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I too remembered a time when arin resembled his cartoon avatar.

I think it's a testament to how badly my life is going and how little changes year after year that I still think about Arin and the animations he made... over 10 years ago now? Everyone I knew back then is getting married, has kids, has a good job, shit like that. I'm still thinking about Arin and posting about him on Yas Forums. I'm not moving on. Will I ever?

The Awesome series was never good. most newgrounds animation were shit too faggots will disagree

I complained about arin yesterday on Yas Forums and here I am doing it again here today. Why? All I'm doing is saying the same things I said 5 years ago and reading the same things everyone else said 5 years ago. Do I really care that much about this guy? Have I so little else going on that some dumb videos I watched a decade ago are still worth obsessing over?

This can get annoying if there are too many MacGuffins with an animation to sit through. OoT doesn't have this problem, but Mario Odyssey definitely does.

Well, Yas Forums, can YOU compare two games of the same series and explain better than Arin how one is much better than the other?

I bet you fucking can't

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I only really find it anoying the 2D zelda games

Especially when Unlocking a door results in a cutscene that moves the camera right in front of the door and shows the door opening and the slowly zooms the camera back out so you know exactly where it is.

this is the reason im so impatient with hard mario maker 2 levels, theres so much time that builds up from watching mario die and screen fades to black. I would have preferred something like super meat boy or even celeste.

I think that's why most people hate Celeste, They make death as meaningly as possible and compensate for it by making all the jumps a bunch of pixel perfect iced floor wall jumping.

Kneel arin. Kneel jon.

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>sonic is bad because the point is to go fast but the stage doesn't let you go fast because i'm bad and don't have the patience to develop the necessary skill to maintain speed while also handling obstacles

>that video lardtron made about overrated games where he said sonic was never good
>such an embarrassing shitshow that exposed him that he deleted it and seethes at people who reupload
Holy fuck sonicbros we literally can’t seem to lose? These pseudo intellectual Internet charlatan ugly lardasses LITERALLY crawl at our feet.

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Based sonicgang

My opinion comes with animated imagery, making my stance more valid than yours.

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Imagine the guitar was your dick

I can't believe how far Arin has fallen from glory
His magnum opus, Sequilitis, now completely disproven, and used to mock him. He's slowly getting more bitter and angry and depressed. Game Grumps is slowly dying.
How will it end?

what the fuck are you talking about?!

Castlevania and Megaman were him plagiarizing work done by other people and putting a funny animation over it.

Zelda was when he tried to analyze things himself. And what a surprised, it's universally considering the worst and a complete joke.

I remember I joked about Arin not knowing what latency was, and without even saying his name or handle he fucking saw and replied within half an hour of me tweeting it. He threw a fit about how it's unreasonable to expect a person to recall what latency is during an on the fly conversation.

For context, it was from one of the Sonic 06 videos where Arin was screaming at everyone as they tried to discuss latency for several minutes.

The faggot has no patience to learn anything and then blames the world when he doesn't know what to do. His Mega Man video was either an accident or heavily edited by someone. The original shit that made his name, "Metal Gear Awesome" was supposed to be him criticizing Metal Gear for being too complicated and difficult but he is so tone deaf he ended up just making a comical animation the Metal Gear community found endearing. Just try to go back and rewatch Metal Gear Awesome. That is Arin complaining about everything in the game the entire time, not making light fun of it. But he is so fucking tone deaf that he didn't understand why nobody saw the flash animation as a critique.

He literally got kicked off The Tester because of how daft and ignorant he is. He is impatient as all hell and never takes the time to understand anything. Zero self-awareness, blames everyone but himself.

I'm sure anybody could be more lucid than him if they were given an hour long video and months of script writing. Stop living vicariously through e-celebs.

>complains that games today beat you over the head with tutorials and information
>later on game grumps

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How Arin played the 3D Zeldas will forever discount that Sequelitis

I have hundreds of times over the past twenty-one years of my life. Seventeen of those years were on here, so almost none of it is archieved except the rare few times when I was smug enough to sceeencap my own posts. Comparing two series and declaring one is better takes no effort. It's doing it with a critical eye and professional flare that most people struggle with. Especially Arin.

His humor is actually quite poor and was carried solely on his ability to animate.

Do it then faggot you won't cause you can't.

I agree with him tho. 90% of games nowadays have these forced, tedious as fuck tutorials that sometimes go on for an entire chapter of the game's story. Especially JRPGs, where every single one likes to present its turned based battles as some sort of revolutionary rocket science that's never been attempted before a trillion fucking times. These tutorials are all so long and tedious, the majority of the information being spoonfed to you is REALLY basic fucking stuff, so people are conditioned to just fucking zone out or skip tutorials entirely. Anything meaningful or new will probably be glazed over if seen at all, and then players are expected to perform these new mechanics right off the get go with no means of being taught or told how outside of the tutorial.

It was better in the 2000s when video game characters just broke the fourth wall and told you what to do as you came across new mechanics. The game introduces something new, tells you what to do, gives you an easy example to use the new skill/mechanic, and once you succeed you know what to do whenever a similar scenario comes up.

You can't tell me you never skipped/tapped through a longwinded tutorial and then missed out on a mechanic before.

>"Snake, press the Cross Button to crawl."
>"Colonel, what buttons are you talking about?"
>"The ones on the control pad."
>"Hrrnrnn. I see."

Fucking Suda trying to take credit for his "back of the box" physical drm when Kojima did it like a decade before him

It's really strange to me because i remember Jon actually defending Sonic games numerous times on gamegrumps when Arin would shit on them. Jon even flatout said he loved the adventure games. I wonder what changed?

>most people hate Celeste
Almost everyone who's aware of it have good things to say

>Play FF13
>Tutorial ends before the last chapter

>That fucking Steambot Rusty flash game
>Hours of tutotials and the game ends in one click

It became cringe to like them and he followed the trend. See his sonic colors video where he’s calling it the best sonic in years and a return to form when it’s just a bland memefest

>this is the guy calling OOT bad

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Look at all that waiting.

There was a short period where Jon was convinced by the online leftist mob that he was a racist, took a few talks with TotalBiscuit to realize not only was he not racist but the whole cancelculture mob were nothing but grifters coming for him because he had clout. Around this time Jon told leftists to fuck off, just be civil to each other. They responded by cohoercing his role in Yooka-Laylee to be removed on the grounds that Resetera would make the game tank if "that racist had any role in the game, period". They tried to bully Gears for Breakfast and have Jon removed from A Hat In Time as well but GfB told Resetera to suck a dick (but more nicely).

One of the reasons why Yas Forums loves AHIT but ignores Y-L. No bias towards Jontron, just spite towards the devs for caving into Resetera's regime.

Anyway, when Jon was trying to kowtow the leftist mob, hating on Sonic was a requirement. They have some vendetta with Sonic and Sega for some reason. Making a video on how terrible Sonic "always was" is nothing but virtue signalling amongst the GJP chattle.

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