Why does Blizzard consistently fuck up?

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>those manly fucking hands




Both look like shit, where' the loli race? And no, gnomes are not real lolis.

how else are they supposed to drag you back to their viking lodge for snu-snu breeding the next generation of warriors?


Who is that "we" you are talking of?

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which way, modern man?

>Another human race

kys pedo
play some other degenerate game for degenerates.

Because retards keep on buying whatever Blizzard shits out

You are aware there is no such thing as "cute anime girls with swords" right? If a woman is a fighter and is able to kick a mans butt, she is going to be ripped and with weird hands

Says the guy fapping to literal man bodies

>it's okay, there are now FOUR Elf races.

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You didn't want it.
You thought you did, but you didn't.

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>these are the fags calling you cuck and sjw

>Everyone likes not-PotD in the Shadowlands alpha
>Blizzard comes out and says that they're going to make it not-fun, and limit the amount of time you can spend doing it because doing something fun instead of raiding is forbidden
I am fully convinced that they are actively attempting to kill their game. Either that or they are hardcore raidfags and will not tolerate anyone else playing their game.

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I only fap to goblins, gnomes, and futa draenei nice try though.

WoW gnomes are fucking deformed. Why would you fap to those huge-headed mutants?


i want a nice vrykul girl to choke me to death

>Either that or they are hardcore raidfags and will not tolerate anyone else playing their game.
Ion used to be/is the leader of Elitist Jerks, a hardcore raiding guild.

>want crossdressing men with tits
>get women
You deserve it

If I recall it is a soft cap, you can farm up the stuff to play it more. Exit points are good game design, and especially good if you need to balance the resources that come from something.

Because they make my dick hard.

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Next expansion will fix it

He's not even good at raiding though. The raids that they design these days are insanely more difficult than anything his guild was doing when they were at the cutting edge of the game.
>If I recall it is a soft cap, you can farm up the stuff to play it more.
They haven't decided yet, they've said that much, but they do say that they don't want players doing nothing but Torghast, regardless of how much fun it might be. They want to funnel you into raiding and Mythic+.

Musclegirls is certainly a gay fetish, but one can be straight without wanting to pork a piggy.

I don't think the people sucking them off over their PotD copy realize the effect it'll have.
Specs have barely been changed aside from a select few (enhancement) so most specs will play exactly like they do in BfA, which is shit.
In Torghast, they give you ability altering perks that mix up the way your spec will play, seemingly pretty drastically and seems like it could be a lot of fun.
But then you leave Torghast, you lose your perks and you're back to playing with the slow, boring, uninteresting spec that you happen to play.
The contrast will be massive and all of this doesn't even have the timegated key bs and covenant trash factoring in, that will all just be more shit added on top of the pile of shit that will be Shadowlands.

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>Blizzard comes out and says that they're going to make it not-fun, and limit the amount of time you can spend doing it because doing something fun instead of raiding is forbidden
Whew, that was close. I was almost getting hyped for a World of Warcraft feature. Good to see that the are going to fucking ruin it like they did with horrific visions.

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