He's not a bad person!

He's not a bad person!
Commits genocide

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she said tseng wasn't a bad person in the original at Temple of the ancient

But Rude boi is playing with pigeons, who cares about filthy humans. Only real men are sensitive enough to love animals

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I did find it a somewhat odd change that they had Rude be the one to do it instead of Reno.

He's not a bad person, but sometimes he does bad things.

I'd say it was to fix the plothole, Elena was recruited because Reno got hurt during the plate fight. In the original he escaped unscathed, so having the remake scenario makes a little bit more sense

It wasn't genocide. Just mass murder.

it made sense that Reno didn't try to fight three people buy himself with no support though

An FF staple.

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>escaped unscathed

Rude had to fireman carry out of there

Nomura didn't want his Fujobait Reno to be a mass murderer

>called turks
>deny genocide

>escaped unscathed
>In the original

OG, user, OG.

I think the best way to do it was to make Reno and Rude think Avalanche were trying to drop the plate, and pushing the button would prevent it.
Quite honestly, Reno and Rude are irredeemable at this point because of what they did.


Beatrix did nothing wrong. She was just following orders.

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I never played FFIX what did she do?

Just terminated some rats.

Pretty desperately as well. He was fighting quite hard to do it.

>rat kingdom filled with rat people
>"everyone has been slain by beatrix!"
>remaining rat survivors flee to giant tree
>waits until all rat people gather in tree
>"tree has been slain by beatrix!"

Ruda and Reno are just following orders as well

beyond based

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Reno looks like a thug who would like to work for Don Corneo

That's mass murder, not genocide. He didn't target a specific race or ethnic group.


You clearly don't know what genocide means.

Thanks for bringing that to light.
Now if you could kindly fuck off

There's still time to get an education, man.
Don't let the plague stop you from learning.

>following orders

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Reeve literally says there are 50,000+ people alone in the Sector 7 slums ground level of the city. It is absolutely mass genocide, which is why Rude and Reno feel disgusted with themselves later in the game.

Tseng has to buck up their spirits and even offer Reno time off from work to try and cheer him up.

>He's not a bad person
This is what NOD soldiers acutally beleive.

Why doesn't FFIX overtly admit that the Burmecian genocide happened? Would Freya having to deal with suddenly being the survivor of a functionally extinct race be too much for the game's intended audience?

Burmecians don't run Hollywood

Don't forget the people living on top of the plate as well

They're not extinct. They literally breed like rats, as the Lindblum cutscene near the end shows.

Did you skip all the ATEs of Burmecians moving into Lindblum?

Exactly, Jessie's corpse literally got squashed by her mother and father living on top of the Sector 7 plate.

That is how fucked up the situation was.

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Didn't her parents live in Sector 6?

Because the death of Queen Brahne sort of concludes the entire global conquest story arc she had going for her.

Beatrix is absolutely a war criminal and should be behind bars in some prison for her crimes. Fuck her pride for feeling sorry that she failed her dead Queen, she deserves worse for what she did.

there just homeless user. there not real people therefore its not a real genocide. and besides it illegal what they were doing underneath the plates. they asked for it

Go to the map screen, its Sector 7.

Its why they just went to the by-line between plates for the parachute jump, they were directly above Sector 7.