I'm playing p5 for the first time.
Any hints or advice?
Is there enough time to max out your social links before the game finishes or should I look up a guide?
Is there something exploitable like in p4 with the soda to get sp restoring drinks?
I'm playing p5 for the first time
>max out your social links before the game finishes or should I look up a guide
Curious about this as well. Time gated games always end up giving me big time FOMO, but playing by following a guide is pretty boring.
You can max all confidants in a single run but it does require some smart playing. Try to optimise and think ahead. I'm not sure about Royal but the original P5 was reasonably lenient about this.
The two most important confidants for getting more time are Fortune and Temperance. Fortune requires a 100k yen investment and Temperance requires guts at rank 3 to start their confidant.
It's a lot easier. Morgana doesn't tell you to go to sleep nearly as much so you have more time to work on your social stats.
>Any hints or advice?
Get your confidant level up with Takemi as fast as possible for the MP regen equipment she sells.
You could do it in 5 and P5R gives you even more time to get things done. So far, Royal to me seems like an easier game than normal 5 because of how much time you have to do everything. And even if you mess up, some stuff is locked to NG+, so you'd be wasting your time following a guide if you wanted to do absolutely everything because you need another playthrough anyway.
I maxed every single confidant except for Haru's but I wasn't looking at a guide for the best dialogue choices.
>some stuff is locked to NG+
What kind of stuff?
There is enough time as long as you use the fortune teller social link. Do darts and billiards to improve team baton passes and technicals. Try and do Palaces I'm as little days as possible. Finally, look up a guide for the Jazz Bar, on Sundays you can invite a party member there to learn a specific move.
You can't complete the Persona Compendium in normal NG and you can't fight the secret boss in normal NG. If you're playing casually, you likely haven't fused, defused, and refused your personas enough to be able to fight the secret boss at level 10 or whatever when NG+ starts. So if doing that is something you care about, that's essentially another playthrough just for that.
Not sure about Royal but for the original, focus on maxing out your social stats first
My only advice is wife kawakami before the hawaii schooltrip
>tfw no goth doctor gf
So like in the other ones its better to focus on knowledge and all that crap first?
Does the game tell you when you have reached the current cap for a social link?
Most important confidants to max out early for time/resource management:
Temperence - Max this as soon as possible (you need level 3 guts to start this, doing the Death SL gets you some guts points so do that along the way, asl well as reading/watching all available Guts sources)
Fortune - Get this to level 7 as soon as possible
Sun - Very useful for getting lots of money and neogtiating with personas in general
Strength - Very useful for unlocking/creating better personas
Councillor - Not a huge priority but needs to be maxed before November
Also note that many non-party SLs give social stat points, e.g. Sun/Devil SLs both give points to charm, so if you're blocked from progressing one of your party members by a social stat then do SLs that give you points towards social skills (rather than just training the social skills by reading/watching dvds etc) since this levels a seprate SL while training the skill.
Try to save up a bunch of requests before going to mementos and do them in a single day. Also prepare for palaces so you can get them done in a single day (or as few days as possible) but make sure you go in with some time to spare (ideally ~5 days) as you never know when you'll get kicked out of a palace for story reasons. Don't leave them to the last day. Listen to the girl in your class for any seasonal deals and stock up on SP drinks from the vending machines at:
1) School Courtyard
2) Next to the bathhouse near Leblanc
3) The arcade in Shibuya
>SP drinks
Do these even really matter? I got all the ones i could, and they give what, 20 sp in total? Is that really worth anything?
>Fortune - Get this to level 7 as soon as possible
Affinity reading is rank 5 in Royal
They become irrelevant as you as you buy your first SP adhesive way Tai. I usually find them pretty helpful during Kamoshida's palace. Usually have SP adhesive 2 or 3 by the second palace already.
Also WRT to using guides I would recommend using a guide for gifts as there's only 1 of each gift in the game and different confidants have favourite items which trigger unique dialogue for them.
They restock every monday (like all stores i believe) so you can build up quite a lot over the course of the game. You never know when you'll get unlucky inside a palace and need to use more SP than you'd like to compensate.
Holy fuck seriously? That's pretty great.
Not him but I would like help too.
A month has passed since the game began and I'm not comfortable with my progress.
I have all stats up to two, Ryuji confidant level 4, Takemi/doctor level 2. No other confidants.
Is this the right way to play?
What's the best way to get courage? I go to the movies, read books and watch dvds
Max out kawakami, the politician and the twins ASAP!!
Also takemi is pretty good 50k for an item you can equip that recovers 7sp a turn.
I’m playing hard doing bosses on merciless just got to shidos palace I’m level 60 with lvl 80 personas with no weaknesses.
