Convince me not to resub to WoW Classic for a couple of months
I'm so fucking bored lads
Convince me not to resub to WoW Classic for a couple of months
i'm not doing it because classic alone sucks massive cock and none of my frens wants to play
They just brought back layering. If that isn't enough to stop you then you're too retarded to save.
>make choices for me please!
the absolute state of zoomers
Learn a skill
I'd rather give my money to an e-thot than give any more money to blizzard
I thought this was a shit post then I just looked it up. They've fucked up classic so hard, it's amazing. All they had to do was
>isolate all streaming to 1-2 servers
>prevent new accounts from creating faction characters to maintain no worse than 0.75:1 balance on any server
>keep BGs sever restricted
>no layering
And they somehow blew it. Pathetic.
If they didn't bring layering back just now I'd be dealing with 3 hour queues on my server
If you're that bored, just make an ASMR channel on youtube. Who knows, you might get lucky and get a ton of subs and views.
private server is free. Fuck giving them money.
One of the worst companies right now.
Oh no, not a queue! What ever else would you do with all this free time sitting at home?
The kind of people that play WoW have plenty of time to wait out a queue.
Actually pretty much everyone in my guild has a job, is 25+ and has a social life/gf too
Arent they all dead now
I was thinking the same quited like 3 weeks ago but the game is just too boring no raid has any diffculty.
t. would be the first one to complain that he has to wait 3 hours in a que
>current year
>having friends
If that's true they're all going to quit once they go back to work so putting them into a queue isn't a deciding factor on retention.
Layering just hurts the people who have been the core.
I did and it's kind of like a shitty singleplayer RPG because the community is all tryhard number crunching zoomer faggots even on RP servers.
They didn't quit before corona, why would they quit after?
Stop being stupid
>Layering just hurts the people who have been the core
But wouldn't 3+ hours wait time hurt the core more?
Ok, you'll regret it later on, you'll waste money, you'll waste money giving it Blizzard!
Only most popular one died cause it was hosted in EU. Bunch are however bullet-proof cause they are in countries they cant touch. One classic priv did a corona sim spreading the plague for fun as an event mimicking the ghoul plague.
id rather play tbc or wrath to be honest
absolute cringe, end yourself
No, because the core are autists the will wake up at 6am to log in on downtime and never let their game log off.
>t. Autist who did this with remote desktop on his phone when classic released and never waited in a queue
I did that too and still prefer it this way while the situation is this bad.
Also dumps black lotus prices which is good. Their spawn rates were never intended for servers that hold like 5 times more people than an actual vanilla server.
Not it they imposed faction balance and character creation restrictions on high pop servers
Nu-blizz is so fucking inept that it's amusing
>just wait three hours bro
Damn you're dumb.
>#nochanges retards defending the re-introduction of layers
You can't make this shit up.
>know you're going to play in 3 hours
>log on
>when you're ready to play the queue is popped
It's not rocket appliances dude
I was never #nochanges, only retards are
Some changes would be good
Did the people who exploited the layer shit get banned?
Do it to bankroll Retail Chads you fucking cucks
No. I exploited it a ton on release and I abuse it now too. Use all of my layer changes on multiple characters to gather tons of gold in lotus.
Only the ones who did it inside dungeons.
>get BiS in a day
>banned one week
Totally worth it IMO.
They added back layering, crossrealm BGs is still a thing