Why do I think Valorant looks really boring?

Why do I think Valorant looks really boring?

Is there something wrong with me?

Attached: LogoVersion_Beta_Key_Art_VALORANT.jpg (1400x1400, 211.48K)

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Why do you think about Valorant in the first place?

because it is
its literally a mix of CS and overwatch with unity assets store tier of graphics..

if it was made from some unknown company it would be trashed upon by everyone, but since its riot suddenly everyone wants to play..

that and the fact that riot spend millions on streamers for the hype to grow.. disgusting really

The Valorant Twitch section is nothing but restreaming of VoDs with chatrooms filled with key farming bots. Dead on arrival

Having played it, I don't find it to be anything special

cause its an uninspired CS clone for cripples

>Is there something wrong with me?
If you're white probably nope, no sane person would play anything made by fucking subhuman chinks with spyware for the chink government.

It's a CSGO clone with worse gunplay and which will inevitably be destroyed by Riot's approach to balance and the fact characters have skills.

That being said I'm having fun with it, but more than anything because my friends are playing it than the game's merits.

Viper is pretty cool too.

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>that reddit spacing
kek you subhuman

You should probably go back there seeing how obsessed you're with it user.

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Got a key today, downloaded the anti-cheat damn near fucking rootkit piece of shit and quickly found out that Riot is tracking the location I made my NA account (to play with friends) and is now blocking me from partying with anyone from NA.
Fucking disgusting.

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reddit spacing and reddit opinions
>its shit but im having fun
>muh friends

hang yourself, genuinly fuckin end your life.

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I didn't say it's shit though, it's mediocre and propped up by Riot.

Also stop samefagging user. And go back to the fucking reddit you love so much already christ. Do you just scour threads looking for the spacing you yourself use to drop your epic "reddit spacing" reply?


i dont get it

Do the chicks have big thighs and asses like Overwatch?

yet another esports game that is destined to fail. when will devs learn?

only one of them

>It's a CSGO clone with worse gunplay
Its fair to shit on Valorant for a good number of reasons. but the gunplay is on point. Saying shit like this tells me you haven't played it

>when will devs learn?
They made enough money already from race traitors who play chink shit.

You don't have to like it, it's just counter strike with abilities.

The gunplay it self might be on point but its ruined by disgusting models. Why all of the guns looks so shit?

The feel of the AK is pretty bad compared to GO's AK, and recoils feel like they have too much randomness baked in. 128 tick is good though.

git gud

Let me guess: the black one?

keylet cope

if anyone playing has problems make sure to ask microsoft support for help. send them your files etc etc. it will help riot get work done faster.
just a tip

nah, the american one

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I enjoy it alot more than CSGO

does this fix works?

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Worst part of this game imo, and why I think its not going to work out is that they mixed too much siege in with CS.

Each game is fine on its own with its own balance, but Siege is a game where abilities and intel make a huge difference. Having characters like cypher and sova make a huge difference in how the game is played. Yet its still balanced like CS which really fucked with everything.

Its fun for what it is, but the balance is completely out of whack, people just haven't realize what's broken yet and cry about raze for her useless abilities

This one does:
>Press Win+R and enter %PROGRAMFILES%\Riot Vanguard\uninstall.exe
>Press Yes

It feels like Chinese CS. Why would I play that? If I wanted to play CS, I would play CS.
And it literally is Chinese CS being a Riot Games product. That anti-cheat shit is just the real push over the edge for me to uninstall it and never bother again.

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Try this instead
