

Attached: EWDZpLUXgAAXCz7.jpg (1080x648, 109.49K)

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Let's see how Yas Forums will spin this

\>man employed by sony claims that sony machine will be best

Here's your spin lel

Is this the same Halo co-creator that's making that awful game Disintergration?

>ODST and Reach
>Marcus Lehto
He can eat shit and die.

PS5's SSD tech will allow developers to neglect proper management of asset reading.

Okay, Sony

>Forgetting that Bungie has been Sony's bitch since Destiny

Obviously. This was the whole point of PS5's tech reveal.

Okay, Sony

why do people buy the same horsecrap lies every generation
ms and sony do nothing but claim how the next console will change the world and give you a blowjob but they never do anything of the such

Are you retarded?

>hurr PS5 SSD will change game design
No shit that's why they put it in.

Every single generation. If you guys want the power of a pc then just fucking get one holy shit.

It won't make that big a difference and there will be huge cope that the consoles aren't getting anything like DLSS until they do a hardware revision.

Welcome to 2010 consolebros.


>XYZ will change/revolutionise they you play and think about vidya!
>this one for real
>no seriously guys, for real tho this time
>ok but this time its different

Every gen the same processions of bullshit and PR litanies.

Attached: ps4_mommy.jpg (436x436, 100.78K)

It's weak at eveything and will be overpriced, it already lost next gen, stop shilling your shit console third worlder.

Yeah but what would what the co-creator of a highly technical franchise like Halo would know?


Attached: 1584587920122.jpg (600x600, 87.02K)

>PR litanies.
How could this be PR? Its from a member of a rival company.

I'm not a consolefag, but a 2070 is considered weak we're gonna have some sweet looking games.

We've finally come to the point where Halo doesn't matter anymore. Xbots are disregarding the gospel from one of their own as meaningless PR.

Attached: a69e2e2c44b52a6df44aa0497776f944.jpg (320x384, 18.08K)

>chobot became hotter with age
how does she do it?

The guy is responsible for Reach, the worst Halo game in the series, he's not worth listening to, ODST was also shit, if Bungie stopped at Halo 3 then yes, they would be worth listening to.

Halo thread?
join the /HG/ discord! discord.gg/SRNrZS

what's that got to do with the thread?
are you a designer? read op's pic.

Go back to your shit board and discord, tranny.

You'll get the same sub 30fps, the same cookie cutter health bar chipping "rpg" braindead grinding, only this time with no loading screens. What a win

I know for sure that some technical retard normalfag will think SSD is a PS thing from the title.

SSDs unlike HDDs don't spin.