So.. when is this coming out


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Other urls found in this thread:

>X4 Foundations needs another 1 billion years in order to become the Apex of space games
>Elite dangerous is completely dead with nothing to do in it
>Star citizen is a giant shitscam
>EVE Online is entirely run over by chinese botters and bored boomers multitasking 6 accounts at once
>NMS is boring space minecraft with garbage ship controls

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X games are still your best bet.

I'm bored of x3

I've been looking at very recent gameplay videos

This fucking game looks nuts. I also thought It would NOT come out, but this changed when I saw this ship with 3 motherfuckers on turrets and this dude driving chasing down a bounty

Motherfucker. That's all I wanted. Might be dropping those 50 bux in the coming months

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As in feature-complete? Never.
You can invest your life savings in it now if you want though and fuck around with their buggy alpha builds if you want.

How much funding has SC recieved now? Was it a quarter or half a billion?

Nobody knows, not even the developers. Partially because it's a massive project, essentially designed to be platform rather than a single finished project, partially because it was clearly mismanaged from the start. The devs are clueless and don't have a solid plan or reliable roadmaps themselves.

Elite is good, the biggest issue it has is the absolutely glacial speed of updates.
That said, New Era should hopefully come out by the end of the year, with beta probably taking place during the fall, so hopefully that will breathe in some much needed fresh air into it.
X4 is - from what I heard - also shaping up decently now, but I'm yet to give it a try. On release, it was a bloody mess though.

donate another $100 million if you would like an answer for that question

>Was it a quarter or half a billion?
something in between

>Elite is good
The same elite that sends you to grind endless hours if you wanna be at least 10% competitive in pvp and calls it "personal narrative"
The same elite that discouraged any kind of combat in their game with low pays, high repair/rearm costs and inconvenience if you are a criminal.

The only things you can do in elite and still progress a bit involve:
Endless jumps into samey looking planets and scanning them from afar.
Scanning endless rocks looking for the only 2 mineable ores that pay well.
Fedex simulator running cargo from point A to B.

How is elite fun again?

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I don't give a flying fuck about PVP. Elite has fantastic flight model, good background simulation, and amazing sense of scale. There is no other game outside that makes just flying through space so captivating. Earning enough money to be free to do whatever you particularly fancy is actually easy - perhaps easier than it should be. Fucking around helping various factions or destabilizing systems from wihin is quite a lot of fun. I do find it somewhat idiotic that you need to invest in major upgrades to build up a viable combat shit, but once you are there, there is plenty of fun combat to participate in if you want and aren't just looking to min-max your income. Which I don't really understand why you would want to because again: making solid bank sufficient to have complete freedom in single or coop is very easy.

Who fucking knows anymore.For a couple years they had a pretty accurate roadmap and informative youtube videos so we could see their end goal.Now they are withholding information and aren't as transparent as before.We don't even get updates on SQ42.

Yeah the scale is cool, I love how the ships feel, and it has the best sound design of any space game, maybe any game period.shame there's absolutely fuck all to do. No content.

Elite is a great tech demo. It's a cool alpha or proof of concept but a shit game. It's an empty stage with nothing to do on it. I say this as someone with 1500 hours in it too because I was captivated by the space dream as well, but it really boggles the mind how slow the devs are with updates. Latest fleet carrier update originally needed multiple billions of credits a year just to keep the FC running. The grind is absolutely insane and it's all just so you can grind some more, either that or jump into endless systems which are just a randomly selected combination of dead, empty planets

the 31st of never

>accurate roadmap
>100 star systems
>7 years later they've finished 2 planets

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When pigs fly

Never. It's a perpetual "Early Access" SCAM. The developers literally don't have any financial incentive to actually finish and release it to gold, because they can milk their cult of 50 y.o. mentally unsound Boomers and third world retards (literally no one else is getting roped into this scam at this point) by selling them jpgs. of useless ships and theorycrafting instead of actual gameplay.

that doesn't solve that there is NOTHING you can in Elite, by 130 hours I was already bored to death.
To add insult to the injury, look at these pile of shit carriers that they 2 spent 2 YEARS working on...

It sounds like Elite may get legs. And while the game is fairly fucking bland, it is well made and not janky shit.