>right way to play
You're supposed to be enjoying yourself you moron. Stop obsessing over it.
Only for doing Kamoshida in 1 day.
Not him, but same problem. And i can't. Stupid min/maxer in the back of my head keeps telling me i am doing everything the wrong way.
Don't stress too much. The only thing I recommend is to never do a confidant without having a currently matching arcana persona. Follow that and you'll be mostly fine.
>Sun - Very useful for getting lots of money and neogtiating with personas in general
Hard to negotiate when I one shot everything
Thanks Merciless difficulty.
Takemi should be higher, I think you need 6 to have Adhesives + discount and you should be closer to that. Also Talemi increases guts.
Ann and Soujiro should be available soonishly or now even.
But if you are playing Royale dont worry.
The game gives you plenty of time.
You can probably max out confidants on your first run if you plan it but between improving social stats and fucking around you’ll end up maxing most but having 3 or 4 not quite at 10
On NG+ though it’s a piece of piss especially if you maxed out Kawakami and the fortune teller for their farewell gift considering how much free time Royal gives you
I assume this is only a thing once you get a little further into the game?
your progress seems fine so far, getting level 3 guts is going to become a priority soon (to unlock temperance which gives you so much free time so you can take things a bit easier). reading books etc is fine for that since you usually can't do much else at that early stage of the game
you get points towards guts for doing takemi's SL so do that whenever it's available
i'm not sure if you're allowed out at night yet but if you are then try to unlock the politician at shibuya square as his confidant perks are extremely good, even just getting to rank 2 before you do mementos/a palace can be hugely profitable as you can extort significantly more money from negotiations
I unironically have a calculator by my side to count down the required rank ups and estimate the necessary time.
Only way for me to stay calm is to know that yes, indeed, I have enough time.
You're probably already a decent bit through Kamoshida's palace or have at least started. You should have access already to a chariot arcana and death arcana persona for both Ryuji and Tae.
So baseball is shit? What are other shit things to do that you should avoid?
No you should always have a persona of the matching arcana from the get go.
If you hang out with Ryuji, you need to have a chariot arcana.
Otherwise you are just wasting a bunch of time.
I did kamoshida day 1 without those drinks. Beat him at lvl 10 Morgana, level 9 Ryuji, Level 11 Joker and Ann
We Tarunda'd his ass to death. Easy peasy.
I do not. Only have the 3 persona so far. Starter, pixie and Jack O'lantern.
I tried getting the unicorn one as well, but playing on normal, lightning attacks all 1 shotted it, so couldn't get it.
Baseball isnt necessarily shit, but the time chokepoint is afternoons.
The game gives you plenty of nights to fuck around.
Just make sure that if you spend the afternoon, always focus on rank ups first.
Only go into palace / mementos on days there are no rank ups available.
Then to answer your question, if you're attempting to play optimally, you're probably already behind.
Yeah I'm in Royal.
Sojiro is rank two and talking to Him doesn't increase my confidant level. Which is annyoning.
If you clean up you get a kindness point and a Sojiroa confidant point.
There are hierophant, lovers, and death arcana personas in the first 10 levels of the game. Get them.
Sure you can do it without them.
But with them it becomes even easier and the investment is returned in mulitude since you can afford to fight more -> more money -> earlier SP Adhesive 3 for everybody.
Its not a must.
But a lot of people strugge to do Kamoshida dungeon in 1 day in their first run and the SP drinks make it easier.
Also its about the dungeon, not the boss fight as you are post seems to be somehow implying.
Post some numbers bro. I wanna see your research.
Fuse those niggers.
Get a chariot that looks like a kid in a bottle.
Also get a Death persona that looks like a voodoo doll.
Sojiro is a bitch to rank up, I wouldn't worry about him too much until later in the story (after the 4th palace). For now you can do his SL on nights where you have nothing better to do.
>Scared to start P5 in general cause time management in vidya is one of my worst gameplay procedures, alongside base building.
>Will choose wrong and don't know which personamon I need to get, etc etc.
Aaaaaaa too many choices for a simple weeb like meeee
Its just #numberOfRankUps - #estimatedRemainingDays*2
I also noticed that I used the wrong, tense, I cleared the game wednesday.
20 remaining days per month is a good estimate by the way.
Based tip! Thanks
Don't think i have unlocked fusing.
Sojiro and a few other confidants are capped until certain dates anyway so you have plenty of time to max him
Nigga if you cant get them, fuse them.
Resummon from compendium, etc.
Stupid fear. Your first playthrough should be blind anyway. Even if you follow a guide, you will not be experiencing everything the game has to offer.