What's with all the Dark Souls 3 hate threads recently?

Is it because Elden Ring's coming out pretty soon? Is it because the PVP in DS1 was essentially you griefing other players, and that's been lost in DS3 where invaders are heavily disadvantaged? Is it the faster pace and some don't like the DS/BB hybrid gameplay? Is it the linear world design? Or is it because it's too easy to be spam the circle/B button and it eventually becomes a "circle around your opponent, spam R1/RB and then a backstabbing simulator"?

I personally think DS3 is the most polished and fun to play. The combat and movement is the smoothest out of all the soulsbornes and re-specing and weapon arts are the greatest additions to the game. People seem to be most salty for:
>The world is un-immersive, linear and uninspired
>It's too easy to roll
>Lack of poise in this game
>Lack of build variety

I lurk a lotta DS threads and I always see these reasons. Now let's settle this, why is the final game the most hated recently?

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The vocal contrarian minority on Yas Forums has been shitting on the game since release because it's popular and other people like it. When Elden Ring releases and it turns out to be good, this same minority will put DS3 on a pedestal and shit on any minor flaw/gripe they have with Elden Ring, with most not even having played it and essentially just parroting each other

In other words, business as usual on 4channel

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Most Polished ? Sure
Unchallanging and therefor most unrewarding ? Yep

Dont get me wrong, I like it for what its worth, like you said, a smooth experience to speed through

Also shitposting circle jerk kids lately found their joy in spamming these threads so take it with a grain of salt

Because it's soulless shovelware. 2 and 3 are shit.

BB is the shittiest of them all though

It's because the complete version is on sale right now and there's a pandemic going on.

It's because the fire has faded for these Yas Forumsrgins.

But it has the hardest bosses in the series that are hard for the right reasons. DeS bosses are a meme, DaS1 bosses are complete pushovers for the most part save for maybe a couple in the DLC, DS2 bosses are a joke through and through, BB main game bosses are either complete steamrolls or mechanically borken bullshit, and DLC bosses are decently challenging but nowhere near DS3 DLC

>Is it the linear world design?
This was always the thing I hated about it and makes replaying it an awful experience. I could see over time other people souring on it because of it.

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Another major thing I keep seeing is the PVP. Some anons hate it altogether and want it removed entirely. Some like it but want it to be like the original Dark Souls where it was hard to not be a dick to hosts. They want the untargetable ring back, breaking your equipment etc. Some user told me
>DS was never about faggy duels. I want to INVADE, not adhere to bowing and no estus chugging etc.

I can understand that if you played DS1 since originally the PVP was incredible different. It was hard to get the Red Eye Orb and the original DS was apeshit crazy with how you could fuck up hosts.

How is the multiplayer lately? I mainly enjoy fucking around as a purple 'invader' that leaves prism stones to useful shit and attacking reds.

I like how you switch between DLC and base game at every Souls, since DS2 and BB had the better DLC and you just left them out.

DS3 DLC was still quantity over quality, the only "almost to perfect" bossfight was Gael, the other were all damage sponges or gimmick fights

But I guess it comes down to personal preference after all. Maybe you value presentation over mechanic

Ive read your comment again, and since you said "hardest": Is it really a good mechanic when youve got to invoke difficulty through "putting one phase after another" ?

Removing stamina and magic is already enough reason to have a sour taste in your mouth. Its also sucks too since 60- 70% is just "remember Dark Souls 1?" and the rest is split in half between preety good and complete horseshit.

I want slow and methodical gameplay from Souls and not muh fast spammy attack shit. I can play Bloodborne for that.

Dark Souls 3 is "bad" because the combat in souls games has always been barebones and simplistic, but at least the old games especially Dark Souls and Demon's Souls didn't make the combat the main focus of the game. Meanwhile in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 the action is 100% the main focus of the game which just makes it more apparent how basic the combat is. Not to say that the combat is bad but yea. Also since the combat is so simplistic there weren't many ways to make it challenging which is why you end up with bosses that are literally just about rolling through their combos with the correct timing. Then they throw in one gotcha move with a super delayed attack to catch people.
It's just kind of boring and uninspired. Every boss in Dark souls 3 feels the same. People whine about gimmick bosses in these games but in my opinion they are what made demon's souls interesting on a first playthrough

So what is good mechanics to you?
Strafing behind a boss, taking an occassional swing , like 70% of bosses from 1 and 2?

DS2 DLC was hit and miss all throughout. Sunken had great level design, which was unfortunate because it was still played with the garbage DS2 engine and mechanics. Iron King was okay from a level design perspective, had the best bosses but still not saying much. Worse than most DS3 main game bosses. Ivory King had garbage level design and one good boss. BB DLC is great, not much to say about it. BB DLC is still inferior to DS3's second DLC. What's your point?

DeS is still the best souls game, pvp was a mistake and from was right to remove it from sekiro

All dark souls games and bloodborne are shitty, boring games. The sooner you accept this instead of trying to convince yourself otherwise, the better.

Will elden Ring have Denuvo?

