How come she became so popular?

How come she became so popular?

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Autists can smell one of their own.


cute strong girl

She makes the penis become the big penis.

She's the second prettiest Fire Emblem after Oboro.

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Evil route in a fire emblem game

Postergirl. The First Girl syndrome is very real user.

Most people that like her from what I've seen refuse to recognice this

Faggots who go for hoes instead of bros.

She’s an axechad of course

I thought this guy was more popular.

Anyway, Edelgard is probably the only good villain in the entire series, sans Alvis.

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Edelgard a shit.
Waga na wa Ferdinand von Aegir.

No way he is more popular.

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Waifufags and the people who whine about female representation went for her. Also, they pushed her the most.

trannies love her

>good design
>poster girl of the game
>driving force in the story
>in love with (you)
>gap moe

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she's hot and female villains are patrician

>First girl syndrome
>Ann takes a back seat to Makoto

O im laffin

Fe is a game for shit casuals unless it was on the gba but after the gba the game was made for shit casuals.


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5 Head is a retard, N U K E went through the same shit she did and you don't see her trying to implode society

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happy birthday hitler

She's one of the most compelling FE protagonists in ages because she's actually very morally grey instead of "gee whiz gang, Emperor Evil McBadguy invaded our territory again, which means we're free and clear to kill hundreds of people in this game about war instead of questioning it at all!"

One of the best things FE3H did was making many of the BE students sound absolutely burnt out after the timeskip. For a game about war, FE usually handles the moral complexities of it with all the nuance of a kindergartner, so it's great to have a game which forces the player to think harder about the subject.

Coomers picked her first. They don't know her info is completely wrong due to her being a puppet of the Slitherer Molefucks who are responsible for her experimentation in the first place.
The rest of the BE cast are cool though.

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>you can recruit Lysithea on BE post-timeskip and she starts trying to implode society
This kills the user.

Slitherers get theirs in the end so I can't be fussed about it, the reptiloids and the nobility's gotta go either way.

Lysi likes her though.

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>so it's great to have a game which forces the player to think harder about the subject.
Nigga you massacre the continent and the ending is “everyone was so happy you killed them congratulations”

To be fair you can do that with most students, the mental gymnastics they pull off to justify it is comedy gold


Literally written off in a footnote

CF literally has no internal logic, holst rewards you for killing hilda