The asshurt by the doom eternal devs watching their game be speedrun

the asshurt by the doom eternal devs watching their game be speedrun

>what just happened
>would be more impressive if he beat the game normally, but f-fast!

what is master chiefs problem?

He subverted expectations. You can't sexualize him or make him gay even in fan arts.


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>didn't catch on to their sarcasm and joking
Actually autism op, might want to get tested

fuck doom trannies this is a duke thread now

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That pic is not funny, nor visually pleasing, nor has anything else that evokes interest. Shadman is fucking garbage.

How long do you need to dilate before you become a good speed runner?

You just have a chip on your shoulder. It looks fine.

But it "subverts your expectation".

Based and steelpilled

Why does speedruning itself cause so much asshurt?
I can understand the trannies that took it over and are ruining the community now, but people also seem to be upset about speedruns themselves.

>thinly veiled tranny thread

My expectation was that scatshit has no artistic talent and no humor and of that nothing got subverted.
>memesette in 2020
What's next? Wojak porn?

Speaking for myself, i don't understand or like speedrunning because every time i've tried to watch it, it's autistic people doing shit like spamming menu commands and flying through walls/no-clipping, literally bypassing the game and breaking the programming.
I don't see this as skillful. I don't see it as meaningful, or good, or 'speedy'; i see it as a highly self-important, autistic crowd of circlejerkers who don't even play the games, they just find ways to literally bypass the game and worship themselves.

I'd love speedruns if it was within the bounds of the games, and how they're built... but it's not. It's always some nigger flipping open 50 menus while falling through the sky and then appearing at the final boss and then self-congratulating for being so 'fast' and 'good'.

It's fucking retard-town, and that's why i have disdain for it. Hope this helps.


Dilate? Am i doing the memes right, dad? Can i jump through walls now and pretend i'm good at games?

Hopefully they can raise a few more million in order to put up 100 dollars of posters that tell you to check your boobs again this year!

>shadman comic
>not even slightly pornographic
what's even the point

doom is recent, so shad wants to draw something about doom
its his way of generating traffic, but the negative effect is that he's garbage at it

Holy shit these devs are kind of retarded aren't they? Just the way they speak and act like they know nothing at all about video games.

>only one guy knows anything about the game "they" made

Are you sure about that?

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I agree that inbounds stuff is better to watch, but from what I understand all that menu manipulation and glitches tend to take a lot of skill. For the people who are deep into speed runs and know what's going on, that stuff can be really impressive.

It's fun to see how much people can broke the game, you obtuse idiot. I get what you mean though and watching people redoing speed runs over and over obsessively to skim 5 seconds would be boring, and the practitioners are indeed autistic, though for some of them I do believe they enjoy it so who gives a fuck.

To leech off of this post, it helps a shitload if the runner is funny. Clint Stevens is the only runner I'll consistently watch, but only on youtube.

I don't doubt it; but it certainly has no bearing on the average viewer, and my original statements stand testament to why the speedrunning 'causes butthurt' or is unpopular or people dislike it.
The average player or even fan of a franchise trying to 'check out a speed run', will likely be bombarded with an obese tranny phasing through walls/credit sequences/spamming four hundred menu selections and appearing at the end of the game within moments of starting, which isn't going to appeal to anyone.
You're doubling up on unappealing aspects when the community itself is largely comprised of unlovable ugly spergs, and the work they're doing is equally labyrinthine and alien to anyone actually playing the games.

