what is the most american video game there is?
give me the most unfiltered patriotism you have
What is the most american video game there is?
Madden NFL series.
Is this American tank man.
im starting to get weirded out man
I live in a town near New York.
No one I know has it. Anecdotal, I know.
My co-worker's uncle was infected with it and he's completely fine.
The hospitals seems pretty empty. It just seems like people who are already old and sick die.
The game where the people that made it got sued for having an underaged person pose nude in it.
It would be fitting.
In China your enemy is the government.
In America your enemy is other Americans.
>No one I know has it. Anecdotal, I know.
Possible some people have been asymptomatic carriers, also maybe, just maybe it's possible that this is why we did stay-at-home orders and social distancing
>The hospitals seems pretty empty.
Hospital lobbies and general med surg floors aren't the issue. The issue is the ED and ICU which depending on where you are are space-limited more than anything. They're where shit is going down, and are you really surprised that hospitals have less going on in them when almost all visitors and unnecessary vendors have been banned from coming into hospitals?
any cod. it's basicaly americans jerking off for x minutes how cool soliders are. but their soldiers especially. it reached peak retardation when out of literal nowhere whole latin america decided to invade usa, i guess because writers tought killing russians and sandniggers all the time was getting a little stale
A majority of CoD's protagonists are brits.
American's jerk off to brit accents as well, since it's "posh". But in reality brits are a bunch of drunkards.
were they ? honestly i remember only mw1/2 and blops1 after those i lost intrest in series
We’re binge drinkers not drunkards there’s a difference
Gta V? Or leasure suit Larry?
Ghost, Soap, and Price are all brits
Karen wants to talk to his manager.
Smug man farting on girls.jpg
Presenting conspiracy theorists with a rational answer only makes them more conspiratorial.
Conspiracy theorists are not normal people with bad information. They are fundamentally a different personality type - born with a predisposition to suspicious thinking and then "broken in" by the new media to total lunacy. You should just tell them to fuck off and make them feel unwelcome. Eventually they will leave. If they are isolated for long enough they either become insane hermits or shed their dumbshittery so that they can rejoin society (without a community of conspiracy nutcases to reinforce their bullshit it falls apart by itself under the weight of reality).
This doesn't work on Yas Forums though because of fucking Yas Forums.
> ameritards cry about niggers
> are closer to chimpanzees than the niggerest nigger
I can’t tell you how happy I am that these ‘people’ are willingly exposing themselves. Can’t wait to see them start dying off.
>everybody needs to stay at home because there's asymptomatic cases everywhere
Which means that the reported cases are likely a mere fraction of the actual number of cases. There's more than likely dozens of millions of cases already that are completely asymptomatic and non-harmful to the carriers.
Which of course means that not only is the death rate far lower than projected, and therefore the lockdowns can be considered unnecessary due to not only the incredibly low death rate but the low hospitalization rate.
staged shit
Agreed. Nurse isn't wearing PPE properly and no nurse has the time to do this stunt. Not surprised there's nothing coming out about who this nurse is.
I'm not even American but playing Metal Wolf Chaos sure made me feel like one.
the giveaway is that they chose an asian nurse and the most caricaturized "ignorant american" actor possible, with a USA shirt in a ford truck
and it's all perfectly in frame with her throwing herself out the window into the camera and looking as ignorant and american as she humanly can, while the asian actor sits there like he's tank man. just consider the logistics of this, what hospital would do this? which hospital director would say, "asian nurse, could you go block the street? protestors might come." it's the most dubious retarded bullshit ive ever seen but people with room temperature IQs are eating it up. this is so transparently one of those advertisement agencies doing its fake-controversy thing
>because there's asymptomatic cases everywhere
You're putting words in my mouth m80. Also our hospital systems are so laughably unprepared for pandemic-levels shit that hospital systems across the country would break and be fucked for years if everyone gets sick at once.
>Nurse isn't wearing PPE properly
He has his N95 on properly, the bands are supposed to cross like that for the most snug fit