Best GTA protag

best GTA protag

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i like when he said curse words

If you're underage

For edgy teens for sure.
For any grown adult its Michael.

That looks nothing like ma nigga CJ

Michael is just literally a half-hearted Tony Soprano pastiche. If it was any more on the nose, HBO and David Chase would have to sue for plagiarism.

All GTA V characters suck

he's a literal cuck that's on you if you relate to him hahahaha

If you were >16 when the game came out, then yeah.

I guess we're all looking for that speecial someone.

he so edgy. i wanna be like him

Ngl I think Trevor is kinda hot in a trashy way.

Literally just rick before rick

How do i become alpha like him?

Micheal was a dishonest slimebag.

>best GTA protag
>Is Chinese

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Too bad Trevor couldn't start the Omega spaceship parts mission. Why the fuck did they made the mission only for Franklin?

I may be crazy but deporting mexicans is too far for me

People older than 16 liked trevor?

>is capable of taking on the US army all by himself
>years of experience
>invulnerable when he is angry
But a nigger half his age can easily kill him. What the fuck did Rockstar mean by this?


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>Any protag in GTA V

Zoomers vacate the area.

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Yes. Only faggots dislike Trevor.

move over zoomers

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Maybe I got older and lost interest in replaying games, I don't know, but GTAV is the only GTA game that I've never replayed. I've finished 3 and VC multiple times, I can't even count how many times I've played SA, and even finished 4 three times but not V, I just can't see any reason to replay it

I actually liked Franklin a lot, primarily because it was refreshing to not play a GTA character that was a criminal and who was sort of "going with the flow"

not sure i could have enjoyed a full game of JUST franklin, but it was cool nonetheless

V had a lot of time spent prepping for missions which were enjoyable sure, but boring outside of that.

I think the biggest departure is how there's so much less consequence for failure. You pretty much pick back up a right where you left off like the game is savescumming for you

same for me, and I grew up with 2 and 3.
my peak GTA memories were playing III in 01, and SA-MP with friends in 05.
IV blew my mind but V just seemed like too much of a movie game.

yeah he was not that cringy. pretty bland but I liked him and michael 20x more than that FAGGOT TREVOR

That was my problem with Franklin. Too much of an Everyman. Almost zero personality or foibles besides being hung up on a girl that could have been dropped with no consequence.

Also his actor fucking sucks at delivering natural sounding dialogue

he delivers each line with that mild annoyance but also snide inflated sense of self worth. all game long

i really like trevor. his first missions where he's just fucking up the other gangs are great. too bad his character goes downhill when he finally meets michael, where every interaction they have is

They barely ever have any legit moments of friendship, except when you make them hang out post ending C: michael and trevor apologize to each other and become more understanding... until you make them hang out again and they start bickering at eachother as always

All in all, I still like all 3 of the V protags, they just needed a bit more development. Too bad they killed the DLCs, they might've been a great opportunity to flesh their characters out

Ah, yes, Trevor, I liked it when he talked about being loyal and then was about to murder his friends over petty shit.

>ywn play as Lamar with a dedicated niggaaaaa button


GTA V has gimped physics, gimped driving, guns which feel like peashooters, a map which is 70% barren land and NPCs that die in one hit or call the cops on you if you stand next to them.
I thought I grew out of GTA until I went to play the older ones, which were actually fun.