FromSoftware's absolutely abysmal hitboxes

>game gets memed as le difficult
>it's actually easy 90% of the time but there's artificial difficulty in one hit kill attacks with dogshit hitboxes
How does shit like # and # get a pass and even win GOTY awards when far better made games don't get nearly the same amount of praise?
I'd understand if games media fell for this kind of retardation, but Yas Forums? There are people here who's only sense of identity is their taste in videogames and even they praise it.
Is this the power of marketing? Tell retards it's "challenging" and for 1337 gamers only and le difficult and they'll pretend they enjoyed it like it's some kind of emperor's new clothes type scenario?

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have sex

bro ur just bad at the game lmao
you think hitboxes should be accurate? git gud babby


What irks me more is that people treat this as the pinnacle of challenging when harder games like Ninja Gaiden exist.
Fuck those soulsbourne circlejerking faggots. The ones who enjoy the games without the difficulty jerking are alright though.

just don't get hit retard

git gud



souls games are pathetic

Yes, the game's programing is shit.
We've always known this. From Software are like the Obsidian of action games. Can't write shit, can't program shit and are only known for their "epic memes" WOW A HOONTER MUST HOONT EPIC LEL

Though bloodborne is purposely made that way, they were apparently "forced" into making Bloodborne to keep a contract with Sony so they just make as shitty a product as possible.


>they were apparently "forced" into making Bloodborne to keep a contract with Sony so they just make as shitty a product as possible.
LMAO I want to believe this

Soulsborne is the genre-apex of ludonarrative gameplay intersectionality.

Ninja Gaiden is not fucking hard faggot. Upgrade your weapons grind your items and know general boss patterns.

>Tenchu is fucking dead because of Souls success
>Ninja Gaiden got a shitty sendoff with 3 and Yaiba Z
will these days ever get better?

I can't hear you over the sound of you getting filtered

You're an illiterate fucking faggot. Bloodborne is the most complete and well made game these assholes have ever made. Actually, similar to Sekiro or the first Dark Souls.

I know you're shitposting but i'll explain anyways.
People don't like souls because of the meme difficulty; the meme difficulty came after the popularity, if you can remember and be honest with yourself. People like that the Dark Souls franchise offers something not really seen before it; it put together the disparate parts we'd seen in Virtual Hydelide, King's Field, Legacy of Kain, and created a 3rd person, action RPG with heavy character customization, semi 'real' feeling melee swings with heft and bulk, a semi-unique stamina-driven give and take combat where you're managing your health and energy in real-time, and a big old boatload of weapon types, move-sets, all set in a high fantasy, mysterious and dark world.
The 'WOW LE SO DIFFICULT HEE HEE PREPARE TO DIE' shit came way later. Once the game had succeeded on it's own merits and become widely popular, the normie infestation couldn't play the game successfully and thus was the "WOW WHY IST HIS SO HARD? LOL GET GOOD" bullshit born.
Food for thought, because the franchise isn't beloved because of difficulty outside of normie-circles and the overwhelming popularity it has undergone (and suffered in quality for).

>get a pass and even win GOTY awards when far better made games don't get nearly the same amount of praise?
Because Bloodborne, for example, is an amazing game, despite its flaws. The music is out of this world. The atmosphere is gripping. The world and its lore is some of the best lovecraftian piece of art in video games. The combat is fun as fuck. You don't agree, you say? Alright, that's okay. You can sit and hate it all you want, and you can enjoy the games you think are better, all by yourself.

This thread again?

Soulstards don't have any taste.

Here comes the ninja gaiden fag again...

Bloodborne was very clearly a passion project. They may have had a contract but Miyazaki was clearly inspired.

>People don't like souls because of the meme difficulty; the meme difficulty came after the popularity, if you can remember and be honest with yourself.
No. They were niche games that were doing surprisingly well, then came the difficulty meme (and marketing), THEN it became actually popular.
Demon's Souls wasn't popular everywhere, major outlets didn't talk about it, it was somewhat big on Yas Forums in that there were threads about it but that's it, your average normalfag od youtuber didn't know about it.

>People don't like souls because of the meme difficulty; the meme difficulty came after the popularity,
Quoting this for truth.
People didn't like Demon's Souls because it was "SOOO HARD". They liked it for a variety of factors and the fact it didn't let you retry bosses immediately after dying was one of them. The game treated the player respectfully, and added a mechanic where the game got harder as you continuously died. It added tension.
Dark Souls was much the same. It wasn't "SOOO HARD" it was well made and imaginative, it just happened to be a bit more difficult than the average, heavily marketed AAA baby casual game.
Dark Souls 2 is where shit went off the deep end.

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not an argument

Nice headcanon
the "omg so difficult!" shit started with dark souls 1

>Nice headcanon
I was here for demon's souls release.
>the "omg so difficult!" shit started with dark souls 1
The PC release yes, because a small group of dedicated shitposters decided to taunt PCfags and tell them they're not ready for the most "hardcore game" or some shit.
Most sensible people just warned people anticipating Dark Souls to take the game slow and pay attention and you'll be fine.

I liked the games but it is fucking infuriating getting hit through walls while your blade bounces of the slightest edge of a doorway or your homing soul arrow not fucking hitting those manta raysat anything but point blank, while their shots curve around corners and go through two meters of wall.

Those games are great for atmosphere and character development and real sense of danger, but no way I am not looking up everything there is to know in advance because they give you no fucking chance to get the important items, quests, abilities, etc. without playing through it several times or reading a guide (which is just bad game desing imo).

Okay, so you admit it didn't start with dark souls 2 (like you claim it did)

FROM has a tendency to make mistakes with gameplay when they want an area or enemy to feel "tense" or make the player feel a certain way, yes. All the games are flawed like this.
Dark souls 2 is when they started doing difficulty for difficulty's sake in the gameplay, pandering to the people who keep bitching and whining the games are too easy or that they expected something harder. It costed the game's integrity in the end.

Eh, they're mostly pretty good, but spinning niggas grabbing, or 'shockwave' hotboxes are legitimate complaints with these games.
They're hard by normie assassins creed player standards, in that there aren't constant checkpoints and no real risk of time lost, but rather you risk shit constantly.
That's the appeal though for most.
Personally I'd prefer if they didn't make the extreme hardcore difficulty meme the main point, and instead went for cohesive atmosphere.
Which is why I prefer demons souls and bloodborne to the rest.

What are some of these
>far better made games
Looking for something to play.

I agree with both points, and blame prepare to die edition and ds2 for the difficulty at the expense of quality focus.
Ahhh DeSposting! I miss that Lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 (not the 2D platformers, the reboots)

Don't be a fucking pedant user, I can't stand fucking autistic dicks who zero in on one tiny point of contention and derail threads arguing over them.
The souls series became focused on difficulty at some point after DeS. Was it 2? DaS on pc? Who fucking cares?
Fact is, it did. And the series is worse for it.