Should I sell my Switch bros? They're going for like $500 on Ebay

Should I sell my Switch bros? They're going for like $500 on Ebay

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thats a man

there are no good games coming for it

Yes. There are no games for it atm

You think I care?

Or a cute tomboy

Nah look at the shoulders

How much are hackable ones going for?

Being listed for $500 doesn't mean they're selling for $500. It's like those mcdonalds beanie babies.

$500 for a fucking toy, go for it OP, don't waste your life on video games. move on with us, Sony, for the better future of video.

Sell your virginity to a rich old man for a lucrative sum. Then you can purchase all the amiibos your heart desires!

Hello, fellow Sonybro. Thank you for spreading the good word. In troubling times like these we need to help the stray lambs return to the path.

due to the angle its hard to properly asses the shoulders. hands are a better indicator anyway
based on this picture I wouldn't say its a man, its just not clear .

>collar to hide adams apple

How much are 360s with Scott Pilgrim on them going for?

he/she needs to get raped hard

If my son turned out to be a trap or a cute boy I would fuck his boipucci every single day. I would whip out my fucking shlong and say "Listen kiddo, this fuckstick of mine is the reason why you exists! Get down on your knees and worship your progenitor!" Then he would kiss and suck on my balls until I was erect enough to go in for the kill.

>photoshopped the bony protrusions on male legs
>hairy as fuck arms
>hiding shoulders, hands, and face is at an angle so you can't see the jaw
It's a man

>it's a man!
>it's a woman!
They're cute, so my dick doesn't care
Bisexual master race

literally just iqdb it and you can find it on lgbt reddit
its a guy but women do have hair on their arms and those aren't even 'hairy as fuck', you virgin lmao

Even as a Nintendo fanboy, I gotta admit 500 is hard to pass up. If you got your games digitally, you can get a new Switch later for normal price and just redownload everything.

Women don't have hairy forearms like that unless they have too much test, and usually to get that much hair they also have mustaches

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Kill yourself

Stay mad

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Switch lites are only going for ~$300 meanwhile normal switches are going for $500+ its not fair bros why'd i buy this piece of shit

>yea i read a few articles about testosterone and estrogen in relation to onions

go for it. buy another later when the prices/stock are normal.

>also doesn't understand sexual dimorphism
Get of the internet

is coffee good for you?

Do you really care that much about $200 profit, minus shipping and tax? More importantly, do you really need $500 right now?
You know better than we do whether or not you need a quick $500.

I dont remember what my total expenses were with my Switch. I bought one back in 2017, then traded it to someone for a PS4 Pro, then traded the PS4 Pro to someone for a Switch Lite and some cash. I'm probably about even is far as investment goes.


If it's impossible to tell if it's actually a woman or not then that means "it's" clearly cute and fuck it's hole either way

You would have a much easier time deciphering its identity if you saw it in person.

>no bf to cuddle
Sad :’(

vellus hair isn't entirely dependent on testosterone and develops on women as well, which eventually as you go through puberty will turn into terminal hair, you autist

and also

>They're going for like $500 on Ebay

Can I sell my first Gen hacked switch for 600?

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