Speaks volumes that people forgot about this game a few weeks after release...

Speaks volumes that people forgot about this game a few weeks after release. Doom 2016 was much better and Bethesda knows it.

Attached: DTRNL.jpg (1200x900, 657.31K)

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I'm not sure if it was better, but it was definitely much more ground breaking and an unexpected success. This was much more expected and it delivered, but it wasn't anything exceptional to really stand out.

There's threads every day. It also raked in three times as much as 2016 did.

It's better in just about every way, except for arguably the music.

Only dumbasses that suck ass at the game think 2016 was at all better. Eternal is an objective improvement and 2016 is a baby easy game for pussies.

Is there a mandate in place that says Mick Gordon can't properly mix the soundtracks? None of his tracks are that bad, but the frequency response is so dull outside of BFG Division and the like. It's not as harsh as actual metal and often lacks prescene.

The real fucking kicker is that they release a fucking battle pass to keep people playing it, in a single player game that just so happens to have a shitty 2v1 multiplayer.


In 2016 at least lore and plot was optional, in Eternal you have mandatory space knights and fantasy demons and silly aliens

Except this game is even easier with the amount of hand holding it does. Once you learn how to abuse the hand holding it's a joke.

2016 wasn't boring, this is

>wasn't boring
>passive defenceless enemies in small numbers
>wasn't boring

Most of the tracks are mixed by some other guys that fuckings sucka and mick gordon will not return for next doom

The sidechain compression on "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" was fucking abysmal

i could only do one mission every day because 2016's gameplay got so fucking stale

eternal has more enemies but they all die in 2 seconds with the exception of super heavies. Serious sam therefor must be the best game because it has stupid enemy numbers.

> mick gordon will not return for next doom

>calling someone cringe

they're not mixed by Mick Gordon.

I know, Mick Gordon is a good composer and the mixer fucking sucks.
Mick mixed BFG Division and proved he was batter at it than the other guy

Doom Eternal feels like a game from 1999, Doom 2016 felt like a modern game.

>start a thread with an outright false claim
>rake in replies
i got bored of this in a few months here

Attached: 1328773708554.jpg (127x200, 5.45K)

>Bethesda knows it
Surely you don't think Bethesda made this game, right OP?

Attached: 1587341861550.png (353x388, 16.97K)

It's a single player shooter, with some shitty tacked on Streamer bait mode. What do you expect?
It's a good game, but it doesn't have replayability unless your a speedrun autist.

Are you serious?

They published it and are the ones pushing for all the battle pass dlc bullshit

>Forgot about it
Still talked about daily and considered better for replaying, which people are doing.. Keep seething boomie.

>thinking I care about replies
Eternal is just a boring game wish half-baked ideas that didn't go anywhere and is banking on nostalgia

>has more enemies
Which actually can fight back
>all die in 2 seconds with the exception of super heavies.
Ah yes, those snake ladies or pinkies or hell knights all die in 2 second. Gotcha boss

>i want attention
Here you go.

>fighting a pinky
>jump behind and kill in one shot

wew lad

>fighting any enemy except marauder
>reddit spacing
wew dolboeb

thanks, make sure to donate to my onlyfans

>Which actually can fight back
lol no
>Ah yes, those snake ladies or pinkies or hell knights all die in 2 second. Gotcha boss
All of those die in 2 seconds
>rocket/ballista snakes
>blood punch to instantkill pinky
>ssg/ballista hell knights, dash away if he tries to hit back
wow so difficult.

That's not reddit spacing faggot.

Post link

>Doom 2016 was much better and Bethesda knows it.
haha no

>meme arrows

ewe adl

>lol no
>i said it mom
Lol yes

>boring, half-baked
it's one of the most mechanically complex FPS games ever made, sounds like you need to git gud.

try playing on something harder than easy lol

There's nothing to gitgud at, the game isn't hard

no unironically git gud if you think enemies don't die in 2 seconds

yeah if you play it on easy with KBM like a bitch lmao

Once you learn that switching between ssg/rocket/ballista kills everything and abuse the game's hand holding mechanics it's very easy.

I never said that but keep coping also KBM is a casual crutch.

They needs to release an SDK with dev tools. The single player content was great but after you've beaten the game there's nothing to do and they're not going to release content nearly fast enough to keep people playing.

wow did you learn that on reddit

actually tried to replay 2016,
>first level
>two rooms with imps that will wreck your shit if you don't keep moving
>just using the shotty is fun.
argent tower
>huge ass room and guys are look like they are huffin and puffin just to get to me
>reverant is a fucking retard, i don't even have to shoot just watch him do whatever the fuck he's doing
do i keep pushing anons? i don't remember the tower being this bad.

no from actually playing the game.