Is he right? He makes some compelling arguments here, and I actually kinda like HK.
Is he right? He makes some compelling arguments here, and I actually kinda like HK.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here he explains how HK steals from Ori. Jeez, it's kind of embarassing as a hollow knight fan.
It was an ok game, but way too long. It overstayed its welcome and I was bored with it by the time I reach the Mantis city.
Doesnt deserve the hate it gets, but it not the "masterpiece" some claim it is either.
Are these black energy barriers related to postgame content or do I get an ability to get through them in the main game?
Pretty shit as a review, or a random opinion piece. Title made me expect some 20 minute analysis of where HK ripped off Ori, instead it's a beyond shitty review of Ori 2 with some side jabs at Hollow Knight that feel petty and surface level, that boils down to "So much pretty, muh feelz, 9/10".
You get an ability later in the game that lets you get through them. Not postgame.
You find an ability to get past them. IIRC, said ability is required complete the game.
I'm not gonna watch your video because I know it's wrong, so I'll just call you a faggot contrarian then start up a new file.
Ta ta, faggots.
This has to be a troll right? Didn't even make it to the first boss.
It's not required. You do not have to pass through a single black barrier to beat the game.
>comments are disabled
Always a good sign
>owns xbox
>is also a retard
Checks out
>youtuber say game bad. Thoughts?
I dont give a fuck bitch
Oh no a LITERAL random who? doesn't like the game.
It must be bad!
This thread again?
How many times will you keep making this thread my autistic user?
>the enemies are shit
This is his only valid criticism HK has shit tier enemy variety and most of the enemy degins are boring
Everything else from the video sounds like poor bait
>HKfags are this assmad about the video that they false flag over and over
just sad
>Comments disabled
>Dislike bar disabled
Absolute state of HK defenders.
This thread again?
Stop shilling your retarded video.
>this thread again
Just post the buglewds and get it over with
>staring level has nothing in it
it has two bosses
if you wanna talk about the game, make a thread about the game, not about a youtuber
this garbage should be bannable
I never understood why people who dont like a game have this need to try and prove to evrione how its objectively bad and it couldn't possibly be that it just doesn't appeal to them.
This thread again?
But I take the bait, the game is really good I liked the combat alot.
He didn't even spring for good implants, they look like rocks
Bbbut the game dont tell me where to find them.
I mean if a LITERALLY PERFECT game like skyrim can show you exactly ware to go at all times than why cant other modern games do the same.
Its like a bare minimum to show your players exactly ware to go.
Shilling your youtube channel is against the rules.
>Comments are turned off
Insecure fag detected
I know right? She's also completely fat and flat, constantly using those cheater poses and tactics covered by Nerd City IIRC.
>8.4k subscribers
>all his videos have sub 100 views
this nigga LYIN'
also what the fuck is this