>Try out highly disliked game
>It was pretty damn good
What's her name?
>Try out highly disliked game
>It was pretty damn good
What's her name?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fallout 76
breasts too large
this, sick of the cowtits everywhere now, anything larger than a b cup just isn't attractive
Heroes & Generals
Everyone says it's an awful f2p grindfest,and it is, but the actual minute-to-minute gameplay is fun, in almost a Battlefield 2 sort of way.
Still too large
now this is based
Something like this would be H-cup in real life, and probably even larger considering how skinny she is. Anime titties tend to be ridiculously large.
closest thing to a cunt boy
flat is better
>3dpd shit
>approving 3dpd shit
What's wrong with 3d?
It's called being petite you fucking mentally-ill retard
i wasn't approving anything you sperg i was just pointing out a fact
>3dpd shit
Nice meme.
3DPD used to mean actual PD. It was a response to seeing what actual typical 3D girls look like. Automatically replying "3DPD" to a well-curated (& photoshoped) sexy picture of a genuinely cute girl is dumb tryhard shit.
who pissed in your cereal
Post too not video games
Jannies too gay
>sick of the cowtits
Because cowtits are sick
get plank instead
Everything. the sweat, the betrayal, the going outside, and you
Oh you love 2dgg you so might love this.
Used fucking pussies and fucking irl nature of disgusts and rotting. nice meme tardface. lower dimension fucknut. 6 dimension is not a meme at all.
yeah i already read this, good taste
>start thread with suggestive image
>to talk about porn on a vidya board
What's his name?
the meme you created and spread it throughout to normalfags
imagine being gay
Residentt Evil 6
Sonic Unleashed
based cuckold
>admiring all kinds of fetishes and their true nature
>ntrtard is this tard
Some of your braincells leaking through your thick skull somehow
You're the NTR fag here mate, I'm the yurichad
go home ntrfag, your humiliation fetish won't work on me
For me, Sea of Thieves.
Where is the dick in your yuri mangos? if it's futa it's even worst
How do you even fap to other men having sex? I'll never understand this.
Ok, now you are not making any sense
Duke Nukem Forever. I love it and it was my GOTY of 2011.
Unless you're gay, seeing another man's penis penetrating a woman is literally being a cuckold. Unless you're into cheating and NTR shit it doesn't make sense.
what is it with all the fags coming out of their closets to annoy everyone with their anti-cowtits crusade?
>yuri anime show
>has straight hetero doujins
The ultimate based
>he thinks porn is real
Why are you even focusing on the dudes, user? They shouldn't matter, so why do they bother you so much?
Is there something you want to tell us?
I think your brain is not alive anymore. Reset immediately.
What is it you don't understand?
Am I really that crazy?
Try to see it from my point of view, watching a girl get fucked by another man is not turning me on, why? Because I'm not the man fucking her.
> Because I'm not the man fucking her
What is """"""self-insert"""""""""""""
>watching video of fucking is literally the same as irl stuff
your autism is showing
>girls are not turning me on
we know user, we know
What's so hard to understand about it? Please explain.
Does it not humiliate you that you have to watch another man fuck this girl?
your brain is fucked mate
no thanks, I'm straight
It's tranny cope because the freaks know they'll never have large breasts without cosmetic surgery so they convince themselves flat is better.
just like my aunt Hirahu used to say, more than a mouthful is just a waste anyway!
Get clinic help or just end it with a fucking rocket launcher
People actually self-insert? I thought that was just a meme. How the fuck do you do that?
>Because I'm not the man fucking her.
>imagine being this self-centered schizoid
Explain to me how I'm wrong then, telling me to kill myself isn't an argument.
bethesda fanboy
I only came to post in this thread because of the large anime breasts.
I am a simple man with simple pleasures.
>all men who watch straight porn are cucks
What kind of fucked up logic is this?
If anything, you're the actual cuck since you seem to be so obsessed about it.
What exactly does this mean? It is that strange to not being able to self-insert and feel a deep jealousy of the men getting to fuck the girls instead of me?
>watching video of fucking is the same as seeing it irl
in unrelated news
>watching war movies can give you ptsd
>watching romantic comedies makes you romantic
>watching op's room can make you develop tranny fetish
>How the fuck do you do that?
NPCs who lack an imagination wouldn't understand.
Take a gander
In a way they are though. Everyone sitting in front of a screen fapping to another man fucking someone you find attractive.