Warrior Within is still the best Prince of Persia 3D game...

Warrior Within is still the best Prince of Persia 3D game. The Dahaka chase sequences were some of the most intense gameplay I've ever experienced.

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It's easily the worst PoP game but I'll give 4 the benefit of the doubt.
SoT is actually a great game. TTT is alright. WW was a massive downgrade from SoT and the only reason you liked it was the fact you didn't play SoT first.

If PoP is going to stay dead can we please at least get a similar Arabian Nights styled game already? Those desert dwelling camelfuckers really were capable of weaving a fascinating mythology completely underused in games.

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I've played them in ascending order and imo sot≈ww>ttt

You must have a very open mind to like both SoT and WW equally, I can respect that. I don't understand why then you like TTT less, though as at least it ties all three games together.

Arab tales are too problematic for modern game developers, european and american tales have been retconned to be more inclusive and are thus a much safer bet

I don't mind edgy stuff, and also WW looked really pretty and felt smooth
I don't understand why I didn't like TTT as much either, I guess it just didn't click as much, it felt like playing SoT and WW at the same time but slightly worse in some indescribable way

Those stories were written way back in the Islamic Golden Age, when they mastered astronomy and mathematics instead of molesting camels.

How the fuck is this still the pinnacle of western action combat? How did we end up with this bamham asscreed counter cancer?

>it felt like playing SoT and WW at the same time but slightly worse in some indescribable way
I can see that. I like TTT more than WW merely because it's a little bit closer to SoT and for me, that's a straight upgrade.

How can people like SoT? It's just worse than the sequels in every way. May be the atmosphere is nice, but that's it.

Yeah, the atmosphere in SoT is the best imo but fighting was too simplistic and too galaxybrain to properly learn

The window for countering has to be like 2 frames big, ridiculously hard to do consistently. Just wallbounced everything to death

It has the best combat in the series as its combat has an actual method and purpose to it. Sure, it's puzzle combat but it's a well-executed puzzle that rewards skilful play. WW had the combat system bloated yet dumbed down dramatically and turned it into yet another uninspired "dial-a-combo" flick.
SoT also has the best story-telling by far. In fact, its story-telling still holds up incredibly well even to this day.
And finally, SoT has the best level design and atmosphere out of the trilogy. WW was outstandingly bland in that regard. I guess chase sequences could impress kids those days.

>The Dahaka chase sequences were some of the most intense gameplay I've ever experienced.
They were absolutely badass but I managed to do most of them on a single try since there's only one easily visible way to go forward at all times

What will Ubijew just finally make Assassin's Creed Persia?

I agree. It's by far the peak of the series in all aspects. Hands down best Prince of Persia.

>*arbitrarily stops working and ruins your entire playthrough*

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Weird, never happened to me

You're so wrong it's hilarious. The weakest aspect of SoT was the combat and inversly the best in WW.

>well-executed puzzle that rewards skilful play
lmao that's why the devs themselves basically implemented a kill everything button? Or why you can just spam the wallbounce to kill almost everything?

>a kill everything button
Ironically I have never managed to activate that thing and still have no idea how to

For me it was fucking awful backtracking that prevented me from finishing the game, is not that it's hard but it's tedious as fuck and I eventually gave up out of pure boredom
Two Thrones was okay but nowhere near the masterpiece that is Sands of Time

>WW was a massive downgrade from SoT and the only reason you liked it was the fact you didn't play SoT first

Shut the fuck up you nostalgia rose-tinted glasses retard.
SoT is a mess.
>freerunning is the same from SoT to WW. >combat was clearly an afterthought in SoT and every enemy encounter is a chore, whereas WW still has one of the most fun combat systems I've seen in a game to this day
>WW story is better and more memorable
>WW soundtrack is miles better from adopting a heavier and darker motif
Only point SoT has over WW that I could accept as an argument are the visuals and environments, but that's about it.
So how in the world can you possibly see WW as a downgrade from SoT?

t. been replaying the whole trilogy every couple years ever since my first playthrough as a kid in 2005

>>WW soundtrack is miles better from adopting a heavier and darker motif
Fuck no, it's muddled with that awful buttrock sound, most of it is totally forgettable

>WW story is better and more memorable

All people remembered was sand nigger Nemesis and the extreme edginess which even back THEN was treated with mockery and derision

>totally forgettable
That's what the bland ambient oriental music in SoT and TTT are. Can't recall a single track from them.

General consensus goes this way aswell. Just look at the soundtracks on YouTube. WW's has in the millions of views whereas the others struggled to reach in the hundreds of thousands.

Yes, dark souls cloned it!

WW soundtrack is nice but SoT is too, I've completely forgot TTT; also
>consensus argument
something something if millions of flies like shit something something

It happened twice to me before I managed to play through the game for the first time.
Fuck this glitch.

This is still the only video game that I ever felt embarrassed to play.


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I really liked POP 2008

Me too, my favorite one. I thought it would have sequels set in different cities and deities. fuck ubsoft, fuck asscreed and more importantly, fuck you all godamn

>indians found a magic hourglass
>persian prince has dagger that opens hourglass for some reason and decides to open it
>woops the sands are magical and corrupt everyone
>better fix it
>oh yeah theres also this vizier guy thats cartoon villain tier

>prince tries to fix his mistakes in defiance of death
>travel to the island of time
>travel through the past trying to stop the sands from being created
>meanwhile in the present the looming threat of death keeps chasing after you
>the empress turns out to be against you, but can't fault her as a villain since she was looking out for her own life
>realize in the end that you brought upon your own demise despite your efforts
>become a sand wraith and let your other self get killed by the Dahaka to get a 2nd chance
>this time manage to free yourself by killing Kaileena in the present/killing the Dahaka

WW was kino

The first is actually perfectly in line with Arabian adventure, the second is mere comic book trash with a superficial edgy veneer

I unironically miss the edge culture of the mid 2000s.