Soul vs Souless right here
>Overworld replaced with minigames instead of being improved
>Phone calls from Sylvia before boss fight gone
>MASK de Smith wrestling moves gone
>Beef Head, Thunder Ryu and Lovikov gone
>Assassination missions gone
>Hunting for t-shirts in dumpsters gone
>Challenges gone
I dunno how they thought cutting so much content from 1 was a good idea. I know it wasn't always well executed like the Santa Destroy overworld but it added to the charm of the game greatly. Hoping some of these things get added back in in NMH3
No More Heroes Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
The open world was planned for 2, but cut fairly late in development due to budget issues. It's also confirmed III will have an open world larger than 1, but not massive. It's a BBB to A game.
Fucking hell, everytime I see a Youtuber do a hot take on a video game, a league of parroters come and repeat the same thing.
2 was just an extension of 1, there's literally no reason to treat it as it's own game. It's completely fine.
I like bits of 2 and don't think it's hyperbolically trash like a lot of people, but it's not completely fine.
It's just the regular clockwork on Yas Forums.
That being said, No More Heroes 2 wasn't bad at all, the combat felt way more fun, and the fact that you could play as other characters was awesome. People just shit on it because lack of overworld, and final boss/story wasn't up to their expectations. Also shitting on it because Suda was exec producer and not producer.
Game's not bad, not as good as the first, but people shouldn't keep shitting on it just because some YouTubers with 10k - 100k views all say the same thing but with different words. It's only because they have the louder opinion; I'm sure if some million+ sub channel said the same shit as me, you'd probably get tons of more people coming out to say the same thing.
The tracks, though.
This goes both ways though.
There are plenty of youtubers who basically just parrot the general sentiment of anons too.
For NMH2 though, these are criticisms literally everyone was making since the game launched.
*filters you*
No overworld is better than a pointless overworld. A hack and slash doesn't need one.
How is it not?
Shinobu's platforming is fucking terrible for one thing and makes her two levels a lot less fun than they should be.
Also, I turned the vocals down on WILD TOKYO and it's starting to grow on me. More optomistic abiut III's OST.
This it just wastes time
I can't decide between the yurop/nip and murrican version of philistine
Where’s my Switch port Nintendo? I don’t have a Wii and I hear the PS3 version is subpar.
I don't even remember platforming so it couldn't have been a big deal.
2020 release. Right, anons?
You're probably repressing it
Good luck! they haven't made an official announcement, but Suda has been sitting at home playing indie games. He finally beat Ape Out and even started his own #SwitchAtHome hashtag bless his heart
This. That section where you have to slice those things up high on the wall were bullshit.
More than likely you are just bad at video games and complaining about something that took five minutes.
At least pretend like you've seen other opinions on this. It's a pretty common opinion on how bad the platforming was because the camera was not equipped for such platforming.
But you don't remember it at all, so you're automatically right, huh?
I liked 1 and loved 2 because 2 just cut straight to the punch and feels like the perfect game to play coked up
What drugs does Travis do anyways?
1's bosses fights all felt unique with gimmicks while 2 most felt standard, just hit them for a bit, let them do a barebones attack, and then hit them again. I don't remember many boss fights from 2 so correct me if I'm wrong.
I've never seen anyone explain what was wrong with NMH2 only that 1 was better. NMH threads aren't exactly common. And like I said I don't even recall platforming. I googled it and found the map where you jump on some buildings but that's not even platforming.
>I liked 1 and loved 2 because 2 just cut straight to the punch
Yeah, this. NMH1 was infinitely better in NG+ because you didn't have to work for money.
Oh, fuck off, I've 100%'d NMH1, 2 and TSA on Spicy. The platforming is flat out bad. What an odd hill to die on for 2
Literally what platforming?
Travis drinks occasionally, that's about it.He knows he can be attacked by assassins at any moment and needs to be clear headed to deliver a soliloquy about their clashing worldviews after he beheads them.
Honestly, the adrenaline rush of the kill is his drug and Suda's spoken quite bit about that aspect of the character.
>Do you love money like I do?
>Do you love money like I do?
>Do you love money like I do?
It's almost like you didn't even play Millionaire Gunman's stage.
Any updates about the remakes?