Tried wow again after huge hiatus

tried wow again after huge hiatus
>battle pets
>corruption (extra rng)
>shop mounts
>heavily p2w
>boosters spamming chat

If you make a post about anything negative blizzard has done you'll be bombarded by pokemon collecting mount buying mouthbreathing spastics

what the fuck happened

Attached: wow pokemon.jpg (1280x720, 183.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sjw and china pandering

>battle pets
who gives a fuck
>shop mounts
since wrath
>boosters spamming chat
since forever
>heavily p2w

retail WoW is literally just trannies and people with a sunk cost fallacy

I agree with the rest of that, but how is WoW "heavily p2w"?

>who gives a fuck
people who breathe through their nose from time to time
>since wrath
prove it
>since forever
maybe for you bfa-baby
you can buy gold with real currency and then buy boosts or boe gear, how is that not p2w you utter spastic

>pay for 10 wow tokens
>trade gold for boost through endgame content

Booster spam is definitely way worse than it ever was before. Tokens being a legit way to buy and transfer gold between the servers, raids being cross realm, and the loot system changes definitely helped the boosters so the spam is totally out of hand.

>people who breathe through their nose from time to time
nah I'm pretty sure only mouth breathers would cry about pet battles or lfr as if it affects them in any way.

and that gets you power that you wouldn't be able to get without paying how exactly?

Why are you even talking with shit eating drones? They are literal WoD babies which only ate shit and thus consider shit eating a norm. Call them for what they are and move on.

I know this is hard for your underage brain to comprehend but there used to be a time where you could only do everything in WoW if you actually put in the time and effort and well - played the fucking game.

Now you just pay some fucking fat mong who lives on wow to do it for you.

>l2p and get into a raid group

>farm mats and sell them
>buy a boost

>Farm mythic+ and get just as good or even better gear

Paid boosts have been a thing since first guilds cleared the MC you fucking retard. The sad fact that you are too shit to get the gear without paying doesn't make it p2w. I haven't paid a single gold for my gear and I have multiple characters with BiS gear.

that's cancer

Attached: Untitled.png (700x675, 687.23K)

Wow is like the least p2w mmo out there

It is p2w, you can be in denial all you want blizzdrone your game is the same p2w shitty korean mmorpg

imagine being this bad at the game LOLOLOLOL

Pet battles are based. The rest sucks tho

If you count spending money to hire someone else to play the game for you, this is what buying a boost basically is, as p2w then any game game is p2w.

>playing BfA
Should've waited until 9.0

>able to clear all content and get top ilvl gear/achievs/mounts by paying with real money

blizzdrones: BUT ITS NOT PAY 2 WIN111!!!11

Attached: blizdrone.jpg (2048x1024, 101.68K)

>people who breathe through their nose from time to time
>prove it
Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Added.
>maybe for you bfa-baby
way to out yourself as an actual bfa baby
>you can buy gold with real currency and then buy boosts or boe gear, how is that not p2w you utter spastic
only point where you are right

>pay someone to play Minesweeper for you
>they beat it
>"reee Minesweeper is p2w"

>they will fix it next xpack, THIS TIME FOR REAL
and the cycle of a drone continues

boost spam was not a thing in vanilla,tbc,wotlk,cata,mop

I don't know about after that cause I realized how shit wow was in cata

>>you can buy gold with real currency and then buy boosts or boe gear, how is that not p2w you utter spastic
you have always been able to buy gold and do whatever you want with it retard, just from chinks instead of blizzard themselves

>what the fuck happened

Activision and gooks happened.

The game turned into a chink grinder because the company is owned 99% by asians who optimized their product for the asian market. And chinky chong mmo's are widely known to be borderline retarded super low quality shit for bug people minds.

The only western people still playing retail after wotlk (and that one was already of questionable quality) are fangoys doing fangoy things.

step 1 denial

>>boost spam was not a thing in vanilla,tbc,wotlk,cata,mop
you're wrong, especially in MoP where people sold challenge mode runs to literal shitters. you must have played on a literal wasteland server to not see a single boost ad

The game changed drastically over it's lifespan and a lot of the people that stuck with it are people that have played over multiple expansions and have a sunk cost fallacy over the amount of time they poured into the game and hope it will one day improve back to it's former quality and or are in denial with the current quality of the game because their enjoyment of it comes from having all the status symbols they've accumulated over time.

If you couldn't buy gold straight out of the shop, like it was before, then you'd have to spend many hours farming said gold.
You played for the gold.
Now you go to the shop and buy a token and exchange it for gold.
You paid for the gold.
It's really not the same, you can dance around it all you want with technicalities but you know you're full of shit. Hopefully anyways.

>boost spam was not a thing in vanilla,tbc,wotlk,cata,mop

this is ironic

Just because people didn't spam the chat about the boosts doesn't mean the boost selling didn't happen. There were guilds selling boosts even during the vanilla.

Retail WoW is just tranny land where you hang around the capital showing off your mount

The game provides you with a way to pay, to skip the struggle and get the reward, that is pay-to-win, you can be a cunt all you want and brag about BiS gear like some retard its still pay to win

If you are smart enough to get enough money in wotlk to buy a boost, you dont need to be boosted, stop being a lying little cunt, everyone can see your bullshit

Before the tokens were a thing you paid for the boost with either.
a) real money directly
b) bought gold from chinks
c) traded rare pets etc that were account wide

Only thing that tokens caused was that people could more easily buy cross realm boosts since the person who wanted the boost just sold a token on the booster's server and gave them the money.

Raider devs pushed out the D&D devs, sacrificed everything else for raiding. Game's effectively dead.

>buy gold from gold farmers
>use the gold to buy a boost
>wow so high IQ required

Why do you think government doesn't sell drugs legally?

I hate Blizzard as much as the next guy but holy shit you're retarded.

The game doesn't provide a shit. It's the other players who accept the gold as a payment for a boost that provide that service.

explain why you're in denial please

Yes because its exactly the same you stupid fuck isnt?

> Play game, put credit card to play, decide instead of playing, will pay for boost, go on a random chink website, put your credit card in (guys trust me, everyone did it in wotlk, EVEN IF IT WASNT ADVERTISED ANYWHERE), get boosted


> play game, put credit card in, want boost, keep credit card in

What a fucking dumbfuck you are, how is it the same scenario in your head

>a) real money directly
>b) bought gold from chinks
>c) traded rare pets etc that were account wide
If you're talking about the card pets I could see that but otherwise no.
The booster is an official way to pay for power and it's directly on the blizzard store.
It is pay to win, you guys should change your speech from "it's not pay to win" to "so what if it's pay to win" cause we're all tired of it.