Why was he the best choice again?

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Getting the fuck off Earth and spreading humanity out as much as possible across the Solar System.

>implying he'll actually make it to space


Because he's the only person with a decent enough vision and the ability to see it through. He's also not really a cunt to work for, but he's probably gotten a bit testy stuck in that pod.

Anybody who legitimately got anal about his goals and killed him is a permavirgin idiot who ruins a hope for a restored humanity on the alter of their own butthurt.
I can tolerate people who are roleplaying as people who did things differently (ie: legion) but if they unironically think House was the bad guy they're fucking stupid and probably think Fallout 3 was a good game and that NCR isn't the worst faction in the entire game by a million miles.

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The only reason why i don't side with him is because he doesn't seem to give a fuck about people outside of their use to him and his goals

>decent vision
>literally could not even clean up his own backyard without the mary sue courier

House was a moron, he let Benny betray him and steal the chip, he was unaware that the 3 families weren't respecting his deal. Hell the omertas were planning a deal with the Legion and he didn't even know. So much for a super genius so yeah let's trust him about going to space and leading humanity

he was fully aware of the omertas you brainlet wtf u talking about lol

That "i'll have people in orbit in 50 years" line sounded so fucking weird to me, almost like a snake oil salesman line

Best choice was and forever will be Independent.
IRL too.

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>was willing to go for NCR if they would negotiate with Mr House, or at least leave him alive

Going with Mr House leaves the NCR alive so I'll do that


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Friendly reminder that he'd just get btfo by aliens

how'd they make the NCR perhaps the most retarded faction in NV? Even the Legion is preferable to what NCR has done and is failing to even try to do.

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>Even the Legion is preferable
If you like having only a shred of content

Both the Legion and NCR are stupidly flawed in New Vegas. NCR is a dying civilisation that cant exist without expanding but will collapse due to that expansion because of corruption and planting of hundreds of legion spies. Legion lives and dies with Ceaser, and ceaser is dead.

It's like Ulysses said, they just emulated pre-war America without understanding what ultimately lead to its downfall

i don't know if the Legion is any different considering that the Roman Empire also fell, though i don't know if Caesar's plan is actually clashing together the NCR and the Legion in hopes that whatever is left from the mess is something new and greater

Caesar's plan was weird to me

Why are literally all lolbertarians autistic retards? Is it just that they never got over bullies taking their lunch money and turned it into the basis of their political ideology?

p sure he was essentially a chaosfag from SMT1, and the Legion just didn't want them to keep growing cause "muh civilized"

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sorry, NCR didn't want them to keep growing

That is basically his plan. He read Hegel and basically decided that it was best if he started something like the oldest thing he had heard of and let the situation evolve from there rather than just trying to pick up the pieces of pre-war America, since pre-war America was how the world got fucked in the first place so it couldn't have been that great.

>Earth is fucked
>lets use the considerable knowledge that allowed me to revolutionize electronics and robotics and build a commercial empire to gtfo
Sound based to me. Reminder that Repconn and Robco was already sending unmanned drones to the outer planets pre-war. All the knowledge to build Spaceships is in Houses head.

>having the NCR win is boring
>Legion is for edgy Yas Forumsaks
>Wild Card is cringey Mary Sue fanfiction

Except Caesar misinterprets Hegal pretty badly

>only arguments against House are "he's not literally perfect"
No shit the man needs some flaws and failures to his name or the plot would never happen

NCR is the best choice, it's also unfortunately the most boring

Because everyone else was a retarded larper with a shallow, one dimensional ideal of the past, while Mr Sexbots actually lived it.

he literally only cares about the strip, he's the worst choice

He literally doesn't and you're a brainlet for thinking so

>takes him 136 years to decide to take over the Strip and only because the NCR shows up
>haha bro just wait, we'll be in space and colonizing planets in 100 more years!!!
This man is clearly delusional. The only thing he excels at is impeding other powers.

>wait a century for civilisation to return so you have a ready supply of educated workers and trade goods to leech off
>spend a century trying to force civilisation to happen when the world outside the Mojave is a radioactive shithole

Work smarter, not harder

do you have any evidence that he cares about anything other than the strip and his egotistical, nonsensical dream to go to space?