A voice actor is used once then disgraded as trash for another...

>A voice actor is used once then disgraded as trash for another, cheaper voice actor who doesn't even sound like the last one, with each installment
>A voice actor weasels their way into repeated roles across countless franchises using the one same fucking voice

Why the fuck do companies systematically do this? Why is it so fucking rare for companies to have consistency without just defaulting onto one or two of the industries' biggest names?

Biggest pet peeve recently was with Final Fantasy VIII: ReMake when some fucking soilent faggot replaced Quinten Flynn as Reno, as if Square couldn't fucking afford Flynn, they even get a Matt Mercer clone to do a Matt Mercer voice... but then they drop MILLIONS on the guy who played Badger in Breaking Bad for his celebrity status. He was an alright Wedge but literally anyone could do that husky, mopey voice.

I mean an issue Konami had with David Hayter was the increasing budget he demanded due to the popularity of the MG franchise, and then Kojima's solution is to fire him for a fucking Hollywood celebrity that cost even fucking more (though we all know in that scenario it's just because Kojima is such a fucking starstruck Westaboo).

Just find some fucking talent that does the voice right the first time, and unless the VA fucking dies or completely fucks things up, continue to fucking use them. No more of this new voice every game or just hearing the same couple of voices for every game franchise. Why is this so fucking hard?

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And in scenarios where an actor MUST be replaced (death, creating hostile work environment, doing a shit performance, etc) why is it so fucking difficult for companies to hire someone who even sounds remotely like the previous voice? Nobody ever fucking tries to find someone who sounds and acts similarly and it's jarring when established characters have different voices every five or six years when the contract ends and the company feels like it needs to hire fresh faces.

There are thousands of people who are incredible at vidya impressions online, some that the original voice actors even wish to be replaced by, and companies ignore them all and would rather throw an unadvertised recruitment fair to hire whatever retards walk off the street.

I also know both Square and Sega suffer from having English voice directors who DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. From Lance Bass to Lacey Chabert (not Jessica Chobot) we have had consistent complaints about when recording lines, the VA doesn't speak a word of Japanese and relies on a translater to interpret what he wants. The way voice acting gets treated in this industry is a fucking insane joke and it concerns me greatly that faggots keep pushing VAs to unionize because then we will only have the same dozen people voicing literally all game characters unless a company wants to get sued.

Just put some effort into having your characters have a consistent, familiar voice that isn't constantly changing or just reuses Matt Mercer for the 99th time. Hire some fucking talent and keep it.

>le ebin meme face is back

>bitching about a self-perpetuated plight
You have zero self-awareness. You had the opportunity to make the first reply to the thread, could have contributed somethinf to the topic, but instead you went "eyuuu it's that icky pic again, lol not a fan of these meme, my bro-orinos! lol let's talk about ebin memes". Fuck you. You shill the very thing you bitch and moan about for the sake of having something to bitch and moan about. You are a faggot.

Why did I bother, this place is so riddled with zoomers than everyone who saw this thread lost interest the moment they saw a lot of words.

>Kojima's solution is to fire him for a fucking Hollywood celebrity that cost even fucking more
I wonder if this is why he has so few lines. Semi-silent protaganist because he watched Mad Max meme aside, Snake is almost quiet the whole way through the game which is just weird for an MGS game.

You need to realize that game studios and publishers, especially Japanese ones, have close to no respect for the English voice industry.
Everyone considers it beneath them. The voice actors included.

>Why the fuck do companies systematically do this? Why is it so fucking rare for companies to have consistency without just defaulting onto one or two of the industries' biggest names?
Your problem is playing Japanese games with dubcancer audio.
Play them as the creator intended with Japanese voice cast that never gets replaced (unless the person dies), problem solved.

Why does Tifa look like a porn actress in that picture

This was well established as the reason why.

Because a porn artist made that Tifa model for porn.

redmoa on sankaku, it is from a webm

>words words words
fuck off

And to add to that, regarding your point with replacements, again Japan actually goes out of their way to make sure the replacements always sound as close as possible to previous one.
For example, Sugita who voiced Joseph Joestar in Part 2 of JoJo anime (and videogames) did an impression of Ishizuka (his idol) when voicing the Old Joseph at the end of Part 2.
Then for Part 3, they actually hired Ishizuka for Old Joseph.
And now that Ishizuka is dead, Sugita is voicing Old Joesph again because of his good impression of Ishizuka.

You will never see shit like this in the west due to fundamental difference in how creatives work in US vs JP.
In US, it's all about maximizing profit, quality be damned, which is also why even small companies that strike gold don't even hold on to their franchise but immediately sell them to a big corporation for massive amount of money because it's all about getting rich quick, they don't even care about their personal work (see id Software/Romero/Carmack with Doom and Wolfenstein as a good example of this).

In Japan obviously they still very much care about profit, but creatives are actually respected and, more importantly, actually give a damn about their work. You may not like the likes of Nomura or Yoko Taro but they are respected people that truly care about their work as if it was their baby and thus are very protective of it.

