3x3 thread, niggers! Get the fuck in here and post your Top 9 favorite games of all time and rate others as well
>make yours at either of these sites
>rating system is "liked / played" (i.e. 2/9, 0/2, 9/9)
3x3 thread, niggers! Get the fuck in here and post your Top 9 favorite games of all time and rate others as well
>make yours at either of these sites
>rating system is "liked / played" (i.e. 2/9, 0/2, 9/9)
3/3 Did you play the Cat Lady sequel Lorelai?
Those game choices
Ooof what are you a tranny?
Lorelai's on my steam wishlist but i'm due for a Downfall playthrough. Are the other games, good?
Also, how's Pathologic 2? I played the first one but it's not my taste.
post yours
Lorelai isn't as good as Cat Lady. But give it a try since you like Cat Lady.
Pathologic 2 is great, it is pretty much everything I wanted in a Pathologic remake, except no Bachelor and Changeling.
Battlefront 2, Disco, Subnautica, Pirates, Undertale, Y0
Didn't expect to see Pirates of the Carribean in one of these threads, based
EYE, Pathologic 2, VtmB, MGS2, Hotline Miami
>+Tekken 7
6/6 How is Furi?
Don’t have the squares games are in no specific order:
Super Mario world
Age of empires 2 with Expansion
Pokémon yellow
Halo CE
Black and white
Super Mario 64
Resident evil 1 remake
Dark souls
It's Battlefront I pleb.
>Black and White
What do you mean?
Aside from that
>+Mario World, Pokemon Yellow, Halo CE, Mario 64, REmake, Dark Souls, Bloodborne
Probably one of the best games I've ever played
10/10 combat and boss design, story, music, artstyle, atmosphere and challenge
Only problem with it is that the walking sections overstay their welcome
>first line
best in the series, nice
>second line
oh, wait
jesus fuck what happen
>halo ce
You have good taste but follow the rules next time
Can't get in to terraria desu
Coincidence of coincidences, decided to play ME again tonight. Finished it but am rusty as fuck, can't even 3 star the easier maps anymore. Gotta put muh reps in.
Fabulous game, still.
here's mine bro
thanks, doc
Even with a 4x4 I feel like I'm leaving stuff out.
1/1 UT
1/1 MGS2
3/3 GH, RoB, Bayonetta , if I were better at God Hand I might have put it in mine too, I only beat it once, but I loved it so much I still listen to the OST.
4/4 SMG2, FZGX, MP, MM. I still feel bad not putting a Metroid or Zelda on this.
2/2 SMW, SM64. Fuck me, I need to play REmake.
9/9 thanks doc
is that pirates game any good? i have it on xbox original.
>+Shovel Knight
2/2 Got Origin recently, planning on playing Mirror's Edge soon
>wario land 2
>doremi fantasy
>ghost trick
>original paper mario
you're a man of taste and I'd like to see more of your favorites
you dun goofed with shinobi 3 though, the controls are god tier, but the level design is almost entirely shit tier, with big but empty levels, copy-pasted segments and shitty autoscrollers which ruin the replay value of the game
Bethesda's PoTC is one of the best RPG's of our lifetime, user. Play it on PC and install the new horizons mod, you'll never look back.
1/1 +DP
4/5 +SMG, DOOM, BB, MP -MM
5/6 +BB, SMG, Bayonetta, WW, Catherine -RE2
fucking based (sequel is better though)
1/1 +mirrors edge
2/4 +witcher & zelda
1/2 +skyrim
3/3 +mgs3, mario & catherine
your image always makes me wonder how someone can have such shitty taste
Simple. Some people like certain things and other people like certain things. Would you like to take a stab at basic math next? Addition maybe?
struck a nerve, plebeian?
>owning your 3x3 physically
>your taste
what can you do.
>monster in my pocket
absolutely based