What do you play games for? The competition, the rewards, the fun or the story?

What do you play games for? The competition, the rewards, the fun or the story?

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Definitely not the rewards

I guess story. More accurate to say experience. Games don't have to be rewarding, fun or even challenging. Experiencing negative emotions in games is ok or even great some times.


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hating women

fun + story + in-game rewards
don't give a shit about "competition" in a video game
if you play games for "competition" you're a loser nerd. If I want competition I go outside and play football

based loser sperg

I like the feeling of getting better at a game

Competition. Over 2k hours in csgo and I still have fun everytime I play. Hoping valorant isn't shit when its released.

Shit list. You could replace all of those with 1 thing, and that thing is escapism

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fun only, story sucks, rewards are virtual, competition is full of retards

but not everyone who plays vidya is a loser.

It really depends.

I play Yakuza to get 100% Complete List.
I play Trine 4 for fun.
I play Rocket League or any fighting game for competition.
I play Rance games for story.

Fight me.

all 4 plus escapism

all without exception

I play games to hate women and minorities

The gameplay.
The best stories in video games are emergent narratives fostered by the gameplay and a traditional narrative framework that exists only insofar as is necessary to allow for the player-driven emergent fiction.



To play as many games as possible.

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Get another hobby.

the soundtracks

no way

Shouldn't you be doing stuff IRL to make an statement about that?

I play games to coom

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story is a close second but on the other hand, a good story gives plenty of fun
rewards are also nice but I'll only look for fun rewards. If I have to do annoying tasks that are a massive pain in the ass for something shit like a small damage increase or a bad cosmetic then I'll ignore it

Fun and story.

Competitive games aren't fun, they just turn into people screaming at you for literally anything, and rewards are a natural result of fun.

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I play just enough of each game to contrive a few reasons why it's dogshit so I can come here and draw people into mind-numbing cunty arguments.

What? Who plays games for this? Can I get an example? Not seeing how that’s different from “fun”

This. Playing overwatch during the beta early release period versus playing in competitive is a completely different experience. One is completely fun and has no stakes and everyone is just enjoying and discovering the game, the other is having to put up with retarded teammates raging at each other over who has the most gold medals and having to baby sit them so they don't throw and ruin the entire game for the team. i only play pve games now. best having interaction with people and having fun and cooperative goal oriented gameplay

If it's not fun, why bother?

Anything but competition. Competition ruins video games. And that example of overwatch is a prime example. Fuck e-sports and fuck twitch.


grinding in MMOs for gear fun to you?

Do you know about battle passes?

Tarkov grinding for gear sounds like an example.

.t Don't play fighting games

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Oh, I guess I see what you mean. Seems like more of a zoomer thing honestly, I play some FTP games with battle passes/cosmetic rewards and I never even think about them.

Fighting games aren't different, you're the only person you have to deal with.