are you buying or do you think its a scam ? honestly have a decent feeling about this game considering the fact I like Witcher and Singleplayer RPGs in general.
Are you buying or do you think its a scam...
I like what I've seen so yeah, I'll most likely buy it.
I preordered because I was hyped since the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY trailer but with the release date coming by I feel like I can potentially regret it. Right now, I'm stuck in a limbo and I think I'll see firsthand if Yas Forums is right.
i'm buying it because there's not a lot of choice when it comes to cyberpunk setting
>giving money to CDPR even though they are targeting the feminazi demographic
People like you need a handler.
Day 1 pirate baby.
For sure cancel that preorder it might get delayed again thanks to coronachan, just pirate it when it releases then buy it if it's good.
By the time I preordered I wasn't aware of any of that shit I just wanted a cyberpunk RPG and that trailer alone hit straight to the gspot I never knew I had.
Meant for
I'm buying it because either it'll be great and I'll be happy or it'll be terrible and I'll have something to bitch about, which is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.
Preordered. Twice. One for me and one for my best friend as a birthday present. If you are not sure about the game simply pirate and see if it's the game for you. CDPR are one of my favorite developers so they earned this one preorder from me. I did not preorder The Witcher 3 or The Witcher 2 and bought them on a sale dirty cheap so this preorder from me is like a ''thank you'' to CDPR.
Still buying at launch in the hopes you can romance an Exotic.
I look forward to pirating it and paying for it if it's any good
No the CDPR from 2006-2015 is pretty much dead. The only ones no willing to see it are Redditors and people with dumb emotional attachment to a brand like>504317205
Well the last news on this game made me pretty happy:
>Game is already finished
>Last months goes only to polishing the game
>Twice the ammount of testers compared to Witcher 3
>CdProject took the people from Multipalyer into the SInglplayer to optimize it more
Sounds pretty good. And with the reassurance that its still an Open World RPG where choices matter i dont know why i shouldnt support them.
But i didnt preoorder and will never preorder a game but its a Day 1 Buy if they dont fuck it up
That's not even the worst of it. Mutts have been meddling in their production process as well.
I never buy anything on release. I wait a year or two and get the game on sale. In the eantime, I clear my overgrown backlog
>thank you for selling me product
>here is money upfront for next product regardless of value
>are you buying or do you think its a scam ?
I'll will never buy it, I'll pirate it and play it though. Do I think the game is poor in design? We will see when it releases. For all I know it could be well crafted....
The sheer fact that you can be a futa cock monster is so utterly based that I have to buy this just to piss off Yas Forums
>I liked the Witcher
You bitch
Actually it's a *thank you for funding this fun games that i played for dirty cheap DRM free*. I played The Witcher 3 for 300+ hours and paid for it around 10 euros. So yeah, they get a preorder from me. I'm not telling YOU to preorder, fagget.
I'm tired of open world games and I doubt my 2011 PC will be able to run it anyway. It could barely run doom eternal.
I might check out the PS4 version if it turns out to be extremely good, which I doubt
Preorder it brah
Depends if it's denuvoed. I'm not paying for what seems like a reskinned Witcher 3 aka an adventure game with surface level RPG elements that technically could be considered a RPG but really everyone, including the developers, know it's not.
I don't think it's a scam, but I'm not buying it since CDPR are hacks and the talented people already jumped ship.
well, just the fact that it is not published or produced by any of the following companies:
>Activision (and Blizzard, but they don't really exist anymore anyway).
Is enough reason for me to get it if it's good
This will be the game that turns them into those studios
Then it will be the last game I get from them, out of principle.
Very unlikely.
>GOG still DRM free
>Cyberpunk 2077 still DRM free
Honestly the game is a scam and it's full of diversity hires working on it like those danger hair colored ""women""
>not wanting to fuck a girl who has green hair, facial piercings and chainsmokes malboros
>Very shady shilling marketing
>Hiring SJW's out the ass
>Heavily discussing multiplayer
Looking likely
I am not buying, nothing I have seen so far have peaked my interested
I'm gonna pirate it and shitpost on Yas Forums about it.
Basically this. I was so starved I actually started watching Altered Carbon. What a fucking shitty show.
I'm really hoping this game will deliver but its completely lackluster to what was promised years ago.
>Very shady shilling marketing
Such as
>Hiring SJW's out the ass
You mean hiring Us-Americans
>Heavily discussing multiplayer
A Multiplayer that is released months after the Singleplayer.
Parroting bullshit from Yas Forums it seems
More like Year 1 pirate, with all the patches and DLCs. Who the fuck plays day 1 broken buggy incomplete garbage.