I can't belive it, bros. I would have never thought that this is how piracy dies.

Were we too cocky, bros?

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Literally no one wants to play RE3, cope user.

stop being poor

in my region RE3 costs almost twice that of RE2, im not paying for an expensive DLC

cool, stop being poor


Shit game

I-I didn't want to play it anyway!!

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No one gives a shit about RE3. Games no one wants to play take longer to crack because its not worth the effort. This isn't rocket science.

I watched a let's player play through it instead for free on youtube, I'll pirate it eventually when it gets cracked. Why stress and waste money?

90% of good games that will ever be released have already been released. I'm good even if not a single game will be cracked anymore.

>Red Dead Redemption 2

>When it gets gets cracked


It gets better Denuvobros, with the next release we will crackdown on the offline activation blackmarket.

Imagine rallying behind asuch cancer

hey user i just took a huge shit and sell it to you for $200, you'll buy it right? you're not poor are you?

>most of the players already played it
>people with IQ over room temperature saw it for what it was. a glorified western gtav all over again, focus into mp instead of the singleplayer
>pirating a online game
you zoomers cant into simple addition.

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Cancer for pirates.

Why is the go to cope for pirate niggers allways "It's shit anyway. "?


But it has the highest demand out of all uncracked games since it released.

>it’s shit anyway
Like clockwork

Why hasn't rdr2 been cracked yet though?

>Internet goes down
Bro why I can't play my 60burgers game ?

This is just a low key complain about RE3 not getting cracked

I'm not a pirate.
I fucking hate how denuvo makes everything run like shit.
Its a shitty product that has a monopoly on its market.
Even if Denuvo didn't exist I would still not pirate the games anyways.

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Pirates will just wait it out. Denuvo is only bad for the people who buy the game

I've never played a single RE game in my life, I also have a dozen of pirated games I haven't even played yet so I don't really care

Rockstars custom DRM is too strong, and the scene wanted to first crack the new Denuvo games, but all but 1 have given up by now.

>game not cracked while still in content alpha

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