Nintendo Security Breach

Nintendo’s severs has been breached. You can skim here, but know that there were many doubters Shedding light here and not shitposting, not console warring. This is real. Be safe out there. Set up two factor authentication.

The facts:
>Breach is through Nintendo’s infrastructure
>you don’t need to have downloaded or played Fortnite to be vulnerable, or have an Epic account prior
>changing your password isn’t enough, due to a loophole with a feature intended for convenience
>2FA keeps you 100% safe

Set up 2FA, don’t store your credit cards, check your emails for device login history. Being aware and staying ahead of the problem will save you grief in the long run.

Use this thread to report any experiences, because this needs to gain traction and it’s insane that it hasn’t yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i've had 2 factor since 2014, nothing to watch here

dont own a switch but bumping anyways

You’re the minority

>because this needs to gain traction and it’s insane that it hasn’t yet.
Probably because nothing's actually happened.
That thread is just people posting shit with no evidence and a handful of seemingly isolated incidents dating back weeks.

I saw the thread last night and enabled 2FA. Am I good?

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How do I enable 2fa?

the last log in was from my pc the 19th of february i guess im ok

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Nope I'm already inside your computer.

At least post a link dumbass

>retards actually store credit card/paypal info in their accounts
holy fucking shit please don't do this

this, I always use eshop cards

>search "how to enable 2fa on switch"
>the only things that come up are fortnite

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You just have to log into your account on and go to settings


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So this is the first time this has happened to Nintendo when it happens twice a year to Sony? The media doesn't even report on PlayStation breaches anymore, they're so common.

>wants me to download yet another fucking app
give me one reason why i shouldn't just say fuck it

Thanks for the heads up, I already got unauthorised logins twice, once a week ago and two the week before that.

You should already be using 2fa

>tfw no smartphone
So what am I suppose to do?

it will be more and more common, that and other password management software, you cant expect to just have easy password anymore, those days are over.

huh i was wondering why i was getting diddled by hues and commies
thanks OP

Not even if i keymash and write the keymashed text down and stick the paper somewhere?

2FA can work via e-mail as well but who knows if Nintendo offers it.

I've still seen no proof besides one random guy with Albanian logins

oh no
not nintendo's sewers

They don't.

>tfw my switch has never connected to the internet

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no thanks I'd genuinely rather get hacked and go bankrupt (not that my CC info is on my account anyway) than give a company my phone number

>2FA is a section in the news on the Switch menu
it's real

You don't give your phone number with 2FA.

yea i guess 128 charachters is pretty good, but that wont be easier.

Isn't this only a problem for people who keep their credit card info saved?
What's a guy who gets into my account going to do if there's no info or money there?

There are people who like options and the very fact that Nintendo doesn't offer their own app but uses Google doesn't sit well with some users.

sticky pls

Cheat in your online games so you get banned while he just has to find another account to hack.

>2FA keeps you 100% safe
>they use Google Authenticator
Ha, no.

Am I safe if there are no unauthorized sign-ins?

Are new accounts still being breached or has the vulnerability been fixed?

This is the first I'm hearing of this.

>Being aware and staying ahead of the problem will save you grief in the long run.
Do this. My identity was stolen earlier this year. Was such a pain in the ass

but nobody ask you to use google?
you can use any 2fa app you want, obviously they want the straight forward recommendable name that people recognize so they put in the google app

cant he just change password and steal your wahoo games?

>people trying to scam me through pretending to be Steam admins contacting me through Steam chat(does anybody actually fall for that?) or send me to Steam site mockups
>360 got hacked like twice but nothing hurt me
>PSN get fucked more often than I check my credit score
>now Nintendo is getting fucked up but no suspicious activity and I got the 2FA

I just want to enjoy video games and online infrastructure.

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why would you care if you get banned from fortnite

>There are people who like options
And you can have those options, just use any 2fa app you want not just the google one they recommend. I have a feeling you guys don't understand how this whole 2fa thing works

>This is real.
the mark of a fake threads, and discord tranny shit hitting global hysteria again.

> on desktop
>open profile
>sign in & security settings
> 2 step verfication settings
>download authenticator on phone
>scan the qr code

So far, the only supposed link is that they had played Fortnite, so if it's any sort of breach, it's most likely from Epic.

Then pull out your PS2 and play some comfy single-player games.

I want to use my e-mail, why isn't that an option?

good. I hope all dumb tendies have their dumb credit cards stolen.
not that they would notice anything different. they let nintendo direct decide how they spend their money anyway

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The people saying that had no evidence either, which is why is chalking it up to isolated incidents for now.

how do we know that's the real you posting

Hence the word 'supposed'. But in all honesty, it's probably because everyone is buying and playing with their Switch during this time, so it makes more sense that the more active playerbase will have any sort shit happening. Give it time, in a few weeks, PS4 will start reporting problems with their accounts as well.

i was about to write that, but i thought it was too stupid, so i didnt.