>13 years old
>Still looks better than 99% of games
How did they do it?
13 years old
looks like shit lmbo
God of War looks better
It doesn't just look better, it interacts better
See those trees?
Every single one can be cut down
Every single leaf is affected by wind, grenades, bullets, movement
Even grass bends realistically by real life physics
Crysis has yet to be surpassed
Says alot about this stagnant industry
PC is bogging down console. Perhaps one day we'll return to tradition...
Is this a legitimate in-game screenshot? It almost looks like WoW
>looks better than 99% of games
Why would you lie like that? It looks like shit.
Now show some rocks on the beach.
your face looks like shit
Show me a single modern game that looks this good
>literally looks like kingdoms of amalur a low budget single player mmo from 2012
>no ground textures
>everything is just painted on
>sharpening filter
yeah, no.
Looks like shit
Meanwhile in reality.
It's amazing what platform wars can do to people. If crysis wasn't an exclusive, no one would be pretending to be impressed by this garbage in the current year.
That looks very good for a 2007 game, though
And if you mod it, Crysis still looks better than almost everything
It's a real life picture you fucking mongoloid
Holy shit, console peasants are dumb
I might get it for my Xbox One X just to see how great it will look. I remember seeing videos of Crysis years ago and being blown away. I've never had a gaming capable PC. The only game mine can run perfectly is Quake and Wizardry 8%
Considering that this game is almost as old as some posters ITT, it does look fucking impressive. Remember than in less than a decade Crysis will unironically be considered a retro game.
Is crysis fun, as an fps?
They didn't it only looks like that from afar, but if you inspect closer, 99% of games since then are way better looking
Yes it does look good for a 2007 game. It was literally designed for computer hardware that would only become the normal years later. It's entire selling point was the great visuals, for its time.
Also, modding is not something you judge a video on. Crysis doesn't "look good" anymore. It looks good for it's time, but so does Okami and SotC.
inb4 the remaster looks worse
Actual screenshot here. It was certainly a beautiful game at the time
Because the """"""game"""""" itself is utter shit
Well, they do have to make it 'run' on the Shitch.
Yes, the first half has a great sandbox-feel to it
The included level editor is fun to mess around with, as well
There are 100s of good user-made levels out there
Somewhat. If you've gotten used to modern sandbox shooters - a lot of aspects will feel dated, but it's still a reasonably engaging experience.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and the gunplay was tight. I'll never forget Crysis Warhead in particular.
They wanted to sell game engine and didn't care about low-mid tier rigs plebs.
>Norio Wakamoto voiced the nanosuit in the JP release.
I really don't understand the point.
You could release nowadays a game with 128k textures and millions of polygons per mesh. The game won't be playable @ 60fps until 2050. Whoah. Impressive. Not. It's not rocket science. It's just poor performance because the game isn't properly designed for the hardware available.
I never understood the hype behind crysis' graphics even back in 2007. Modern warfare looked much better.
yes but like most/all crytek games, aliens show up at the halfway mark to ruin it
somehow they thought it would be more fun to kill aliens than gooks with facial expressions and funny voices
put me in the screencap
even high tier wasnt good enough
>with 128k textures and millions of polygons per mesh
>He thinks Crysis was impressive because of polygons
Also: Crysis could run at stable 60 fps, maxed out, back when it came out, you just needed an expensive PC.
what mod? (genuine question - wanna replay)