Yas Forumsidya YLYL

Yas Forumsidya YLYL

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don't know if this is funny or more disappointing

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go back to r/eddit

A bit unrelated but would someone have the meme picture of the guy staring at a box labeled "Dragon Dildos"

I would be very thankful if someone fulfilled my /r/

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take notes Yas Forums, this is what an actual chad looks like

What the hell man, you should be happy for him.

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>Most likely they didn't see the irony of it

>you should be happy for him.
....no lol

Oh dear God, fucking lost. How did I miss that gem?

Have another of sorts

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I can't read any of this shit, sorry. It was made for ants or you saved a thumbnail.

I got you, nigga

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Thanks my dude

>delete this
Every fucking time. Thanks.

adding to the other user

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If only this was real... there's no way it is.

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Holy shit.

Yeah, it's obviously fake. There's another one with Spielberg, but my Yas Forums folder is such a fucking mess I might not ever retrieve it.
That said, I think it takes inspiration from Iwata being legit savage.

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i'm dying fuck

Where I can find actual legit Iwata interviews btw?


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