
> jrpgs
> bad/fake

>modern weeb trash
you are on Yas Forums you dumb ass, god plebbits have no fucking self awareness


>not fake gamer
suck more company cock faggot

This thread deserves to be flooded with wojaks

Attached: 325252.png (644x800, 42.65K)

That was honestly kinda impressive, both the unimaginable retardation of OP and that user actually managing to get him out of it.

Cyberpunk isn't even out

>soulless vs soul
>tranny simulation vs fun game
every time

I'm playing FF7 right now
I preordered FF7 before it was multiple games. My preorder cost me $41 after tax, and I've already resold one of the DLC codes for $50 and still have the other up for $20 on eBay, and I'm going to resell the game when I'm done with it in a week. Am I a fake gamer?

yes, you are a fake gamer.