It’s some DS2fagboi that is larping that DS3 is a horrible game to deflect criticism from DS2 (where it belongs). If you see someone shit posting about DS3 being a bad game take it to the bank that it’s a DS2cuck

thanks man I just uninstalled and refunded all of my fromsoft games

Different phases are objectively a good thing, it's more content, and pushes you out of your comfort zone once you get used to a boss' moveset. Shit, even the best bosses in the past entries had multiple phases. Manus? Yep. Artorias? Yep. Fume Knight? Yeah. Ludwig? OoK? I can keep going

You really hit the nail on the head, OP. Everything you mentioned is why I think DS3 is the second worst in the series. Plus, the bosses are all big people with weapons, one of the same reasons why DS2 was so boring. That, and the areas are all unoriginal rehashes that we've seen in every soulsborne game since.

> Is it the faster pace and some don't like the DS/BB hybrid gameplay?

Yes, it breaks the atmosphere of the games to see a heavily armoured knight roll and spin around for days, the spastic movements of tons of enemies are just ridiculous, the levels are extremely unoriginal with some few exceptions, too many recycled NPCs and NPC stories, firelink shrine is just the nexus from demon's souls, the balance is completely off and the Knight, R1 and longsword are simply much superior to anything else, builds like Faith and Luck are totally ass until half the game is already over, the lore is the most illogical yet (somehow all of society worships le man eating man and everyone gets sacrificed, local pontiff ruins EVERYTHING somehow, etc), too much fanservice and pandering, etc.

However the game is still very fun to play, but there are many flaws that make it hard to really "care" about it. It's basically soulless. Sekiro is much better and full of soul.

Sister Friede, Midir and Gael are great fights; Demon Prince was not great, but still pretty good; Halflight and Champion's Gravetender were shit though. So DS3 has 4 good-to-great DLC bosses.

Comparatively, DS2 had 9 DLC bosses. 4 of them great (Fume, Alonne, Ivory, Sinh), 2 average (Elana, Aava) and 3 shit (Gank Squad, Kitty Cats, Blue Smelter).

And Bloodborne had 5 DLC bosses. 4 great ones (Ludwig, Maria, Laurence, Orphan) and 1 average (Living Reddit), no shit ones.

Adding it up, good-to-great bosses per game per DLC:
DS2= 6/9
DS3= 4/6
BB= 5/5
Meaning that DS2 and DS3 DLC bosses are about equal in terms of quality, and BB just completely stomps on both of them.

Samefagging DS2 tards has been shitting on the game for years because of its success and activity

DS3 DLC bosses are all 100% easier than Orphan. And DS3 bosses (maingame and AoA) aren’t hard for the right reasons kek. They revolve around 10+ hit RnG combos, Bloodborne speed and untelegraphed attacks in order to frustrate rather than be fun. Orphan of Kos is the hardest one but it’s hard for the right reasons and is the best Souls boss by far. Fume Knight is also better than every DS3 maingame boss.
Ringed City is amazing, but The Old Hunters is still better. The level design is better, the combat system is more satisfying and it has Orphan of Kos.

old hunters is the best dlc ever made

>at least the old games especially Dark Souls and Demon's Souls didn't make the combat the main focus of the game meanwhile in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 the action is 100% the main focus
You're not thinking, you just say this shit cause you're regurgitating e-celeb opinions. The fact that Bloodborne has a superior combat system to Dark Souls doesn't mean there is nothing more to the game other than combat. It has a lot of neat quirks maybe not to the same degree as Demon's Souls but certainly far more than Dark Souls.
You can use the music box on Gascoigne, blood cocktail to distract Blood Starved Beast, break the limbs of some bosses, Witch of Hemwick and Micolash don't fit the mold as well. There is also the moon cycles and the insight events. Whereas all of the Dark Souls are nothing but combat.

>The world is un-immersive, linear and uninspired
I don't know about un-immersive, since immersion is a completely subjective thing like when talking about tastiness in regards to food, but it is indeed linear and uninspired. Most of the levels feel terrible to play through and look like shit.

Dark Souls 3 has the most amount of mandatory bad levels that you have to play through in order to beat the game.
This includes Road of Sacrifices (a place as ugly as Dark Souls 2's levels), Farron Keep (another tedious swamp level), Catacomb of Carthus (lots and lots of skeletons) and Profane Capital (the most disappointing area in the game). It doesn't help that many of these garbage levels are what the game starts you off with.

Then there are also optional areas that don't fare much better in terms of appeal, like Smouldering Lake, the copy-pasted hallways of Demon Ruins, the boring, empty, soulless darkness of Untended Graves, and the umpteenth swamps of Consumed Kings Garden.

Another major issue I had with the game is that the boss roster is garbage.
On the mandatory side you have trash like Crystal Sage, Deacons of the Deep, High Lord Wolnir, Abyss Watchers, Yhorm and Aldrich. On the non-mandatory side you have shit bosses like Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Old Demon King, Oceiros and Ancient Wyvern.

>It's too easy to roll
It indeed looks goofy because of how weightless the roll spamming can be, but it didn't hurt my experience. It hardly was the worst thing about Dark Souls 3. There are so many other things worse than "roll spamming" that I could list beyond the ones I said earlier, including the unsatisfying parry system and attacks feeling like ass.

>Lack of poise in this game
I've never cared much for poise because I never played these games with a playstyle that focused on trading hits or allowing myself to get hit. I do get hit, but I live with the consequences instead of piling up defense so much that I might as well autopilot through the game.

>demon prince was not great
>grading halflight's npc fight when it's literally designed as a pvp boss
>living failures is "average"
>judging the quality of a DLC based on the quality of its bosses
Are you dumb or just retarded?