Sell a gold bar to a vendor

>Sell a gold bar to a vendor
>get 10 silver pieces

Attached: Elephant hmm.webm (1280x720, 459.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>murder an animal
>get 1 steak

It's a rare drop

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>kill bean and collect bear ass
>drops 3 bear asses

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>kill bean

What game.

>enemies take a while to notice you.

Attached: black mantis.webm (720x1006, 849.59K)

>buy a ruby for 100 gold coins
>sell it for 150 gold coins

Attached: 1558294288088.jpg (257x249, 9.15K)

It's usually the other way around.

Your character really, *really* sucks at butchering.

>enemy AI is too dumb to avoid environmental hazards

Attached: 1552883647743.webm (445x446, 1.01M)

>slay ape
>get 3 hearts

I used to play a shitty free 2d MMO with a friend, and we managed to get into an area that was still being developed. There was a vendor there that sold fish for 1g, and bought it for 5g.
Needless to say, that was the grindiest grind I've ever ground. Didn't even know about macros back then.

Capitalism, Ho!
Fable economy was broken as fuck.

>item has 0.5% chance to drop
>it drop on my first try

Attached: 1587372660250.png (341x365, 149.51K)

Whats worse is when youre playing an RTS and the pathfinding is so atrocious that units will just get stuck behind objects rather than walk around them.
Pic fucking related

Attached: RoL.jpg (455x255, 23.92K)

My autism always said that the animal was ruined in combat.

Like yeah if you butcher a cow your gonna get a shit ton of meat, but if you kill a demon cow on your adventure with swords, magic, and arrows, your gonna waste the majority of the meat on the animal.

same thing with "why doesnt every bandit drop a full perfect set of armor and weapons every time", they are just destroyed in the combat.

Kill bear*
dammit I just woke up


Attached: Maury.gif (150x150, 1.22M)

Can't get this fucking game legit anywhere. FUCK. Why does GoG have the fucking worse Rise of nations but not this?

I just ended up pirating it and getting a crack. It's better than nothing, really.

Plants vs Zombeans

They do this on purpose, and come out the bottom fine. It's a game for them.

Just in case anyone was panicking. Birds aren't retarded, just fucking weird.

I understood this reference

What a freaking cool bug.

You think transporting that shit to the capital to be minted is cheap? Get the fuck outta my store.

Plus they’re bandits. Logically a lot of their items are second hand and you wouldn’t want them

This is basically the logic i use when i DM in dnd as to why stripping every bandit naked is possible, but not worth your time.

>sell goods to vendor
>kill vendor
>good nowhere to be found

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If believing this help you sleep at night good for you

>kill bandit
>drops a legendary sword of destiny that is worth a fortune

I remember a game or 2 where you could get the vendor loot if you kill him but that would lock you out of something later on but i cant remember what it was. Maybe fallout 1 or 2

i remember it being a problem mostly in the 3rd campagin, if you babysit your units and show them where to go every few seconds they should do fine

someone post the zandatsu

>pick stuff from bush
>one herb leaf or one piece of fruit

He obviously just stole it, or stumbled upon it at some point unaware of its true value

the real weird shit is
>kill a stray dog
>drops a rare two handed battleaxe twice the size of the dog

>kill skellly enemy


>frontal bone
>parietal bone (2)
>temporal bone (2)
>occipital bone
>sphenoid bone
>ethmoid bone
>maxilla (2)
>palatine bone (2)
>zygomatic bone (2)
>nasal bone (2)
>lacrimal bone (2)
>inferior nasal conchae (2)
>malleus (2)
>incus (2)
>stapes (2)
>hyoid bone
>scapula or shoulder blade (2)
>clavicle or collarbone (2)
>sternum (1)
>ribs (2 x 12)
>cervical vertebrae (7)
>thoracic vertebrae (12)
>lumbar vertebrae (5)
>sacral vertebrae (1)
>coccygeal vertebrae (1)
>humerus (2)
>radius (2)
>ulna (2)
>hand Bones (54):
>scaphoid bone (2)
>lunate bone (2)
>triquetral bone (2)
>pisiform bone (2)
>trapezium (2)
>trapezoid bone (2)
>capitate bone (2)
>hamate bone (2)
>metacarpal bones (5 × 2)
>proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
>intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
>distal phalanges (5 × 2)
>hip bone (innominate bone or coxal bone) (2)
>femur (2)
>patella (2)
>tibia (2)
>fibula (2)
>calcaneus (heel bone) (2)
>talus (2)
>navicular bone (2)
>medial cuneiform bone (2)
>intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
>lateral cuneiform bone (2)
>cuboid bone (2)
>metatarsal bone (5 × 2)
>proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
>intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
>distal phalanges (5 × 2)

Attached: 1467246419088.jpg (900x900, 57.43K)

Name 5 games

>Spread his butt cheeks
>All goods are there

This is what happened to me when I first played WoW back when I was 12. I thought I was going to be fucking rich but then I saw what it sold for and I was sad.

OP here, i based it on WoW, yeah.
Gold bars are fucking worthless in WoW

>sell something to vendor
>costs 8 times the price I got for it if I wanted to buy it back
honestly hate games that do this. incredibly lazy way to balance an economy.

>kill skeleton
>only drops 1 bone

Attached: ngiorswnosno.jpg (135x165, 5.07K)

Again,it was in its butt

>kill a skelly
>no gold
>no soul, or other essence
Useless bonemen, they always drop trash. I think it's because they don't have pockets.

>risk life for a rare weapon
>vendors refuse to buy it

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>enemy attacks can hurt other enemies by mistake
I really wish this happened more often.

Attached: hehe hehehehe.jpg (1280x965, 407.59K)

Man, leave skeletons bros alone.
It's hard enough for us.

Rose Online

Attached: 2.jpg (300x400, 8.24K)

>get ultimate weapon from beating the final boss
>Nothing left to use it on

Attached: 1582854384792.jpg (964x1254, 428.04K)

>Spell has 98% chance to cast
>Fails twice in a row
Fucking Morrowind


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I got a bone to pick with you, buddy!

Somehow that makes me laugh but I also wonder what happened next.

The gecko said "got yer nose!" and they had a good laugh.

Well done user

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>kill bandit
>doesn't get cock(1), balls(2)

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Momma elephant stomped the croc to death
I hope

Killer Bean really needs a game.

Attached: Killer.Bean.Forever_0002.webm (656x368, 1.84M)