So since all these PS4 games that people said would never get PC ports have been getting PC ports, it's only a matter of time until Gravity Rush does, right?
So since all these PS4 games that people said would never get PC ports have been getting PC ports...
It would be perfect for the switch
No, and only because Sony doesn't care about Gravity Rush at all and forgets it even exists
GR3 and Kat and Raven debate on who slaps Cai the hardest
>gravity rush 2
you don't want it, pcbro, trust me
first game was so promising, too. sad.
Really, which PS4 games? Death Stranding was a known PC multiplatform and Horizon is the only one that bucks the trend.
Is this the same Amazon France that listed Mario Oddysey for Windows? Just asking.
>Death Stranding was a known PC multiplatform
The only thing people "knew" is that some guy accidentally said it in an interview, they denied it afterwards and people assumed it was a mistake, and we didn't know until months later when they announced it for PC, that it was ACTUALLY a multiplat.
What should GR3 be like?
VR with sniffing mechanics
Does it have smell-o-vision support?
New protag, new city, new story
Don't fuck with Kat's tale, it's done and it's satisfying as it is
Horizon is literally the only surprising port and that's just to trick PC nerds into buying a PS5 + the sequel.
Is GR3 actually confirmed to happen? I thought GR2 did not do too well.
This is not true at all.
>July 13, 2016
>The game will be released on console exclusively for PS4, though it's also coming to PC.
no the team is working on siren again
This but unironically. Also playing 2 without the vita gimmick felt really soulless. You dont want to play this on kb+m. Itll just be a glorified VN with no charm and half of its features locked behind shitty online.
Mediocre game with cute girl
The series' future was said to be "blank" and new hardware could influence it
How would you fix the combat?
an older Kat should return to act as a recurring rival for the new protagonist
What rival?
Just wait until GR3 comes out with new DLC that erases the past events that happened in GR1 and 2
No, because nobody cares about Gravity Rush and it is a failed franchise.
A number of sources attest to GR2's weak sales. You can enjoy Gravity Rush if you like, but it failed to garner enough fans to justify further instalments.
>kat gets pissed at cai because of his madness and destruction
>just slaps him like they're siblings that got heated over a stupid arguement
I love Layben
what if kat kidnapped cai?