What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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He couldn't face the facts.


He was a typical pharmaceutical CEO that just saw everyone else as faceless pawns for his own ambitions.

Ace was truly smart, he fucked off from the franchise before Uchikoshit ruined him in any of the unnecessary and retarded sequels.

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Didn't know what a funyarinpa is.

What the fuck is a funyarinpa??

Really, you don't know? I'm appalled.


holy fuck

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ZTD is one of the few things I'm eternally salty about. How do you conclude a series by making it somehow more unfinished than if you didn't make a final entry at all?

Happy 420 Yas Forums

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Is the sequel worth playing if i won't play the third game? Is the story only enjoyable as a sequel bait to 3 or what?

Just play it and form your own opinion.
People here have been stewing in their own misery for years.

Eh. It's not bad in it's own right. But half the plot is built around sequel bait for 3. Almost none of which is actually followed through or paid off.
Honestly, if you really want more 999 just play AI: Somnium Files, or some of Uchikoshi's older works.

Yeah dude, play VLR. It's my favorite out of the trilogy.

Are the puzzles in ZE good to you? Which game does puzzles the best and why?
Also do you prefer the games with flowcharts or does it detract from the game?

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Despite the issues with the game itself, I legitimately enjoyed the puzzles in ZTD. A lot of them were pretty clever.

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Flowcharts are fine, and I'm ok with multiple routes with meta elements to get to true ends.
VLR puzzles absolutely filtered people.
999s were cut and dry but mostly consistent and fun.
ZTD was incredibly inconsistent with them. There were some that were clever, some that were absolutely brainlet tier, and some that was just infuriating. Not to mention half of them were just preludes to RNG resolutions because plot gimmicks. which kinda made puzzles feel less important in general.
I think the worst part was there was no final escape room like the Study or the Quantum Room in 999 and VLR respectively. It was just kind of exposition ride to a relatively mediocre ending for the last long stretch.

carlos you son of a bitch

You're way too hard on ZTD if you think it was bad. It just wasn't as good as the first two. And considering it was canned for a few years, it's better than nothing

Thanks for your input, Keiji !

delet this

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His problem was that he was the best villain in the series.

his problem?
being based

>"This is the Decision Game."
>game doesn't actually involve making decisions most of the time and is RNG bullshit
>whenever there is a decision to make, Delta just brainwashes people into making the choices he wants

>Called the DECIsion game
>Has TEN players
Saw the plot twist coming a mile away famalam

you say twist, I say cop out.

Dude snails lmao

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Even if it was foreshadowed, it's still pretty dumb.

>The player doesn't know he's there, because he'd obviously be Suspect #1.
>The characters don't ever suspect him, even though everyone from the older games knows Brother is old as fuck.

Complex motives bro

going through VLR again. What was Dio's problem?

elaborate intentions

he is pussygay