What's with the sudden trope of "meta commentary" games?

What's with the sudden trope of "meta commentary" games?

>metal gear solid V: dude, this guy you're playing as... he's you!!!!!! and there are not going to be any games between this and the MSX games so fill in the blanks...
>ffvii remake: All of you who wanted a remake are now represented by gay faggot ghosts now! SUCK IT!

Attached: wut.png (296x290, 30.16K)

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>sudden trope
>from games made years apart from each other

>sudden trope
>Spec Ops came out 8 years ago
There has always been meta commentary in games you have just been too retarded to notice until now apparently.

Always been a thing.

Psycho Mantis comes to mind.
There was a game on GameCube called frustration or some shit that would fuck around with the console to fool you.

mgs has done tthat since 1998

What are some more examples

>we fucking hate you, gib money

8 years ago is not a lot you retards

Compare that to MGS2 where it was 19 years ago. Literally no other game attempted to pull "lol meta" again until Spec Ops and the amount of "meta commentary" games grew slowly but noticeably after that.

Instead of smart dialogue/story, they do this cheesy easy supercial way to sound intelligent

>1 9 9 8
Pretty sure I remember MGS1 as a story about a blonde haired not-Miller tricking his goody clone into giving him nuclear launch codes while he fights a tier of bosses and partners up with an anime nerd. What's "meta commentary" about that?

I'm sure there are plenty that went unnoticed.

Time Splitters had a ton of meta humor.

What's with the sudden trope of "git gud"?

>Pong, 1972 - Git gud
>Dark souls remastered, 2018 - Git gud

But that's not "meta commentary," that's cool ass shit.
MGS2's whole garbage plot is what you would call "meta commentary."

>it's not THING because I say so!

Attached: S2e12b_title_card.png (290x163, 72.09K)

asking the player to swap controllers is not a commentary about the player or video games
It's just a simple fool

Conker's Bad Fur Day, Oneshot

>force you into picking an option to continue the game

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Disregarding how fucking stupid you are trying to claim it's sudden:
>Why do people have more and more desire to create meta works as the medium matures
Gee I fucking wonder

Spec ops wasn't about "hurr stop playing the game then retard", it's a rethread of Heart of Darkness so its about "hurr stop trying to play hero and be reasonable retard"

Does it actually count as meta commentary?

>spec ops: the line
>8 year old game

>deep down you enjoy all the killing!
>OMG he's talking about the audience!

Raiden and the VR stuff really hammers this home in the sequel

shitty thread

He's clearly talking to Snake you absolute mongoloid.

Attached: Infinite ammo.jpg (600x338, 94.65K)

>All of you who wanted a remake are now represented by gay faggot ghosts now! SUCK IT!
I don't know who started this meme but its wrong
FF7 remake was marketed as a remake, all the prerelease material showed it as a remake, and the people who bought it expected a remake
So they have every right to raise an eyebrow when it turned out not to be a remake

That's not a commentary

is this a pretend we are in 2008 thread

>there's not going to be any games between
Considering the ending cutscene of Phantom Pain takes place seconds before Solid Snake battles Venom Snake/"Big Boss" (you can hear the gunfire in the background as he approaches), those would have to be very, very short games.


There's a difference between meta commentary and fourth wall breaks.
Psycho Mantis was a simple fourth wall break.
Shit like the VR trained soldiers who were conditioned to think of war as a video game is meta commentary.

Attached: 1477100859415.jpg (844x640, 55.35K)

A timeskip doesn't mean the game takes up that much time if we can't play what happens between and there is absolutely nothing worth afterwards.
>hear gunfire in the backfire in the ground as he approaches
LOL are you retarded? That's supposed to represent him battling in wars without end.

It's strangely refreshing to see a Rage Comic face after the last few years of endless Wojak and Pepe edits.

What’s with the sudden trend of OP being a faggot?
>Was a faggot yesterday
>Is a faggot today
>Will probably be a faggot tomorrow

>8 years ago isnt long
This is one fucking console genertion you retarded nigger.

Being ‘meta’ is the ultimate cop-out in story-telling.