So it could be really good to have ED with proper movement.

It will come out the same time Tom Cruise does.

they spent 2 years working on this fucking carrier joke, how can you trust them that the new era update won't be an abslolute clusterfuck?

And another one...
They spent 2 years working on fleet carriers and are now starting to talk about it, where is the talk about spacelegs? They haven't mentioned it once but they haven't denied it either.
My guess is that we are not getting any legs but as usual they are not managing expectations cause they want the hype and when they don't deliver this is going to blow up in their faces.

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The main problem of Elite is that it's a good 100+ hour game that has potential to be much more, and that takes 2-3 years between each meaningful content update. It's main issue is perspective. Given how long everything takes in it's development, we feel cheated because we are used to either getting major content updates every few months, or a new game altogether every few years. Elite holds this awkward possition when it's neither, the 100-150 hours of quite a damn good content it currently has simply can't hold you over until new update comes.

I had the advantage of playing Elite basically shortly after release, then forgetting about it for few years, and then starting fresh few months ago. And yeah, by now I don't have much to do anymore too. But it is kinda silly to complain the game has nothing to do when a good hundred plus hours can be sunk into it easily.

But yeah, the incredibly slow progression on content updates - while understandable - is the biggest issue the game has. I can't really think of a way around it without compromiting something else, but it does get aggrivating. But then again: at least it's not fucking up as hard as SC is.

130 hours is not "nothing". And they have not been working on Carriers for 2 years. They have been working on New Era. Carriers are literally a minor sideproduct in the process.
The problem of Elite is that the team is stretched very thin working simultaneously on multiple elements, thus progressing very slow. Braben being an insane perfectionalist and a control freak with more interest in his vision than in feedback from the playerbase don't help.
But then again, while all of this is no doubt annoying, it's also why what is there is so damn well implement, and while the project is still standing, while SC is flailing around.

Stop deluding yourself, user.
Elite is shit, I triple elite'd and uninstalled. This fleet carrier shitstorm was the final nail in the coffin for any hope I had of reinstalling.

Never, just play Ellie or X4, NMS if you can stand ships flying like shit.

Again, they have not spend 2 years on Carriers, you morons. Majority of the team has been working on New Era. And yes, Space Legs are confirmed to be the major new inclusion on New Era, with player-initiated base-building being basically confirmed by the ARK store dataleaks.

What shitstorm?

>Space Legs are confirmed to be the major new inclusion on New Era,
I know of the store leaks.

Gee, its almost like most of the team is working on space legs, that thing they promised during the kickstarter.

No shit while that is in development a smaller team would do smaller projects like carriers.

Beat me to the punch, was gonna post the exact same thing.

>Gee, its almost like most of the team is working on space legs, that thing they promised during the kickstarter.
Oh well I can do it here, SOURCE!

fleet carriers got announced in 2017, got delayed TWICE and this is the fucking garbage we end up with?
Doesn't matter how small the darn dev team is, if a 20 man team (Egosoft, X series) can make carriers that are 100 times better and more fun to fly, then there is something terribly wrong with Fdev

>What shitstorm
look at youtube, literally every single elite content creater (not like there are many of them) is complaining about these carriers.

August 2018 Zac Antonaci community update, as well the leaked mission cinematics from the same year.

Do you guys think Croberts (blacklisted from Hollywood for running scams, was a used car salesman for a decade before SC) always intended this is a gravy train scam from the start, or did he get corrupted by the wales endlessly throwing money at him, so he decided to string everybody along even after he realized the technical debt on Star Citizen was impossible to solve?

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>fleet carriers got announced in 2017, got delayed TWICE and this is the fucking garbage we end up with?
They were delayed because frankly, they were the least high priority update, as they really only concern a tiny minority of players. What gets announced when does not really matter given the studios highly incrimental approach to development.
I've seen a lot of buzz about the fleetcarriers being riddiculously pricy to maintain, the jump windows being too wide, and fuel constraining, as part of the beta test: all of which was actually addressed literally within the first 14 days of the beta. I don't see a shitstorm, I see a regular process of ballancing.


He got corrupted. Hes not smart enough to plan anything.