What are your honest thoughts on this creature?

What are your honest thoughts on this creature?

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leafeon is cute!

Attached: lovewolf5122-1187664454537756672-EHtuhI4UcAAw49q.jpg (792x796, 53.99K)

Leafeon and Glaceon were shit designs. Espeon and Umbreon are the last good eeveelutions.

looks flammable

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Fat fuck

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Would fuck till prolapse. And then fuck some more

Yes user I would fuck its cookie or bussy. I'm a sucker for adorable sapient creatures.

stupid gluttonous bitch

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not for lewd

Not Gardevoir/10

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>a fucking leaf

*fucking a leaf

>This is what people do with their artistic ability

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No body has posted it yet...

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What's the point
Nobody really cares how I answer your question, OP
People just want to see porn and attention seek with gross/extreme images.
It doesn't matter that I find leafeon and other pokemon like it attractive, AS THEY ARE without the dumb anime aheago bimbo teehee memes. Nobody cares...

It pays the rent

Vaporeon is better


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I want to stick my weenies in it.

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all of the eeveelutions are fuckable.

I don't disagree but the fish is #1 for me

Is there more?

>holy shit a talking animal!

there is

not a furry but I fapped to glaceon porn

Cute, but I like the beta version more.

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post the full thing you fool

I mean with sex. If yes, source?


Yes there is, but I don't have it and I don't know the name of artist. Sorry user.

I would, but i don't want a vacation right now.

Attached: Rock Hard.jpg (368x275, 37.18K)

Thanks user.

Never knew there was more to this. My fucking dick.