This also extends to the Japanese VA industry where actors really care about their roles, you can ask American VA about some minor role they did long ago and they will go ??? not even knowing what the fuck you're talking about because they neither remember nor give a shit. In Japan, the VAs actually remember even minor roles and care about them because of their work culture and general approach with creatives.

It's a fundamental cultural difference and long story short, your problem is consooming Amerimutt garbage instead of creator's original vision.


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>have a fetish
>literally the same three girls keep getting religiously commissioned to provide voices for the fetish when voice acting is used
>two of them sound like bargain bin Nyanners while the third is literally a fat woman in her late 40s who sounds like Ursula
Now this is suffering. The sound of these three women make my ears bleed and any time I'm fapping to videos of my fetish, without fail, one of the three (if not more) is the starring role.

These laaaaazy bitches are going to kill my favourite fetish for me.

Dumb coomer you don't deserve those trips

Here you go, you know what these are.

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>If you ignore it, it goes away!
This hasn't worked for ten years.

>STILL caring about gets on Yas Forums

I hope every fetish you enjoy is also ruined by awful voice actors trying desperately to sound seductive.

I get that but the usual answer is simply money.
>Does replacing X VA with famous Y VA give us more ad/sales? If some random middle manager says yes, then go for it.
I've been thinking about this since Rick May, who voiced Soldier in TF2, passed away. I doubt that Valve will retire the character forever or keep him silent so one day they'll need to find a replacement. Will they just get the first person who answers the phone or will they go out of their way to find someone who does a good imitation to the golden standard that May gave?
Also it comes down to basic incompetence. We sometimes like to believe companies only basic decisions because they believe it's the right choice but more often than not, they make decisions because some idiot said so and no one bothered to spend 5 minutes arguing a counterpoint because it's not their job to do so.

>My ADHD is so strong I can't only NOT ignore shit but have to contribute towards it as well!
Again, zero self-awareness. You perpetuate the very thing you claim to hate, which means you're either a contrarian little bitch or you're utterly retarded.

>noooooo let me post my epic croped porn faces!!!

I accepted the world is full of incompetence and professionalism is dead when doctors, police, and courts failed to protect or help me after I was brutally raped.

Anyone alive who's a professional has self-isolated and can't be reached.

Who exactly has zero self-awareness here?
I said like one sentence, and yet your crippling insecurity made an entire backstory.
That's not even a strawman, that's an emotional scapegoat to explain your extreme autism.

>then they drop MILLIONS on the guy who played Badger in Breaking Bad for his celebrity status

Get fucked dubfag, you honestly deserve it and then more.

Queefer was actually cheaper to hire than Hayter.

Well now I know it upsets you so much, I have no reason not to.

Take your Ritalin, faggot.

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stopped reading there

What the fuck is a crope

>make huge sandbox RPG
>hire 5 VAs to do everything
>people buy and praise the game

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I though the reason was because he was not big boss

I liked Cummings in Skyrim.

user, I don't even think you know what ADHD is.

There's only one type of poster who is genuinely upset by cropped porn, tranny.

Sugita is a great VA

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imagine letting trannies live rent free in your head
you are just as mentally ill

You have a hard time paying attention and piss yourself when you have to read more than a short sentence at a time. Or are you giving me one of those, "You don't truly understand my mental disability and need to stop mocking me for it" speels?


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Yo at least I know how to locate at least one of my shift keys. But thanks for falling back onto discord lingo and cementing my claim, trannies are so transparent.

theres only one type of poster who uses the word "tranny", go back to Yas Forums

No argument. No rebuttal. Just squirming in your own shit, distraught by people nailing the head too hard.

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>doubles down
And here we go

>someone posts cropped porn
>you start screeching "pol! pol!"
And you have the nerve to project your head-space shenanigans onto others?

if i say please, will you go back?

>behave like election tourist
>get called out
>gets mad

>Well, you type bad!
>Doesn't use commas the first two times and uses "but" for no reason.
user, you never explained how ADHD is relevant, how ignoring things help, or what it is.

Can you type one post that isn't dependent on regurgitated lingo? Have you ever had a single unique thought in your miserable life? Impress me, faggot. Fucking reply without just vomiting memes all over yourself.

You can't.

Imagine being so fucking upset about voice actors in games that you go on Yas Forums, where your posts will change literally nothing and writing entire books, and more than likely hitting the character limit, THEN like the psuedo-intellectual you are, your Fedora thoroughly tipped, dorito dust running down the spherical shape of your t-shirt, gets so assblasted man when the first reply has nothing to do with your topic. Either post this shit on Twitter or Youtube where people might take you seriously, or kill yourself with that katana you undoubtedly have.

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There's people agreeing with you?
>Haha faggot
>unique thought
Also you're the one using memes?

>"Cropped porn started in late 2016"
This quarantine has dulled you in ways you can't even recognize when you're using bait this fucking pathetic.

>Yas Forumsredditor enters the thread
>thread goes to shit
every fucking time

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Being so wrong twice in one post doesn't make you more efficient, it makes you more retarded.

You can't fucking stop me, check out this sick ass 7