Gets One-Hit killed by a train with no warning

>Gets One-Hit killed by a train with no warning
Silent Hill 3 is garbage.

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I like Heather though.

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well what do you think was gonna happen when you step on the tracks

>warns you that people get killed on the tracks
>steps on the tracks
>gets killed
>acts surprised

These games aren't made for you, retard.

>Specific doors are on the tracks
>Go to the door
>It's closed
>Sound comes
>accidently go the wrong directon because of the camera
>Get killed
Thnaks for confirming you never played the game.

>no warning

Save for the train making unbearable noise while you stay on the tracks like a retard that is.

>accidently go the wrong direction because of the camera
you had ample time to get used to the camera. Git gud.

>go wrong way because of the camera
So you are a moron. Got it.

>you had ample time to get used to the camera.
The camera constantly changes you inbred ape. There is nothing to get used to if it's a one hit kill. It's trial and error and punishes you for exploring.
Nice argument, retard.

You literally have to have brain problems to have trouble with the controls or the camera by the time you play SH3.

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No I have a problem with this camera in this specific moment on the rails because it's a One-Hit kill situation if I go off one step on the wrong direction. Learn how to read, retard.

Learn how to play and pay attention retard.

I've done strollin' around the tracks for quite long time, and never got that issue.

The controls are independent of the camera. That's why tank controls work best with fixed camera angles.
You haven't played the game and are a moronic shitposter.

>Justifies One-Hit kills in a game where you explore
Can you speak one sentence without spewing shit out of your mouth for once?
Still bad game design.

>is surprised a train can kill you in one hit

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>Trains are still being operated in a hell dimension in the exact time the main protagonist decides to go on the rails but not anywhen else
Nice goalposting, retard.

nice justification of your terrible skills mate

I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not

What skills? How does a One hit kill for a game that's about exploring have any skill involved?

Trains? They looked like trains to you?

a one hit kill you had ample time to see coming and dodge with controls you had ample time enough to get used to with the park during the nightmare, the mall during day time, and the mall when it went into the other dimension. Git gud.


Spatial awareness and danger recognition are a skill, user

a hell dimension would act like this yes

You get a warning, but 3 really did go overboard with the instant/cutscene deaths. I'm not sure why they decided to add so many, but it ended up being annoying and breaking immersion for me.

Attached: sh3.jpg (662x535, 142.6K)

Uhhh, yeah? It's a hell dimension you dipshit why would anything be nice or helpful?

>wtf why did I die in a HORROR GAME?

I wish Heather wold give birth to me.

>Silent Hill 3 is garbage.
Except that it isnt. It might be the worst out of the original 3 but even thats debatable and mostly because it feels like theres an extreme lack of focus in the game, almost like they would have built a third game off of whatever leftover pieces they had lying around after 1 and 2. It still has the best audio design in probably any horror media ever made let alone in a videogame. One of the small intro cutscenes is already scarier than most full games or horror movies

Hey WTF are you Retarded? Is the best saga of terror in the videogames! Silent Hill 1-2-3-4

>tutorial level shows you how to deal with this