Okay, so get this:

Okay, so get this:

>Start game.
>Get chased by Nemesis in a scripted sequence followed by walking.
>Arrive at subway.
>Play the demo part.
>Nemesis stops organically chasing you here.
>Go underground to flip 3 switches.
>Nemsis chases you in a scripted sequence.
>Short boss fight vs Nemesis followed by another chase.
>Play Carlos in the RPD.
>Literally nothing but running from the main hall to the STARS office.
>Boss fight with Jill.
>Fetch quest followed with shooting gallery in a hospital with Carlos.
>Backtrack though same hospital with Jill.
>Arrive at Umbrella base.
>Padded out dull fetchquest.
>Boss fight.
>Boss fight which is more or less a QTE.

That's it. That's the entire fucking game.

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okay so get this:

>be faggot
>go on Yas Forums
>post about game i don't like
>"I don't actually care it's just a meme kek!!!"
>post this

Thats it, thats OP

cool blog i guess

>do NOT criticize video games on Yas Forums

You didn't criticise anything though. You just recounted your playthrough for no reason.

ok newfag

is op's post even criticism? You could do that with litreally any game ever and it has no point what so ever. if posts like this is allowed on Yas Forums the quality just drops and drops.

The most soulless remake of the year

>w-well shut up!!!!
im just saying user, you have not really told us what you think.

The post you replied to has a new IP, you retard.

Yep, sold mine on ebay the day after.

why would i bother to check? idgaf.

Just go back already

but user
where's the criticisms?
cause i don't see a thing criticizing it

Doesn't matter you bought it. You are part of the first 5 days 2.5 million

Don't care. At least I prevented someone else from giving them money for it.

What I like most is that jill decided not to go to the RPD when she could stock up on ammo and weapons to take nemesis down instead she avoids going there multiple times

> gas station intro
>Get to the police station
>Find 3 puzzle piece
>Fight birkin
>Explore the basement of the police station
>Mr x
>Finish exploring police station
>secret boss
Repeat 3 times

wow user im sure it won't be a huge success now

That was never my implication

lets do RE2 remake
>go in gas station, collect key, escape
>crash, get to police station
>get 3 medallions
>fight g1
>go to garage, find electrical parts for garage
>encounter tyrant during this
>sometime in this mess, sherry / ada's segment
>vacation in the sewers
>save ada / sherry
>fight g2
>power shit up
>fight g3
>make way to train
>either fight Super Tyrant or G4
>then fight G5, if doing B

that was fun

You can literally (and unironically) do this with almost any game ever made, and certainly with every RE game.


feel free to start me off, user
thanks dude

With what?

>make RE2
>it makes money
>make RE2 again and call it RE3

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so, basically
>the past literally repeated itself again

I enjoyed it for what it was. The original RE3 is also a short game and was released only a year after RE2.

>Play the demo part.
The whole game should have played like this. The scripted hallway shit for the other 90% of the game really wore me down.

Sorry Cuck Bois
Chad Project Resistance coming through

Not nearly as short, and it had all the hallmarks of a good RE game.

Lieraly any game:

>Start game
>do some stuff
>do more stuff
>inportant cinematic
>final boss

That`s it. that`s the fucking game

Thanks for the nice brainlet analysis.