Nothing about this game appeals to me. The music is bland, the graphics are hideous, and the gameplay puts me to sleep. I don’t know why anyone says it’s the best game ever and can only assume it’s a self-perpetuated meme at this point.
Nothing about this game appeals to me. The music is bland, the graphics are hideous, and the gameplay puts me to sleep...
I was never a fan either.
>Nothing about this game appeals to me.
And that's a good thing!
This game is excellent fiction!
I love it! One of my all-time favorite Zelda's!
>“Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.”― Sheik
It’s literally a 3D remake of ALTTP but with everything that made that game fun and memorable removed.
How is the Dark World Pyramid the same as Hyrule Castle being divested?
You are literally a retard.
3D zeldas have killed the franchise's quality control. Now it's just gimmick after gimmick with the same monotonous puzzles noone wants to bother with.
Can't believe this piece of shit that ruined the series is reason but is regarded as the best game of all time.
>Like modernist storytelling
>Just not when the modernism changes to become visceral and grimdark
who the fuck are you quoting, namefag
Future Hyrule/past Hyrule is basically the Dark World/Light World thing all over again. Also how tf is hyrule even devistated, everything looks pretty much normal. Compare it to how ruined and awful the entirety of the Dark World looks.
Him, I'm quoting him.
He says he likes the series, and doesn't like anything in the 3D universe for the same reasons they exist in the first place.
Your IQ isn't high enough to understand my posts.
I don't think that's on topic either.
Nothing about this game appeals to me. The music is bland, the graphics are hideous, and the gameplay puts me to sleep. I don’t know why anyone says it’s the best game ever and can only assume it’s a self-perpetuated meme at this point.
The dark world is more akin to an alternate plane no?
Nice blog
Uh.... can I get a based?
Gameplay wise it’s the same thing.
Sequelitis was right.
Ganon didn't try to take over Hyrule in ALTTP, he tried to use the Triforce to bend all reality to his will. When the Triforce realized he was evil, it only gave him the Dark World.
In OoT Ganondorf literally tricks the King and Princess Zelda into giving him the kingdom. Not to mention, Agahnim being completely vacant from the story altogether.
What topic? Ever heard of a meta discu- oh yeah, we already established your intelligence is inferior to mine.
Fucking agree'd. The entire Metroid series has aged like milk in the sun.
You can say anything about oot, except that it has bad music.
You have literally shit taste.
Get the fuck out of here and never go back.
>The music is bland
Jesus Christ, user. How can you have factually incorrect opinions? That's quite a feat. Congratulations.
Seethe more snoyfag.
>Like music that's syncopated and harmonic
>Somehow feel a deep and incessant aversion to music you've heard a thousand times before
DAE not like P O P U L A R T H I N G??????? xd
OOT’s score is literally elevator music played back through a shitty 90s MIDI sound font. Except the forest theme, that one is okay. Compare its synthesized music to THIS:
>Game talks about what it takes to get married
>Start disliking it around ages 28-30
The music, like all other facettes of this game, only exists to function. There is nothing noteworthy about them. You could say the music feels the most amateurish part of the entire game.
He's not wrong though. The soundtracks of N64 games could not compete with CD quality music of the PS1. Mario 64 probably had the best music on the console and it was a launch title.
Its another 14-year-old-seething-over-OoT thread.
>guys nintendo game didn't age well am I right?
>posts sega related music
I was curious about the use of Christ as an exclamation, I found this
>a swear word that many people find offensive
>a swear word
>that many people find offensive
Looks like I'll be using Christ more often to piss off heathens and christians both at once.
Seriously, what type of sheltered faggot finds 'Christ!' offensive