>I don't see this as skillful
Then you don't understand how hard speedruns that use glitches can be. The absolute precision needed and shit you have to memorize takes definite skill. Some tricks are harder than others, and there can be dozens of different tricks you have to use throughout the speedrun, at various degrees of difficulty
>i see it as a highly self-important, autistic crowd of circlejerkers who don't even play the games, they just find ways to literally bypass the game and worship themselves.
You have attributed all these kinds of ethos to an entire community based on you not liking the way they do it. You realize you can do glitched speedruns and still have played the game normally, yes? The point isn't to beat the game as intended. For that you have glitchless speedruns. It's to find the fastest way to the end by manipulating the game's rules, as made possible without any direct outside assistance. It's trying your best to find ways to break the game. Finding faster skips or ways to better use already known glitches is also a part of it
>I'd love speedruns if it was within the bounds of the games, and how they're built... but it's not. It's always some nigger flipping open 50 menus while falling through the sky and then appearing at the final boss and then self-congratulating for being so 'fast' and 'good'.
Like I said, watch glitchless speedruns.

I don't know why people have this disdain for glitched speedruns. "You're not playing the game correctly!", no shit, that's the point of it. The speedrunners know that they're not playing the way the devs intended. They know they're not beating the game on its own terms. Why the fuck does that bring so much ire?

I agree completely. I was just trying to explain why some might disagree.

diablo 2 speedruns involve almost no glitches and are one of the most 'pure' gameplay speedruns out there, while remaining highly technical

would recommend some of the barbarian runs if you want to watch the runners really struggle to complete it, the sorceress runs are mostly autopilot

If you watched more than 5 minutes you'd realize they're actually based
>Start joking about putting purple goo in the skybox
>Actually discuss if they should leave it like this or patch the exploits to see new ways runners break the games
>discuss putting congrats text in the skybox
>Discuss Rick Rolling anyone doing the scroll wheel exploit

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>unskipable cutscene in the sky in the way of the most common route that is just a countdown timer
I fucking love modern id

>How about we just put a Unskippable timer in the skybox?

They clearly find it amusing user, sorry that your autism can't help you see that.

>glitched speedruns
It would largely not draw ire if it was actually presented this way, or was more broadly accepted. Fact is, it's a niche community, and it draws a lot of hate for the reasons i posted above and it's a matter of total alienation from the actual game, game players, base audience, etc.

Only the few ultra-autistic speedrunners fathom or understand who cares about executing glitches or cheats in rapid sequence, and this is the broadest part of the 'speedrunning community'; when an average person goes "Hey i wonder what speedruns are like hehe" and googles "favorite game speed run", they're in for being drop-shipped into alien territory full of literal autism and glitching/exploit. This creates a natural friction, a burgeoning and widening gap of disdain between the whole community and the speedrunners.

I'm not your enemy here, i'm trying to help you see why the speedrunning/glitching/cheat-run community generates large amounts of dislike and native disdain.

>mods deleted the non-rule-breaking image only because it was >shadman

I'll check one out. I watched a Demon's Souls speedrun once that i actually liked, as it was glitch-free and just a guy trying to go as fast as possible through the game.

I really think speedrunners create their own disdain.

>It would largely not draw ire if it was actually presented this way
I'm not sure what you mean?
>it's a matter of total alienation from the actual game, game players, base audience, etc.
What base audience? The people who has never seen a speedrun in their life, decides to one day, and the shits on the runner because he's not doing a glitchless run? runs without glitches is a category that people could find if they actually tried
>Only the few ultra-autistic speedrunners fathom or understand who cares about executing glitches or cheats in rapid sequence, and this is the broadest part of the 'speedrunning community'; when an average person goes "Hey i wonder what speedruns are like hehe" and googles "favorite game speed run", they're in for being drop-shipped into alien territory full of literal autism and glitching/exploit. This creates a natural friction, a burgeoning and widening gap of disdain between the whole community and the speedrunners.
Okay, how does that make speedrunners all the things you said of them in the first post? Or do you not actually think so, and are just representing what you think is the impression people get?
>i'm trying to help you see why the speedrunning/glitching/cheat-run community generates large amounts of dislike and native disdain.
Which is the stupidest part. Why enter into a community and the start calling them autists because they're doing a category of speedrunning that is accepted by the people that actually speedruns? Why get mad at them?