Hello Gordon

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I had a wife but they took her in the divorce

But why does a MtF transexual have such a manly voice?

He's the type that just doesn't give a fuck and looks like a disgusting abomination. Zero attempt at passing.

pretty cringe but somewhat redpilled


its always such a shame that good stock of men get destroyed by pornography.

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They're waiting for you Gordon... In the TEST CHAMBERRRR.

Shouldn't you be guarding some coffee and donuts?


Is HL AiVR actually good or is it just "lol XD he dieded when he touch rock!"

Some episodes are better then the others. Just remember than the guy called Benrey is the worst part of it. If you him then its great improvised comedy between 4 buddys roleplaying.

The first ep or two are good, then later they become grabage lol teh randum xd rofl look at me i am the funni roflstomper ME more so than before. a good idea ruined by the fact it's livestreamed. Seriously, if it was produced behind closed-doors it could've been up there in the top tiers of gmod/half life content but freeman speaks like an angsty teen and bubby keeps getting talked over etc it's a mess with a few little giggles dashed in

>this doesn't even mention findom as a separate fetish
>let alone simping for twitch thots, etc.
hard to imagine that 2016 could ever wind up being a simpler, more naive time.

Man, this series really fell apart after the bit where Gordon gets knocked out, huh?

Yes, but it completely broke when blue shift came out. nobody wants to play as barney. probably never getting anything Adrian Shepherd related either.

The episodes are a mixed bag. Some are really good, others are really bad. The only episode that doesn't follow this is the last one, which is a mix of the two. Coomer and Bubby carry it hard.

Fun fact: The person who players Dr. Coomer is a tranny.

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Fun fact: literally everyone knows this

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It's both... kinda.

The first couple of episodes are good in the "so stupid it's almost funny" way.
The harder they actually script it and stop doing improv the less funny it becomes.
But unlike Shadow of Israphel, it eventually ends. It turns SO scripted and elaborate that in the final episode they punch through and get good again just from the sheer evident effort that went into it.

It's the other way around, retard.

I honestly prefer those to the disgusting monstrosities who pretend they're something they're not.

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>Best part of your Hour long skits is a Tranny doing an old scientist man voice
lol yikes

Didn't the writers tell off both trannys and anti tranny edgelords?

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These fucking 8gag rambling post chains are always so cringe. Ultra-grandiose language with pics of Nazis or Nietzsche or some Roman statues, all just to say some Yas Forums-tier incel shit. Pathetically pseud.

>goldsrc broke randy and his greedy personality is just a way to cope with goldsrc's crappy map editor

i heard the resetera sjws ruin this stream series

>american """""""humour"""""""

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Canadian actually. Cope.

this, it seemed to have a lot of potential but after 2 videos it just went to shit

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lol you really expect anyone to read a schizophrenic essay on Yas Forums

he's probably that kind that literally just says he's a girl but doesn't do jack shit to actually become one

Eh, I think it was good from beginning to end, I just think that after the first episodes it felt less funny because you already got used to the characters and their interactions.
Still had good moments and lines all the way to the end, and that's also a good thing, they ended the series instead of trying to milk it to the infinite.

That's actually the best thing he can do, when he gets bored of pretending to be a girl he can continue with his life, because you know, he didn't cut off his dick.

I agree.
I skimmed through one of his streams earlier to hear his normal voice and he obviously doesn't take hormones. Some of the time he sounds somewhat effeminate, but just in the way he speaks, not the pitch of his voice.