You are playing a free-for-all RTS match, where all six players including yourself, are divided up into their own segments on the map all walled off by cliffs up until the center. Assuming you are Player 1, what is the first thing you do?
You are playing a free-for-all RTS match, where all six players including yourself...
vibe check xDD!Dd
>what kind of race/faction am i playing?
>what kind of races/factions are in the game?
>what's the resource management like in the game?
Not enough info, try again.
>build shit tons of artillery
>bomb the other bases with impunity
"Artillery adds dignity, to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl" - some prussian homo
Is there a early game unit that would out range towers? Or else attack the person to the left with cheese units, zerg rush baby
I build up an army and some immobile defenses around the closest resource vein I think I can defend and then I wait while improving my eco and building artillery. If two or more people attack me I probably lose. If only one or nobody does I win on the spot.
Free for alls are retarded, their outcome is pretty much random.
IG was cancer on this map.
First off defend the main chokepoint and then tech up to covert ops lab and load ghosts into dropships, drop them over the cliffs into the enemies base and
>Nuclear Launch Detected
seething xenoscel
We always teamed up against the IG faggots who are afraid of even seeing their opponent sup close there so we could actually have a fun game after we destroy them.
Close the game and go play something good instead.
instantly rush someone with infantry and a couple vehicles
turtling is for ugly virgins
Quit because RTS suck lmao
instantly fortify my position with artillery and turrets
rushing is for faggots
build my base as close the choke I can so my worker faggots can 100% safely use the back area while my high risk, high reward base can end the match quickly by either winning or losing. My time is limited and ulnike
this faggot, I'd rather have many quick matches than turtle.
Expand into the middle
either retarded or insane madlad that wants 5 guys to rush you only for them to infight so you can pick them off.
Somebody will take it and have the advantage in resources. Might as well be me.
good luck surviving the other players when your army crashes against my defences
Rush anti grav and jump over the walls
see now I know for a fact that you never even played 6man ffas, you're just a neverplayed loser fantasizing about how the game would turn out
there's a reason why every babby's first strat is turtling, it's because you're trash at the game
Close the game because RTS games are not fun
desu I instantly harass my two neighbours with zerglings
Build 2 houses while sending my scout and two of my sheep out to scout while moving the last sheep under the TC and queuing up a peasant.
>spreading yourself thin by rushing 2 people
I will never not laugh at how trash people are on this board
bunch of role-playing scrubs
Make friends with everyone via text/voicechat with my maxed out charisma
towerrush the guy besides me
>doesn't know the differences between rushing and harassing
Get out of here, scrub
week 1 rush the faggot to my left, if it goes bad alt-f4
>make enemies with everyone
>immediately get assaulted from all sides and die
based retard
shut the fuck up already scrublord rofl
are you actually going to sit here and try justifying splitting lings between 2 attacks?
I research cloaked buildings and then teleport my bone singer into the end of the enemy base and set up an invisible base there and begin building an army of fire scorpions, wraithlords, and fire prisms. Then I effortlessly take the base from behind
if this is pre-WA i just crank out the uncapped fire prisms and jump em over the wall
>can't lose a game if I'm not there
Considering the map from where that game is from, I rush out units of raptors since most players were too dumb to properly build defences in their actual base.
if you don't rush someone, one of the other 6 players is gonna do it and win thank to the advantage of having twice as many resources. you either win by gambling early or by politics, but politics are a bit stupid in a FFA RTS and the guy in the lead might be the most hated and targeted, but he's also the one that has the most to offer when it comes to politics.
Go ham on aircraft and base defenses and bombard the guy south of me.
Attack player 5
After starting up my eco I build a bunch of snitches and send them north, east and south to notify me of any early aggression funny business.
you’d already know this if your weren’t a noob. your answer doesn’t matter, you had no chance to begin with